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Identification Part Group ldenttiztilcutiun Pur Group Number Number Nurmber Name Number Number Number Name 5453781 5453780 4 665 Cylinder Assy 5 i5 2iZ94 5552322 7 345 Shock Abs 5453820 5453819 4 665 Cylinder Assy 5551l ...
l796 5552326 7 345 Shack Abs 5453821 5455478 4 665 Cylinder Assy 55521379 7 5552351 7 345 Shock Abs 5453822 5455479 4 665 Cylinder Assy 5554187 5552309 7 345 Shock Abs 5453825 5453866 4 665 Cylinder ...
Assy 5 62l1EE1540 5621788 3 900 Pump Assy 5453825 54538 55 4 665 Cylinder Assy 56Z 0257 5670501 6 508 Gear Assy 5453838 5454384 4 650 Cylinder Assy 5 6 Z ZEE1580
Channel 5123247 5123247 1 251 Housing 4587341 4587341 10 092 Channel 5300892 5300885 4 665 Cylinder Assy 4589389 4589389 10 694 Wentherstrip 5300915 5300915 4659 Boot 4589390 4589390 10 694 Wectherstrip 5300955 5300953 4555 Cylinder ...
Weutherstrip 5335933 5335933 7 33O Bmckgt 4589964 4589964 14 115 Weqthersirip 5450072 5451615 4 665 Cylinder Assy 4589965 4589965 14 115 Weutherstrip 5450072 5450071 4 665 Cylinder Assy 45903025 4605527 10 721 Weutherslrip ...
Bumper 5450930 5454383 4 650 Cylinder Assy 4609684 4609684 10 716 Bumper 5450990 5450988 4 665 Cylinder Assy 46112056 4612056 11 381 Bumper 5450991 5450989 4 665 Cylinder Assy 4614800 4614800 14 190 Wecitherstrip
comb 564 76 long 4255892 2 3 35 57 1037 comb 655 4260641 1 2 10 14 665 WINDLACE ASSY LACE ASSY Body Hinge Pillar and Door Opening 50 53 PASS exc CONV ...
1019D left comb 664 door opening 4260310 1 14 85 57 1019D right comb 665 door opening 4260311 1 14 85 57 1019D left comb 665 door opening 4260312 1 14 85 57 1019D right ...
YEOMAN 2 DR right comb 802 door opening 4274059 1 6 90 14 655 14 665 7 C M S aiffi REVISED NOVEMBER il 962 General Motors Corporation
SCREW I z 1 I gITIrHI T T 35RI962 BODY I I 5 SE PART OF 4 665 CYL A 5 4 666 VALVE 4 670 BOOT 4 7C BOOT ...
mmgm A A 4 PISTON N S S PART OF 4 665 IKI 6 K I 0 PISTON N S S PART OF 4 665 KIT 66 CUP 6 U7 CUP 5 I56 WASHER ...
Pump 1063708 3681494 7 380 Fitting 598313 598313 1 1119 Rotor 107418 86 5300866 4 665 Cylinder Assy 599189 599 1 89 6 025321 Support 1074899 5300867 4 665 Cylinder Assy ...
Suppcurt 107 1903 5300869 4 665 Cylinder Assy 599218 369963 6 307 Hub 1107075 1913369 2 041 Motor Assy 599397 599397 3 705 Pipe 1 107076 1 107076 2 041 Motor Assy ggg415 gggzug
rear 1 q dice cost 5450072 5450071 2 665 38 48 PASS exc FC 38 50 1 TON HD JD KD AL BL reor 1 1 die cost 107488 6 5300866 2 665
237627 A 3732009 4 872 Adapter 1431X 5307420 7 345 Shock Abs 54545250 10 5455476 4 665 Cylinder 1431Y 5307421 7 345 Shock Abs 54545222 60 12 5455477 4 665 Cylinder 1539N 3755717 3 725 Carb Repair
VVAG right comb 170 171 200 201 210 211 SDL 241 245 249 4191900 A R 14 665 50 52 PASS exc CONV B A tES Zt A 1 VAG SDL left comb ...
