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type identified by muffler located at compressor I4 l965 lst type use with suction throttle valve 5910492 or 5910545 l5 1965 1st type use wim suction throttle valve 5910530 or 5910544 15 1955 2nd type
SUPPORT valve 1 1965 lst type use with motion throttle valve 5910492 or 5910546 2 1965 let type uae with suction throttle valve 5610630 or 5910644 3 1965 2nd typ u with auctlon lhrottla valve
metal plate on case reads EEA 24A 69 3 1965 1st type use with suction throttle valve 5910492 or 5910545 Q4 1965 lst type use with suction throttle valve
order to obtain 140 minimum opening 5 This valve used to replace production valve 5910492 which is stamped 0492 6 This valve used to replace production valve 5910530 which is stamped