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SPRING RETAINER SEAT Transmission Front Servo u 5 655 All vv T H 400 8623489 V51 front servo piston V V V V V V V V V V 1 G5 66 Pass ...
tlrru 30 vv T HV 400 138 69 Pass vv TVH 400 327 exc Police 69 Corvette vv T HV H Per 427 exc 4 BC 8623674 tront accumulator piston ...
Pass tv T H 67 Pass tv TH 427 58 69 Peirce vvr T H 400 327 68 69 iisr 10 tlrrtz 30 vv T H 400 exc 396 8623676 1 28 front accumulator piston
WIRE ASSY cont switch 1 68 Pass w T H 307 69 Pass T H 400 w 2BC 327 350396 6295198 3 85 WIRE ASSY control switch 1 67 68 Ser 10 thru ...
WIRE ASSY control switch 1 69 Ser 10 thru 30 w T H 400 3952261 4 95 WIRE ASSY control switch 1 69 Pass TH 400 w 4BC 6297615 2 95 WIRE ASSY control switch ...
ASSY Transmission Throttle Control Electric 65 68 All w T H exc 307 69 Pass T H 400 w 4BC 350 427 69 Ser 10 thru 30 w T H 400
Pass 1427 11st r10s1gr1 10x1 H Par Sp H Pm C A C T H 400 HD Rgrl 30181311 8 85 80 vv c 011 1TO1 1l l 1lC1G1 l1 l0 3018018 1 69 Pass ...
101tzr 1 69 Pass yy C A C H D Racl 1T H 400 yy 396 427 30181013 5 132 20 vv 011 czucllar 1 69 Pass ...
lcxc T H 400 30115303 6 125 30 vv 0 011 0001121 1 69 Pass yl T H 35016 y1 11 x1 C A C H D C00l111 1l 69 Pass WYPG 16 cyl 10x1
WASHER planet pinion rear thrust Note 6 6 65 69 All Corvette w T H 400 8625356 WASHER reaction and output shaft to case front thrust Note 6 65 Pass ...
WASHER reaction carrier to output carrier thrust Note 6 1 65 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8625401 1 99 WASHER output shaft to case rear thrust 074 078 thkl Note ...
400 8625405 1 99 WASHER output shaft to case rr thrust 110 114 thl 2 notch tah side 0 D 65 69 All w TH 400 8625406 1 99 WASHER output shaft to ease
cliraul cl 1t l 1 69 All w T H 400 86251514 9 00 PIESTON ASSY r1irr r ii clutch 1 69 Pass w T H 400 Sp H Pai 1427 69 Corvette ...
400 S1 H Per H D 427 8526544 16 75 P S1 l l ASSY rliraut tgltitcll 1 All All 7002117 05 Bl1 l l iirczsssiiree relvaf valvu ...
SEEA1 L l lIT pisattm limiur ami mite zr wal 1 165 69 VVlW 1l 400 8623917 2 56 SEAL l ll llT foiwarcl 0r 1i1 1 t rl piston
thr11 30 vv T H 400 1e 350 396 69 Ser 10111111 301L P gas vv1 T H 400 18 1 yl lexr 4 WD 3952108 15 actuator 1 65 67 Pass ...
Pass 1T H 400 vv1Sp HxP1zr 1427 39091530 45 BFI MDKIET 1 66 Ser 20 lT H vv 283 3881229 1 95 BFI 1CZK ET 1 66 67 Ser 10 111Ftl ...
Pass VV A1 i 1 400 1350 l1 ZZHC1 69 Pass vv T H 400 1427 exe Sp H P01 69 Ser 10 111ll 30 vv 1T H 400 1350 396 3924410 25 BFTJACZKEET
Pass w T l l 66 69 Ser 10 thru 30 w T H 400 67 69 Pass w T11 400 327 396 13624256 51 SiPRI1 llGl rear accumulator ...
Pass Corvette w TH 400 427 V 13624391 50 SiPF1l l llG rear accumulator V 1 50 61 All Corvette w PVGV V 274560 10 RING ...
RETAINER Trrarrresmiisesion Rear Servo 65 68 All w TVHV 400 18623664 31 rear servo piston spring V V 1 4 248 PIPE SCREEN ASSY Transmission llill 65 69 All w TH 400 13623157 82 governor
PUMP ASSY SCREEN ASSY COVER ASSY Transmission Oil 65 69 All w T H 400 8625954 1 69 Pass w T H 350 exc 350 3947097 72 75 1 69 Pass ...