t011 27 1211 27 27B 1069W 1 1269 241 245 291 door opening 4191901 A R 14 665 56 1037 D 6 ZD fright comb
Metering 6257730 6257729 0 206 Housing Assy 5450649 31 5455486 4 665 Cylinder Assy 6758640 6758639 4 216 Body Assy 5450649 37 5455485 4 665 Cylinder 6759394 6759394 4 137 Piston
1019D left comb 663 4260370 1 4 15 57 1019D right comb 665 4260373 1 4 15 57 1019D left comb 665 4260374 1 4 15 57 10137D left upper comb 670 w mldg
1019D left comb 663 669 less fasteners 4260320 1 3 45 57 1019D right comb 665 less fosteners 4260323 1 3 45 57 1019D left comb 665 less fasteners 4260324 1 3 45 57 1019D
PASS WASHER 1 1 D x 1 O D x 1 thick 365685 1 05 4 665 CYLINDER ASSEMBLY COVER Wheel Brake 38 48 PA SS exc FC FD GB HB front right ...
PASS front right 1 dia cost 5450990 5450988 1 6 50 4 661 4 665 Chevrolet Motor General Motors Corporation
IMSCL Met Green Im Leather IIOI ID 19D 802 iilvei Metallic Imitation 1l9I 93 1291 93 665 Black emit Bitte cteth 11OUD ND G iMeclium Blue Im Leather I 803 lifmeflql Cl lh f S1lv
NOTE For internal parts for pt Nos 4167988 9 use Grp 10 660 10 665 lE LA l E llVAS1tI I1t SEAL Front Door Ventilator Hcwurmdle Escuntcheorn 39 48 PASS exo STA WAGL
NOTE Yardage tor models 1037 67 not serviced separately See group 14 665 or 1 4 735 61 BISCAYNE IMPALA STA WAC exc drs and qtrs comb 800 801 807 808 FLEETMASTER
1011D 19D comb 664 4260460 2 6 35 57 1011D 19D comb 665 4260461 2 6 35 57 1011D 190 comb 666 4260462 2 6 35 57 101 11 19D comb
CONV C black ancl dark blue pattern sidewall comb 665 672 686 693 4269827 A R 12 05 yd 57 BEL AIR exc CONV B black and dark turquoise pattern cushions and barcks comb
665 51 1z1N1c 115vzR RING 511101 1 11 1 PLATE CYLINDER ASSY I I I 4 4 4 675 L Q ROD 5 25 55 4 5 026 LIN 4 I 5 5 SPRING
comb 659 667 copper 4696767 1 35 10 57 1011D med blue comb 665 4696765 1 35 1 0 57 101lD med turquoise comb 666 4696766 l 35 10 57 lO19D med blue comb
roar 53 UTILITY 63 Ser 10 front 1 5455299 4 50 Silffit Mm 76Q 4 665 4 667 G lM r C r r ti REVISED NOVEMBER
comb 663 4260586 1 51 45 57 101910 comb 664 4260587 1 51 45 57 1019D comb 665 4260588 1 51 45 57 1019D comb 667 4260590 1 51 45 57 1219 comb
1019D 62DF comb 663 684 4260528 1 54 80 57 1019D 62DF comb 665 686 4260530 1 54 80 57 1019D 62DF comb 667 688 4260532 1 54 80 57 1219 comb
comb 665 672 686 4260443 2 14 686 57 EFI AIR 4 DR 1e11 or right comb 666 673 687 4260445 2 14 686 57 BEL AIR 4 DR Ieft or right comb
1019D left comb 664 w mldg 4260428 1 27 25 1 57 1019D right comb 665 w mldg 4260429 1 27 25 57 1019D right comb 666 w mldq 4260431 1 27 25 57 1019D
comb 664 671 678 685 692 4260441 2 8 25 57 BEL AIR left or right comb 665 672 679 686 693 4260443 2 8 25 57 BEL AIR left or right frt rr comb
