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mldg 4274850 1 16 10 966 58 CONV right comb 807 w mldg 4274999 1 9 20 552 58 CONV left comb 807 w mldg 4275000 1 9 20 552 58 CONV right comb ...
mlclg 4275001 1 9 20 552 58 CONV left comb 817 w mldg 4275002 1 9 20 552 58 CONV right comb 823 w mldg 4285742 1 9 20 552 58 CONV left comb ...
mldg 4285743 1 9 20 552 58 CONV right comb 827 w mldg 4275005 1 9 20 552 58 CONV left comb 827 w mldg 4275006 1 9 20 552 58 CONV right comb
51N1 1 P 5 3 Q 1949 54 DOOR LOCK MECHANISM 1 O 552 WASHER IO 554 mm 10551 11111 11111111 1 10527 HANDLE 10550 KEY imp TYPE 2ND TYPE ...
552 10 552 10 554 10 552 10 550 10 552 K RING WASHER SHAFT SLEEVE CYLINDER CAP 3 IST TYPE 1gT TYPE UNIT
COMM w 3 SPD exc 1 TON universal type molded 3695053 3695053 1 9 20 552 48 49 ALL w 4 SPD exc COE FFC molded ...
COMM CAB 1st Ser exc 4 SPD blue molded 3712345 3712345 1 9 20 552 54 55 COMM CAB lst Ser exc 4 SPD brown molded 3712347 3712347 1 9 20 552 54 55 COMM ...
blue molded 3712339 3712339 1 9 20 552 54 55 COMM CAB w 4 SPD lst Ser green molded 37112337 3712337 1 9 20 552 55 58 SUB CARRYALL 2nd Ser black under posseznger sent
1011D C drs qtrs lower black comb 663 668 669 Z 4270568 A R 9 20 yd 552 57 1011D C drs qtrs lower dark green comb 664 4270569 A R 9 20 yd 552 ...
101lD C drs qtrs lower dark blue comb 665 4270570 A R 9 20 yd 552 57 1011D C drs qtrs lower dark turquoise comb 666 4270571 A R 9 20 yd 552 57 1011D ...
qtrs lower copper comb 667 4270572 I LR 9 20 yd 552 57 1011D 19D 62DF B B1 cushions 61 backs seat bolsters black comb
comb 663 668 669 684 689 690 40 wide 4269980 A R 9 20 yd 552 57 1019D 62DF C fri rr drs lower block comb 663 668 669 684 689 690 54 wide ...
ower dork green comlb 664 685 41 0 wide 4269981 A R 9 20 yd 552 57 1019D 62DF C rt 61 rr d rs lower dork green comlo 664 685 54 wide ...
lower dork blue comb 665 686 40 wide 4269982 A R 9 20 yd 552 57 1019D 62DF C rt rr drs lower dork blue ccomb 665 686 54 wzidle
11wA 50w 7 1211 69W India Ivory 25357337 Biscayne Blue 28157600 Biscayne Blue 646 Argent Silver 2894202 l 552 4w4E24L55W5 040040 4 v04i0 200000 25352332 45300200 05444000 12304045 2555 04340000 00500 5450 04300000 00 0000000 200 0000 558 1011W ...
1011WA Bermuda Green 28157601 Fiesta Cream M 25357604 Fiesta Cream 650 Onyx Black 253226 552 25454402 520420 5544444 00043000 23552554 F4 005r000r 00000022 50 1 50405400 40054000 04 5540 41000000 0000 00 553 45454444 3242M5 0 0040040 42000000 00 32 5w40s5000 ...
50w 44400005 00000 25352504 2 4 4000i 00000 5344 55 P00040 2000 552 45000000 0 0o00 Fm 565 1262F Moror co7 ed 25357750 Sho 2l u e B 7ge 2535 02 Shoreline Beige 647 Onyx 7Blacl2 25332247 566 1262F
door vent support 16 176 Reveal mldg Side window l7 l36 Ring Strg gear hyd valve 6 552 l Rivet Grille conn and grille Reveal mldg W shield l0 093 16 04 ll l Ring ...
hqndlig push button Ring Trans oil seal l l2 shoe thrust 4 675 and lock cylinder 10 552 Ring Trans overdrive snap l 4 Q 7 l tod Carburetor choke 3 752 Ring Dry battery ...
lRin g Trans sun gear flange r at l 1 Ei2 push button and lock 10 552 REVISED JULY l l958
valve and adapter lock nut wire dia 041 5683112 1 05 5 15 6 552 SPRING RING WASHEH BUSHING RETAINER Steering Gear Hydraulic Valve 53 PASS w P S 5 c0ils l tree length ...