Blazer with 350 3850849 35 front oil pump priming 1 65 69 All w T H 400 8623978 72 GASKET front oil pump to case 1 69 All Blazer ...
BUSHING conv stator shaft 4 161 1 4 65 69 All w T H 400 8623940 1 12 BUSHING oil pump lsocly 1 69 Pass w T H 350 6261022 35 BUSHING transmission stator
throttle valve control shaft 1 4 279 LEVER ASSY Transmission detent 65 69 Pass w T H 400 66 69 Ser 10 20 w T H 400 6624336 1 74 parking arerke and range selector ...
rjyl 69 Ser 30 w TH 400 exc 396 Diesel 8624264 2 30 inside ii l BI I1I w pin 1 69 All Blazer w T H 350 6261186 25 detefrt valve actuator ...
spring manual detent I 68 69 All w T H 400 8625773 1 07 w s rrrng manual detent I 4 294 ACTUATOR AJSISBY PA VL SHAFT ISIEIIIL Transmission Parking Brake
Corvette w PG 427 3890539 15 55 1 67 69 Pass w l H 400 427 8625622 16 70 w out stop pin 1 68 Corvette ...
Pass w PG 350 4BC 3905414 15 60 1 69 Corvette vv T H 400 350 69 Corvette w T I I 400 427 exc 4 BC 8624099 complete 1 69 All Blazer ...
Pass Corvette with 400 SP H Per H D 427 8626364 16 70 complete 1 62 Pass
Blazer vv T H 350 6261480 1 95 VALVE ASSY manual 1 69 Pass vv T H 400 427 8626331 60 05 VALVE ASSY control 1 69 Pass Corvette vv T H 400 ...
Corvette vv T H 400 H Per 427 exc 4BC 8626311 69 10 VALVE ASSY control 1 69 Pass Corvette vv T H 400 Sp H Per HD 427 8626367 64 85 VALVE ASSY control ...
control valve body detent 2 65 69 All vv T H 400 8623078 08 PIN valve 23 spring retention 4226 1 67 69 All 8625544 21 PIN valve Jody plug retainer 1 69 All Blazer
Pass vvU T H 66 Ser 20 vvrT H 67 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8624772 15 25 1 69 Pass vv PG ext Taxi Police 350 3946732 11 20 input ...
Corvette vv P ri 8529636 11 75 0 500 1 69 Pass 6 cyl oxo I H 400 3945470 50 BRACKET cooler pipe I 65 69 Pass vv A T 6 cyl 3858836 60 CLAIVIP ...
outlet pipe assy AR 65 6l Pass vv T H 67 68 All Corvette vv T H 400 69 All vv TH 400 386297 29 CONNECTOR cooler inlet and outlet pipe assy to trans
forward clutch 1 65 69 All w T H 400 8625718 10 95 HUB direct clutch 1 68 69 All w T H 400 8625717 10 70 HUB forward clutch 1 59 61 Pass ...
RETAINER forward or direct clutch piston release spring 1 65 69 All w T H 400 8623146 87 RETAINER intermediate clutch spring 1 69 All Blazer w T H 350 6261041 15 RETAINER lower ...
RING snap reverse clutch pack 71 dia 1 65 69 All w T H 400 8623105 17 RING forward or direct clutch piston release spring retaining snap
400 427 exc Sp H Per 7036570 vv 7029200 1 69 MBC tv H Per 427 exc T H 400 70365 71 vv 7029215 1 CORVETTE ...
400 350 exc H Per 7036562 vv 7029202 1 69 vt 4BC 350 exc T H 400 H Per 7036563 13 85 w 7029203 1 69 MBC vv H Przr ...
400 7036571 vv 7029215 1 69 MBC vv H Par vv T H 400 427 7036572 vv 7029204 1 TRUCK 38 56 Comht Util
ttyl ext HD A CL 6424423 35 90 vv Silencer 1 69 427 exe T H 400 H Per Sp H Per HD 6484591 25 55 vv Silencer 1 69 vv T H 400 ...
