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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 2D T 2 Fl LOCK CONNECTING ROD I 3 I I r I Q JIl LOCK LEVER I yuck LEVER I i TQ i I In g Ilzerk II Ii r II I g Q MODELING CLAY CLlP DlSENGAGED CLIP ENGAGED STRIKER I It lMPRES5lOIN LOCK FORK BOLT Fig 2DlO D Lori Spring Clip I QI 3 16 FRONT AND REAR DOOR LOCK STRIKERS IY 3 16 Il All l k strikers cnnxsist uf a single ine tal belt Luci w Lshr r assembly Strikers are uttacheiel tri A floating cage nut lriyeuted in the body lock pillar panel The hcud 0i the striker brgnlt utilizes n hex head Allen V1 E llCl fitting for 1 ClIlilVJl and in I I gy stnllextion L1 the striker Strikers are eqiiippe Ll y J I1 with r rubber sleeve tb ict as xi cluur elmsiiig sile nm r l l 7 I I r wm ell I Fig 2Dl2 Dom Locl Sh il eL Fngmgernenl Removal und Installation Il 9 I l With zi pencil mark pesitinii uf striker Lin bmly piller I 2 Usinu a 5 lG hex head wrenrh Allen re 1 SHIMISI I HIDDEN I move striker irum lvinily 1 i ekpill ir See 2Dlll l l I Tu install pl 100 strike r within lncntinsg murks I I on piller and install striker lu I I IMPORTANT Whr never L lilmjrr has be een re i I moved and reinstalled wr realiqne d the dnnr SHOULD NOT be vlrwseel completely until A visual LOC Check is ninide t0 determine if len l fork bult will I K STRIK ER ClJl l CC tlY e ng LL e with striker O I Adgusemems X J QI I 4 1 T0 adjust striker up Lwr lL wn mr in Ol lDL1l l lwwseii striker bmlt mel shift striker as requirecl lllxg i Y ll L and tighten belt I l DIMENSIONAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR use oe M2 DOOR LOCK STRIKER SPACERS 1 Do r s shL L1l ii be privperly LliL 1ie l lie furr Fig 2Dll Fr nt Door L l Slril e r Assembly Clieekingi Lock striker spzieerr 1 l I Llll Pl 1lF llLS