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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

2D 8 DOORS 2 To determine if door lock striker spacers channel and door inner and outer panels On all are required apply modeling clay or body oaulking 23000 styles the inner strip assembly is con compound in lock where striker engages as shown structecl of an extruded rubber lip similar to the in Figure 2Dl2 outer strip assembly On all other styles the inner strip assembly is constructed of a pile fabric ma Close door to form a measurable impression in terial ln either case the inner strip is stapled clay or caulking compound as depicted in this to a metal backing and secured to the door inner illustration panel by a series of attaching clips on all styles not equipped with a hang on type door trim pad 3 The striker head should make an impression On styles equipped with a hang on trim pad the in center of clay to be properly aligned fore and inner strip assembly is attached to the top ofthe aft As shown in Figure 2D12 a distance of 3 l6 trim pad and is not normally removed for service should exist on either side of striker impression procedures The outer strip assembly is oon Although 3 16 is the preferred measurement a structed of rubber with a metal insert On styles tolerance of 1 32 is allowed on either side of equipped with a door window lower reveal molding striker engagement center area The striker as the rubber strip is stapled to the molding and the sembly is factory equipped with one spacer 5 32 molding is attached to the door outer panel by at in thickness This factory spacer and three service taching screws On styles not equipped with a door spacers are available as service parts Usage of window lower reveal molding the outer strip as these four spacers in various combinations can sembly is attached to the door outer panel by a achieve the desired fore and aft positioning of lock series of attaching clips only On all styles the strikers The minimum number of spacers re inner strip assembly remains in a stationary po quired is zero The maximum spacer width al sition during operation of door glass On the outer lowed is determined by need Spacers are available strip assembly however the inboard section of the in 5 G4 5 32 1 4 and 5 l6 thicknesses sealing lip is lifted and held in position by the door window lower sash channel or filler when door glass is raised See 2D13 FRONT AND REAR DOOR PINCHWELD F N SH NG grmpg Removal and Installation On all styles a pinchweld finishing strip is used l Lower lU Jl WillClOW and apply masking tape around door openings All strip assemblies are reinforced by a full metal insert and are retained by integral lips of the finishing strips SASH CHANNEL Removul and I st II ti n FILLER DOOR l Remove door sill plate L l BSE P l GLASS OUTER STRIP 2 On tour cloor styles remove center pillar to ATTACHING ASSEMBLY roof rail tmishing plate CLIP DOOR OUTER PANEL On two door styles except convertibles re inovel rear quarter window upper corner finishing g molding Eli I l A I 4 l On station wagon styles remove rear door DEJ upper lock pillar to roof rail finishing plate V ATTACHING CLIP 5 Beginning at either end of pinchweld finishing strip carefully pull strip from pinchweld INNER PANEL G To install reverse removal procedure SASH CHANNEL CAM FRONT AND REAR DOOR WINDOW GLASS RUN CHANNEL INNER AND OUTER STRIP ASSEMBLIES 1341 Glass run channel strip assemblies are used on all styles incorporating a dropping window and are designed to prevent cold air and water from enter Fig 2Dl3 D i Winduw Glass Rim Channel inc the body between the door window lower sash Strip Assemblies