Silencer 1 69 vv H Per 427 ext T H 400 S S 6484593 25 95 vv silencer 1 69 T H 400 vv H Per 427 exc S S 6484594 38 95 vv stlentzer ...
400 6484595 34 35 vv stlentzer 1 69 T H 400 vv H Per 427 S 8 42 7 6484596 50 45 vv Silencer
thru 30 283 65 69 Ser 10 20 vv A T 8cyl exc T H 400 68 69 Corvette exc 427 TH 68 69 G 10 20 vv H D starter ...
Pass vv HD clutch 6 cyl 66 68 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 6 cyl 68 69 Police 6 cyl 69 Ser 30 vv T H 400 ...
Corvette 427 68 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vvuT H 400 3961 exc 4 WD 3864972 19 l3R Al Z EE 1 65 67 Corvette vv Sp H Per 396 427 1 67 69 Corvette
Pass 13530 Tmxr T H 400 3947534 3 25 T1 IOL TT lTT1 G ASSY T 69 Przsa 1396 427 69 Rxrss xm T11 400 1550 3950234 3 25 TT 1Gl TTI 3 ASSY ...
PASS vw T H 68 Pass um Taxi 69 Russ 1 Tzixr T H 400 69 R regs w T H 400 T 427 3855908 58 support T ELi r1 ir m T 65 Flisss ...
SPATZZEE R rmmrwtimg T 69 Cprvmtre vv sirlc m0i 1r1t c1 n T1 cm TH 400 3949179 50 SF A ZZER iiicnuritrugg 1 69 Sear
from support V 1 69 Sor 30 vv 157 B oxo D D T H 400 396 3902696 5 75 beaatirtg support stamped JV 1 69 Sor 30 D D 133 V B vw11 ...
axle T H 400 3897844 23 50 from l GTll support stamped HC 1 69 Sor 20 133 B vv 4 Sptl ...
400 396 lmstttlrtg su port 69 Ser 30 D D 125 V B 3952160 295 rt nearing support V 1 69 Sor 20 133 V B 396 T HV 400
axle 13941709 8 05 1731 g 0 l 1 69 Ser 10 vy T H 400 396 69 Ssr 20 30 vv 133 W B exc 11 000 ll axle ...
400 396 69 Blazer 3941710 7 80 731 g 0 L 1 69 Ser 30 vv 11 000 ll axle ...
400 396 exc D D 4 D1 3 34l5l9 2 70 155 H lrmgl 1 68 69 Ser 20 30 133 W B vv T H 400 395 luxe
Blazer 69 Ser 30 vv T H 400 396 exc B S CS C C Custom bench 3948427 17 05 floor and toe panel black 1 69 4 VD Blazer 69 Ser 10 thru ...
Custom bench 4 D 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 396 3960417 17 05 floor and toe panel saddle 1 69 4 VD 69 Ser 10 thru ...
thru 30 vv T H 400 396 3948431 17 05 floor and toe panel blue 1 69 4 r WD 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv 4 Spd 69 Ser 10 thru
torque Exchange Item Note 1 I 65 69 Pass w T H 400 396 Sp H Per 427 69 Corvette w T H 400 427 exc Sp H Per H D 8623990 58 75 torque ...
Exchange Item Note 1 1 66 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 67 69 Pass vv T H 400 307 327 69 Corvette w T H 400 350 8623964 58 75 torque ...
torque 1 69 Pass Corvette w T H 400 Sp H Per H D 427 8625975 torque complete Exchange Item Note 1 1 NOTE 1 List price shown does not include exchange charge Refer
solenoid 1 68 Pass 6 cyl 3941077 80 carb idle control solenoid 1 69 Corvette T H 400 vv HD 427 69 Pass Tl I 400 vv Sp H Per 427 3967426 carb idle cont ...
Corvette Sp H Per vv T H 400 427 3940916 3 95 BRACKET ASSY carb idle cont solenoid 1 69 G 10 20 Ser 10 thru 30 vv A T 307 3959420 90 BRACKET ASSY ...
Corvette C A C vv I I Per vv 4BC 350 427 69 Pass T H 400 vv Sp H Per 427 69 Corvette T H 400
Cond 3909819 T H 400 3849258 Acc Air Cond w 396 3871258 C A C exc T I I 400 vv T H 400 3946019 3946065 w Sp w TH 400 W T H 400
Pass 307 exc P G 1 69 Pass 13271 69 Pass WIT H 400 69 Pass AT vv 21 BC 350 exc TH 400 69 S1 er 10 111ru ...
