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glass is properly c c211tc1 ecl in opening and positioned on lower 2 Cement two rubber spacers 4421823 or spacers Use mpcprevicuslyapplied0uwindshie ld equivalent to upper windshield flange amd two pillars to properly align glass ...
rubber spacers 4421823 ur equivalent to wind shield pillars View J Fig 5C5 Cement two ll Press glass firmly to set caulking1u 1tc 1 i l rubber spacers 4871330 or equivalent tu lower User caution ...
avoid excessive squeeze out uf windshield opening View A Fig 5 I5 Cement mutsriul three rubber spacers 4421823 01 equivalent tm lower windshield flange View B Fig BC5 l2 Inspect installation fur proper seal between
reveal molding retaining clips for II dam tge replace if necessary H 2 Cement three rubber spacers 4421823 or 3 B 7 Ai MATERIAL equivalent to upper windshield flange and two r 3 MM rubber ...
spacers 4421823 or equivalent to wind shield pillars at rabbet View B Fig ICB IIN Cement three rubber spacers 4459429 or equiva lent to lower windshield flange View B Fig 1C8 Cement three rubber spacers
retained in the back body opening by a synthetic self curing rubber ad 1 Spacer Part No 4421823 or equivalent hesive caulking compound that adheres to both the 48 X g X 1 0 flat
caulking material from pinch 5 flat spacers 18 x 62 x 1 0 Part Nw 4421823 weld flange around back window npening lt is nut t0 pinchweld flange with black weatherstrip ad necessary that
NOTE lt is not necessary to clean off all old 6 Cement three rubber spacers 4421823 or caulking material completely from body opening equivalent to the lower windshield flange 4 in however there should
REAR END li 1 BACK WINDOW BACK W NDOw RE EN 0N 1 Spacer Part N0 4421823 or equivalent 18 X ALL STYLES 62 X 1 0 flat 2 Spacer Part N0 4410043 or equivalent
flat spacers 18 x 63 x 1 0 Part No 4421823 clean up after installation and to give a clean edge or equivalent to pinchweld flange at top approxi to adhesive material mately fifteen inches
surface of glass to enable lifting of glass into part N0 4421823 or equivalent to pinchweid flange evening after applicatien Of exdlwsive cnulkirm at top approximately fifteen inches each side of 70ml 0 l center
repainted L GHTLy f Rubber glass spacers see procedure for amount and usage 1 Spacer Part No 4421823 or equivalent 18 x 62 x 1 0 flat Fig 5FI Disengqging Feveal Moldinu From Clip