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NOTE When using 3688771 on 1941 jobs it is necessary to use 839753 Flywheel 839756 Bolts and 3835664 Look On 1941 47 models it is necesssary to install Oil Pump Screen Cover Support w Pipe ...
Flywheel and 839756 Bolts On 1941 jobs w 103 clutch plate it is necessary to use 839753 Flywheel 839756 Bolts and 3835474 Lock On 1941 47 models it is neces sary to install Oil Pump
Core F 1 Y R 66 5318 0 533 Block 3121208 3121208 1 219 Core Y t 839753 0 666 Flywheel 3121212 3121212 1 219 Core 9 F34 839776 0 666 Flywheel
t33975 4 hos 9 holes for 42 52 ALL COMM ond UTIL exc Lg TON clutch cover 839753 1 9 08 681 50 52 PASS w PG 3835490 1 7 54 566 0 669 BOLT