Star 20 1111 3277 ext D D A 1 1 69 Pass vxr T H 400 396 IEI 167023 4 04 aut0 and I reeaI 12r vv 1111298 1950 1 68 69 Pass ...
atlvrmse lwrealmr vv 1110442 0468 1 69 Sor 101292 exc P G TH 400 69 Sor 20 30 vv A I F1 292 exc A T 1 1970854 5 80 num arwl I re2a1
seal and screen 1 67 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8625428 1 74 oil filter inlet Note 1 I 67 69 All Corvette vv TH 400 8625769 31 BOLT shoulder Note ...
FILTER ASSY vv pipe oil pump 1 67 69 All Corvette vv T I 400 2nd design 6437741 5 35 FILTER ASSY less pipe oil pump Note 2 1 NOTE 2 Use with 2nd design ...
GASKET sereen 1 67 69 All Corvette vv T I l 400 6437746 35 GROMNIET oil pump filter assy Note 1 1 62 Pass Corvette vv PG 327 63 69 All Corvette
BUSHING UNIT hydraulic mod hooster 1 65 69 All Vv TH 400 8624482 21 PIN cont valve 1 and 2 mod l1LlSl1Il1Q 4 265 2 65 69 All vv T l l 400 ...
PLUG pressure regulator bore ll A6 OD 1 65 69 All VV T l l 400 8623368 09 SPACER UNIT press regulator spring AR 65 66 All 67 68 Pass ...
SPRING front oil pump pressure regulator valve 1 67 69 All vv T l l 400 68 Police 327 8625648 1 18 SPRING front oil pump pressure regulator valve Note 11 1 NOTE
EI9471Gl10 29 65 fr0nt Z1ana 2 3 5941X 1 68 69 Corvette vv T H 400 1 EI93062 7 25 50 YOKIEQ ASSY U joint sleeve fmnt 1 68 Pass ...
Pass vv T H 1327 2nd design 69 Capnce Sta V ag vv T H 400 1EE11930 77B 9 70 YOKE ASSY l r0nt U j0int Note 4 1 NOTE 4 I ith damper ...
Caprice 68 Pass vv T H 327 1st cesign exc Caprice 69 Pass vv TH 400 8 cyl exc Caprice 35930786 8 50 YOKEE ASSY U jcint 1N0te 5 1 NOTE 5 Less damper
Pass W P S Sp H Per 427 exc H D Rad 69 Pass vv T H 400 Sp H Per 396 427 exc CAC H D Rad 3018015 97 85 vv oil cooler ...
Pass vv Sp H Per 427 1st design exc H D Rad T H 400 69 Pass vv C A C H D Rad 8 cyl exc T H P G 396 427 69 Pass ...
design exc H Por Sp H Per CAC TH 400 HD Rad 3018016 88 00 vv o oil cooler Ident No 3018016 1 69 Pass yy Sp H Per 427 2nd design
design exc Caprice E 6751 5 4 7gO154O15r31 1 1 I Less damper 68759 Cortterre wrt ri 400 F 2614616 rzvir ...
Pass yy T l l 350 39 Pass exc T l l 400 Police 327 350 2 BC 69 P0 ce Taxi 39514776 1 1 111 Length 611 centerline to centerline et hrgs use vv strap ...
retained rear trtinnien P19 Pass T H 400 yy l l D SIISD exc 327 350 2BC 69 police TH 400 vv I l D 511sp 8 cyl 39502611 11 1 111 Length 60178 centerline
Press vp P G 6 cyl 1 7 C 3l5 400 17 50 vv 70280 l M1 1 68 Sur 10 thru ...
OJ3l555 1 rv 702912 7 29 1 69 Pass Tmrwh 4BC vv T H 400 427 exc Sp H Pwr 70 315556 vv 7029200 1 69 Cprvctlra Roch ...
400 vv 7025921 5 69 Pass v F1 lr 4BC 1427 lex T11 400 Sp H Pwr 7C 3 5Ei67 32 20 vv 70292 L 1 1 69 Pass l 1BCC
Pass Amr TH 400 68 69 Corvoltez 1o r P1 Tr 1 68 69 Snr 10 20 laxxr 4 31111 4 WD T H 4001 3708148 10 RE 1 1 1II JrI 11 1 ggoqrr ...