WASHER spring thrust I D x O D 5685457 1 10 30 10 18 6 53 6 552 646 nrvnssu MARCH
CONV BEL AIR 4562415 2 8 40 504 49 52 1 062 stationary 4566725 2 9 20 552 53 1011 1211 54 1011 1211W ...
CONV 4599953 2 8 40 504 53 54 SPT CPE 4600839 2 9 20 552 53 54 10621 1262F stationary 4602745 2 16 80 1008 53 54 1062 62D sliding
Unison Seat 1stSer driver gray and maroon 3700907 1 9 20 552 54 55 ALL w Unison Seat lst Ser passenger brown w o vrelt ...
auxiliary beige and black 3811806 1 9 20 552 55 SUB 2nd Ser rear beige and black 3811802 1 19 80 1188 55 PANEL 2nd Ser driver and auxiliary beige and blaclr
GLASS Front Door 39 40 ALL safety 15 x 262 max dim 598754 2 9 20 552 41 46 ALL safety 14 x 25 max dim 3657494 2 8 65 519 47 50 ALL safety ...
tinted 18 x 181 max dim 3712203 2 9 20 552 55 58 ALL 2nd Ser safety 18 x 181 max dim 3712202 2 8 15 489 16 181 FRAME Door Window Glass Upper
MOULDING UNIT right lower front 59 long 3759586 1 9 20 552 53 54 101lWD 37D 67D MOULDING UNIT left lower front 59 long 3759585 1 9 20 552 53 54 1062D 69WD MOULDING UNIT
Nomad 324 Be W Imitction 546 Grey and Coral Leather Nomad I th 1062 D 62 F 552 Grey and Ivory Leather Nomad 322 Masocon 12fBeige Imitation 252 F Leathe 1 303 Grey IrniIation Leather
Silver 2894202 Ice Green 554 I 395 I 1949 Texas Ivory 25352626 Mayland Black 2532122 Texas Ivory 552 P 423 1 1950 Mayland Black 2532122 Argent Silver 2894202 Black 505 I 424 I 1950 Oxford
right 3700320 1 30 118 52 58 ALL CAP push buttouu 7003044 2 10 552 16 385 PAWL SPACER Door Lock Outside Handle 37 42 ALL x QQ 1 ISAQ llzuig
UNIT exc CAN EXP 47 53 PANEL SUB w DOORS rear 1394712 1 10 552 42 46 ALL SHAFT side 46 SUB w END GATE 47 49 PANEL 50 53 PANEL SUB w DOORS rear
bolzsters and facings comb 256 259 350 365 366 55 1064 F door wincllace comb 545 552 55 1067 Bl E back holsters dud top boot comb 265 268 269 361El ivory 50 wide
1062FC comb 661 4251347 1 29 75 1785 57 1062FC comb 552 4261348 1 29 75 1785 58 DELRAY comb 800 4274G39 1 37 15 2229 58 DELRAY comb
lift 4697698 1 14 25 855 56 58 CORVETTE hydraulic lift assy 3716265 2 9 20 552 56 58 CORVETTE comp lid hyd lift assy 3716261 2 2 90 174 56 58 CORVETTE pump
CGRV left 3735231 1 4 30 26 reavnzsso mcnvzmszm 1 wsa 911 552
IMPALA NUT front door outer handle to lock 4688190 2 10 5631 10 552 SLEEVE CAP WASHER RING ROD SUPPORT Door Outside Handle Push Button and Lock Cylinder 49 PASS front doors
PH1N Z1 1 2 6 A R SWITCH g 4 5 w v 5 sw 4 5 552
PASS w dualexh exc STA WAG SDL tank unit 5640284 1 9 20 552 58 STA WAG SDL tank unit 5640057 1 11 55 693 58 Ser 6 CAB 8 cyl 2nd design tank unit
Unison Seat 1 tSer driver lbrawin w 0 welt 3811567 1 9 20 552 Rrvrsro Novrmsrn
PASS CORV w 4BC 56 57 PASS CORV w dual 4BC f373OES9 9 flex Carter 61 552 7008801 1 17 10 56 58 PASS CORV w dual 4BC Carter