1019D 62DF left comb 664 685 w mldg 4260414 1 37 60 57 1019D 62DF right Comb 665 686 w mldg 4260415 1 37 60 57 1019D 62DF right comb 667 688 w mldg
gjygg Weatherstrip Rear door window 10 774 1 Windlace assy Body hinge pillctzr 14 665 Wrench Spark plug
left comb 503 4214238 1 32 55 14 665 14 685 7 C Mm REVISED NOVEMBER I 1962 General Motors Corporation
BISCAYNE door operizlng comb 15323 826 green 4387054 1 6 95 8 3 fii Mm l7 14 665 General Pdotors Corporation REVISED NOVEMBER
right comb 863 867 door opening 4297416 1 8 55 8 3Zl i Mm Division 1 14 665 G 1 M C P i Revise r 1ovr2MBER
1019D comb 664 3740152 1 25 70 57 1019D comb 665 3740153 1 25 70 57 1019D comb 666 3740154 1 25 70 57 1019D comb 667 3740155 1 25 70 57 1019D comb
zswamssa MW 18 X 2 300 1 1 44 6 104 665
1011D left comb 663 w mldg 4260398 1 40 65 57 10llD left comb 665 w m 1 r1g 4260402 1 40 65 57 1011D left comb 667 w m1dg
Recxr license lamp mldg ret 2 704 Wrxsher Trans turbine thrust 4 115 vewtilcxlcr l0 684 10 665 10 870 18 176 3 Washer Rear spring 7 516 Wtlsher Trans universal joint 4 404 Washer
Plate Rear fender letter 12 11BC Plate assy Quarter window Plate Fmm door ventilator 10 665 16 178 Plate Rem quarter window 11 040 requlcwr secior 11 041 Plate Front fender name nd series
shag 5 4gg Light Instrument panel compt 10 275 Lace assy Body lock pillar finishing 14 665 Lever Folding Op 14 483 Lighter Cigarette 9 709 Lump Cigarette lighter 9 709 Lever pom Wheel drive
Insulator Exhaust Pipe support 4 N 3 615 KT Bmke wheel cyl f6P 1 4 665 Housing Pitman Shah W bushing SJS5 Insulator Fun mnt hsg flange 9 216 Kxt Cub conversion 16 000 Housing
Cylinder assy Vacuum shift 5 635 lmnd Wheel r ii4 grygg E Cylinder assy Wheel brake 4 665 Disc Vacuum pwr brk cyl pist 01 1 4 924 Eccentric Transmission reverse Cylinder head
7v629 Cup Vacuum power brake cylinder mz Lower end gate finishing 12 195 Cevey Wheel brqkg 4 665 relay valve 4 995 i 1 111 Y11 d9Y 4 663 Cover Wheelhouse access hole
Crankshaft harmonic 0 659 Tube Evaporator blower 9 215 I Arm Steering gear hyd purnp icller 6 665 Ball Air cond comp piston drive 9 172 Tube Evaporator core housing 9 211 Arm Steering knuckle
VVVVV left front V VVVVV V V V V V V V VV V 4785313 1 665 59 60 SDL VVVV V VVVVVVVV V V V V VV right rear VV VVV VVVVV
body Carter 121 340 w 3744081 4082 62 63 CORVETTE exc H Per Sp H Per 3756677 665 78 3779179 9180 3788245 8246 3781330 1 35 60 61 PASS CORVETTE w Carter 4lBC 283 body
PASS CLIP left side tciil mind stop ground 3731103 2 15 2 665 SUPPORT Tail Lamnp Bracket 38 53 1 TON UTIL exc D D SGL UNIT 1 widaan