1111111 g I 1 D 1 65 69 All vv T H 400 68769 Corxrouv T H vv 3 08 2 73 axle 17 ITI 2lC 1362215 15 lRE lJ 31Nlii11 ...
Corvette 1r rt 4 81111 T H 400 3708146 10 5157111 grryzrr 11111111 1 0 11111 r1 1111 1 1111 1 65 69 All V1 JTH 400 1359319 34 SEE1 11l q1on1 Trtllrrgf
400 I 4631 16 391417 l 1 67 Br 20 4 VD 68 Ser 20 4 D 8 cyl 1 69 Sm 20 4 D 8 yl exc T H 400 ...
400 ...
400 exc D7D 396 68769 ESM 30 DVD vv 167 B T H 400 E 641 I6 3921462 1 08769 Bur 10 m l 16 B 4 Spd rrans yy 8 cyl exc closes
Pass T H 400 vv BS 396290 75 park lock anti range selector actuator 1 68 Pass vv 47Spd 307 327 3922530 55 reverse shifter shaft 1 68 Pass vv 47Sp ...
Pass A T vv BS 3956767 7 25 control 1 69 Corvette vv T H 400 3958079 7 25 control 1 69 Corvette vv T H 400 3949075 5 90 control lock ...
G 710720 vv 4 Sprt 3920478 95 BRACKET control reverse cahle clip 1 69 Pass T H 400 vv B S 3945494 80 BRACKET control cahle 1 69 Corvette vv 4 Spd 3946762 30 BRACKET control
Sagrnavv 3 Sprl 3876752 10 extension 1 67 69 All vv TH 400 8624709 21 trans case extension to case 1 67 69 Pass Corvette vv lVIunr ie 4 Spd 69 Police Star ...
Pass vv T l l 66 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 8618702 SIEIIII rear hearing oil 21 2 O D 1 57 61 Pass vv TG 3732282 25 SIEIIII trans ease ...
SIEIIII case extensron to case 413 r G ID 1 67 69 Pass Police vv TH 400 68 69 Ser 10 20 vv T I I 400 396 8623743 1 43 SIE lll trans extension
400 8623152 iv 0 wif r 1 E 1r ct1 11cM xr rp 5 65 63 EE w 1111 400 8623849 f 1 turwasrcf Z1E 1 EV 311 078 Liwk ...
400 8623851 1 fwrvvgerd 1tE2 E v m www 2 66 wears ...
PLATE ASSY rawaewe i 1c11 prvssmnrw 1 325 hk l 65 69 AIE W TH 400 623483 1 LJ PLAYS ASSY 1 m exrd mul rjiruzm zlaznh firma 142 tz i1x1
Corvette vv T H 400 8623842 9 60 0vv cltrieh w 16 rellers 1N0te 2 1 NOTE 2 Use vvitlw roller typo levv clutch 69 All Blazer ...
rrarrier needle thrust 14 115 1 65 69 All Cervette vv T H 400 86123922 1 52 BlEE r Rl lG UNIT vv race rear intermediate gear eutput thrust 1 57 61 Pass ...
lcrnnzsrsrs ef cene pisten ring 1 69 Pass Cervette vv li H 400 8624073 16 Sl l1lNi3 piston release 16 4 190 DRUM ASSY BUSHll lG WASHEIR Planet Reverse A 50 62 All Corvette
47Spd T H 400 7 E 24 16 3960225 i 69 Sor 30 DVD 157 B Prop Shaft Parking Brl vv HD 4 Spd E 6235 16 3960227 3 1 1 O L of tulxe ...
close ratio 47Spd TH 400 Prop shaft parking lvrk 11 000 lla axle E 335rg 16 3771392 1 SHAFT Front and Front Auxiliary 4 Wheel Drive Type O L Splines Shaft ...
shaft E 19 16 3907991 1 69 4 VD vv TH 400 E 193 16 3955583 l 1 69 4 VD exc T H 400 E 119 32 16 39555821 5 1 O L of tube
Parts 65 158 M11 Cj rvet1e w 1 I7I 69 4 11 Corvette vv 1 I1 400 8623182 13 35 1 59 A11 Blazer vv 1 H 350 6251168 13 25 1 1211 Cervcettr ...