bolt 8 016 l Housing assy W S wiper motor lCl l 50 l uSl 1iHq 6 552 H00d Sidi 11 1m9 Pl l9 8 039 Housing Carb choke thezrm conll
None 551 Conv y y y jester Crgttyyy 357604 Fiesta Cream 650 Nt rem577 MA 552 cen22 24F y y gf urqy0egee y yy 25557605 7 r0re ee 5052 nerT 7 772 553 Conv Pueblo
Washer Windshield 8 798 I Wheel carrier clamp 7 629 Washer Strg gear hyd valve 6 552 I Water deflector Fldg top 13 352 I Wheel carrier clamp pin 7 632 Washer Strg idler lever
Steering Gear Pressure 53 PASS w P S 21 O L w grommelt 5680087 1 9 20 552 n mzvrsro 1z1r 1uARv
forged 37121181 3721181 1 2 75 165 I REVISED Mmzcu 1 1959 647 6 552
11sv1 12 r 10v Ms121z 1 1958 919 65 1 552
seaee 2 De eF F1 DeL jj 311 1 9 1 C 1 001207 1 552 see1epe 2 De eF F1 Spec
PASS w Carter 4BC 348 use vv 3744OBl 82 Ccl1l 21 l 3E5N 37557lB l HJC 552 58 PASS w Roch 4BC 348 use w 701 l 103 70l5828
Door handle push roof rail 14 110 14 180 14 340 Button Horn 2 817 button 10 552 16 370 Bushing Fldg top No 1 Button Starter pedal 2 012 Cap Engine mounting
Rear compt 9 S 17 2 02 Stud Quarter window 11 040 push button and lock 10 552 Support Rom dom glass Clmttnel I 10 759 Stud Quarter window hinge pivot 11 057 l Support
spring 2 694 I Strip W shield glass rubber 10 092 Strg gear valve centering spring 6 552 Stop lamp switch 2 447 Strut Clutch release lever 0 875 Strg gear vent
Spring Windshield wrper motor Strg column grornmet 6 758 Spring Strg gea r hyd valve 6 552 toggle 10 150 1 Strg connecting rod and parts 6 870 Spring Strg gear jacket seal
Brake Booster 2nd Ser center plate Bendix 374 552 2223596 I 30 18 58 PASS w P B end plate Morciine 5454959 1 70 39 I REVISED MARCH
J135 55 BEL AIR exc lO62DF dark gray comb 531 53133 546 549 552 4660454 1 51 18 55 lO37D 64 67 red comb
gear Retainer Door hinge anchor 10 450 Retainer Horn button 2 816 2 820 hydraulic valve 6 552 Retainer Door inside locking t Retainer Hub bearing 5 858 Retainer Strg knuckle control 10 556 Retainer
CONV 2nd type pump to cyl w Y 21 tee 110 long 4664979 2 9 20 552 57 58 CONV hyd pump to bottrimi ol lift 4709672 1 10 20 612 REVISED NOVEMBER
Door hdle push Lever Air flow 9 786 I ic ense lamp door 2 706 button 10 552 Lever assy Air conditioning Liceense lamp lens gasket 2 707 Lock Differential bearing
Lecrfher llzrll Cream Imitation Leather IOIQIZ Bt t tmtt tt0 t th Y 602 Charcoal Ivory iriiitotioii 552 gt j wt r vLtm hLe t e J 1263F Leather Conv
PASS CORV w 4 SPD WASHER th 3 I I l l I 59 1 9 20 552 rust 1 K I D x 2 O D 3743460 1 1 75 105 tNOTE Used only
Ohyx 1215011 2 2157 610 Conv Glacier Blue 28157921 Skyline Blue 25358001 Skyline Blue 680 None 552 10110541 90 370 670 Hdialvory 2 58458 Regairiirqiioise 28157955 Regaituiquoise 075 None 613 1011 11 11B 19 Shoreline Beige