I0rvr t1e w 1 H 400 8623921 1 51 BEARING UNIT w race sun gear rear 1r 1tr r rm t1r 11r1 gear thrust 1 55768 411 Corvette w11 1 1 59 9151 Crnrwetre ...
earner unit 3736852 In pierce of 1957 rtarrrer assy 3745568 i Qr 6 i A11 wi 1 400 8623944 1 69 BUSHING sun gear shaft
clutch 1 65 66 Pass vv TH 396 66 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 67 69 All vv T H 400 8624016 8 35 forvvarri clutch 1 66 69 All vvVT ...
400 8624210 5 60 irrtermecliate clutch 1 66 68 All vv P G 1396 427 exc Police 69 Pass ...
direct clutch 1 68 Pass w T H 400 307 8625518 9 35 clirect clutch 1 69 Pass vv T H 350 6 cyl 6261448 5 95 irwtermediate cltitclw 1 69 All vvxT
400 exc 4 VD D7D 3920435 ADAPTER support 1 64 G 10 65 G710 1st design 3860836 35 CUSHION support 5 g2 Note 3 2 65766 G710 2nd design 3875476 35 CUSHION support gm Note ...
Impala Capriue 307 exc T H 68 Biscayne Belair 307 69 Impala Caprice 327 exc T H 400 69 Biscayne Belair 327 3870184 2 50 MOUNTING ASSY no paint dent molded 3870184 4 holes Note ...
Pass vv T H 1st design 66769 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 3872248 3 10 MOUNTING ASSY no paint ident Note 6 1 66 Pass
Coolrng vv P G TH 400 exe 350 396 69 Blazer vv C A C H D I Cooling A T exc 350 3019305 116 55 vv oil cooler 1 69 Ser 10 tltru ...
Cooling 350 exe P G T H 400 3020005 135 20 vv oil cooler 1 69 Ser 10 tltru 30 W Air Cond l D Cooling P G T H 400 350 69 Blazer ...
TANK ASSY rad surge 1 68 Corvette e CA C 69 Corvette exc T H 400 C AC 3016340 14 05 TANK ASSY rad supply
400 Sp H Per 7016925 UT111 A A A 1 69 327 ext A TA 70165512 9 50 50 A nit A 1 CO RV IEETT ...
unit 1 69 4BC vv T H 400 text H Pei 427 70169222 78 30 unit A A 1 B9 yy 4BC 350 itzxt H Pier A T 70169123 78 30 unit ...
texi T H 400 70169 25 unit A 1 69 4BC vii Ht Pur yy T H 400 427 70115 926 unit 1 69 4BC v 1MPt r 350 7016927 init A A 1 TRUCK
301D D vv 11 157 WB 111xc close ratio 4 Spcl 1 l l 400 prop Shaft parking brake 11 000 lb axle ...
301D D yy 125 133 VB 11 1 1 400 E 2411 113 16 39296781 3 1 69 Ser 2010 D l0x1 ...
101115 W B 119af type sgwrmg vv TH 400 13961 E 272l
thru 30 vv T H 400 1396 69 Sor 20 30 vv C A C H 0 Coolrug luxc 350 P G T H 400 69 Blamr ...
SEAL supt to rad sidu 2 69 Corvotto vv HrPor Sp H Peer 1427 loxc T H 400 C AC 3954569 1 30 SEAL rad support upper 1 69 Corvotto
400 3959346 15 75 SUPPORT hearing 2 60 51 Ser 10 thm 30 3767285 10 WASHER prop shaft and l ce1rlhg support 1 11 S 1P 3 vv sq hole ...
lexc 4 D close ratml 68 69 Ser 30 exc 11 000 lh axle T H 400 close mlm 4 pt1 D D1 68 69 Ser 301D D1 lem close rzrtlu ...
400 Prop Shaft P srl lr1g Hrk 1 3920486 20 RETAINER frt prop shaft and hrg Supt 10 trzms i 5 436 SHAFT BEARING SUPPORT UNIT Front Propeller Shaft Front Propeller Shaft does not attach
Diesel 68 69 Ser 10 thru 30 396 exc FEC T H 400 69 Ser 10 thru 30 Blazer 350 exc L P Gas P G TH 400 3923008 8 45 BRACKET ASSY brake pedal ...
thru 30 w T H 400 327 350396 exc D D FEC 67 69 Ser 10 D D 68 69 Ser 20 30 D D 6 cyl 69 Ser 10 20 Blazer Conv
400 12 1d dL s 11r1 ...
10111rri 30 W 11 H 400 8623310 215 15re f11 11101 vn 1 67 69 Ser 10 W New Prpress 4 Spd 2495296 3 95 7 f e1I1 12 1 O D 1 1 fhrck ...
rtI1 1rr 1 g1r0i1p 4 337 3924098 40 18 01 1111 1 68 69 Russ T H 400
thru 30 vv T H 400 exc 396 8623213 EXTENSION ASSY trans case 1 65 68 Pass vv 3 Spd HD 68 Ser 10 20 vv HD 3 Spd 3893603 38 20 EXTENSION ASSY Warner ...
EXTENSION ASSY 1 67 69 Pass Corvette vv T H 400 69 Ser I0 thru 30 vv TH 400 396 8624496 1515 EXTENSION ASSY
400 1357282 22 RETAINIEER vacuum mod 1 69 All Blazer vv TH 350 6261285 20 IFIETAINIEER absolute press 1 50 54 Pass vv PG 53 57 Corvette 6 cyl 132046 SCREW diaphragm cover ...
damping 1 58 59 Pass vv P G 6 cyl 2nd design 69 Corvette vv T H 400 H Per 427 3752621 20 TEEE special hose nylon switch hose ...
VALVE 215 gf 0 L 1 65 69 All vv T H 400 8623983 3 27 VAl VE 1 69 All vv T H 350 6261516 1 75 VALVE ASSY vacuum
lBUSH lNG etitptit shalt 1 65 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8623943 1 84 BUSSHl l G etitptit shaft 1 69 All Blazer vv T H 350 6261033 50 BU 5l lllN reaction ...
titrttirtit tzarrler snap 1 65 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8626112 1 84 Rll l EEl ftent internal gear 1 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8626173 91 RI Ei snap trtitptit
PF111 r 1G drrrgrzt clutch piston rrileastiz 16 65 69 All w T il 400 861231 45 11 I SPFllI1 IG rr tur1 r 1orIrato izlultch rezlcass ...
400 86241101 11 ESPFIlf 1 G forward 1 lutt Ir piston release 16 69 All Blawr vv T ll 350 6261309 1 50 7ESPFlI1 lG inter clutch piston cushion 1 69 All Blazrzr ...
clutch drum thrust Nota 5 1 69 All Corttatto w T Irl 400 8624781 31 IN SlI lEEl t forward clutch huh to direct clutch huh thrust 1 NOTE 4 For usr vv ttast
Pass Roch 4BC w T H 400 427 exc Sp H Per 7034849 1 04 w 7029200 1 68 69 Corvette w T H Roch 4BC w H Per 427 7034847 1 04 primary ...
Roch 4BC 350 exc A T 69 Corvette w Roch 4BC 350 exc H Per T H 400 7034838 w 7029203 2 69 Pass Roch 4BC w A T 350 69 Corvette Roch ...
400 exc H Per 427 7034842 1 04 primary w 7029202 1 69 All w Roch 1BC exc 292 69 Blazer w Roch
400 exc 350 3952295 27 75 1 69 Ser 20 30 D D w T H 400 6 cyl 3952242 27 75 1 69 Ser 20 30 D D T l l 400
400 350 62295668 25 95 1 68769 G 710720 w A T 8 cyl ext amnweter oil pressure and temp gauges 6299513 17 35 1 68 G710 20 8 cyl exc ammeter orl pressure anal temp ...
thru 30 8 cyl exc 396 T l l 400 DD 6SE Blamr vv 47Sp ...
400 6 cyl exc DD 3942817 1310 1 68 Ser 10 FPC vv A T 6 cyl 68 Ser 10720 A T vy taclt ammeter oll pressure anll temp gauges
Pass vv 1 I 400 396 1971574 T Z I I 1ill1O mm vv 1111950 1 69 Sur 10 292 ext1 ...
main vv auto cam IV III1 193 1 69 Pass 396 exc 1 1 400 800388 3 95 I1 13lI V E1 I1OC iI11 v 1111943 1 69 Pass ...
III1 vv auto cam 1111956 1 68 PASS vv I H 400 69 Pass A 1 vvw2
Pass 327 exc H D clutch T H 69 Pass vv A T 350 exc T H 400 1108361 66 70 vv svvitch stamped 1107320 1108361 1 63 64 Pass ...
Clutch 68 69 Pass 307 327 exc T H 400 H D Clutch 69 G 10 20 8 cyl vv T H 350 69 Ser 10 vv T H 350 1108366 68 75 vv svvitch ...
svvitch stamped 1108351 1 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 8 cyl 69 G 10 20 8 cyl exc H D starter A T 69 Corvette exc 427 69 Pass
SUPPORT ASSY w headlamp bracket COl11Uifi1r 1 69 Corvette exc C A C TH 400 427 3952900 SLI PPORT ASSY 1 69 Corvette vv T H 400 ...
Corvette vv C AC ext T H 400 427 l l Per 395ZE 9 7O 30 95 SUPPORT ASSY 1 69 Corvette vv H Per Sp H Pe 427 3952980 30 95 SUlP
I 111486 3180 1 59 Pass 128 C W A T 1 13501 69 Psiss W 1 H 400 ...
Pass 13961 11 1 H 4001 11119419 35 40 1 69 Pass WW1 H 400 3961 1111950 32 80 1 59 C1 rv0t11 W1 T 11111 11 Paar W 4BC1 ...
400 1292 59 Sw 10 20 14 11D W 1 11 3501292 111 04618 39 70 1 69 C0r11 et1 1 e 1H Pm 1 11 T 111111 13501 11111491 85 50 1 59 Pass
0nLrt ax mtl lueatck up lamp 1 68 69 CL rve2ttr vv l H 400 3948538 2 85 Lwetltvrll wd l z t l up lamp ...
also l a i up lump 1 69 C0wmlL L 2 1 H 400 199234 95 4 05 cllltlglt ...
LEVIE F1 tlellllxal safety swltclw 1 68 69 Cenrwzttv xw 1 H 400 456623 25 PIl l Lttglliml sLafe l y svl Lllzlz 8 940 1 69 Pass Lwti 1 1 3954288 35 PIN Lzllrnzr
tunnel front console trim 1 69 Corvette exc C A C T ll 400 3954530 9 75 tunnel front console trim 1 99 Corvette ...
tunnel front console trim 1 wi Vtrrvctte T il 400 vv CA C 3956072 13 50 tunnel front console trim 1 0 tlcirvette vv T H 400 exc C A L 3956073 9 75 tunnel
gate link 12 212 A R 69 Ser 10 20 3941546 20 BUMPER end gate 16 400 2 60 Sub vv End Gate 9411494 10 RETIANER end gate support ...
REEL cable with tape 17 635 2 17 400 BOARD Floor Universal Note 1 64 69 Fleetside 3860649 2 10 corner board R 64 69 Fleetside 3765741 6 35 wheelhouse edge ...
trim as required i 1969 CHEVROLET MOTOR D S ON GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON 17 202 17 400
wrve le vv 1 lr 400 38 68812 1 35 1 G9 All li l l 400
prop shaft 66 69 56 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 lexc D D frt and inter 66 69 Ser 20 ID D vv T H 400 1I 1781279 15 frt 1EELpicer
extension 1 67 69 Pass Corvette vv T l l 400 68 Police vv TH 69 Sei 10 20 vv T H 400 396 8623966 2 30 trans case extension 1 69 All Corvette
Corvette vv P G 327 exc srdo mounted exh 69 Corvette ext TH 400 side mtd exh 3853723 1 55 CLAMP front exhaust pipe 1 64 65 Corvette ...
muffler 2 68 Corvette vv T H 3921601 2 25 CLAMP front RH 69 Corvette vv TH 400 exc side mounted exh 3952739 3 25 CLAMP front exh pipe 1 38 52 Pass
rear axle 8 cyl exc 350 P G T H 400 H D Rad 69 Ser 20 30 307 exc PG T H 400 HD Rad H D Cooling Roof l Ilg Air Cond
PINION UNIT raatttion or output carrtcr planatary 2 68769 I wrT 1 1 400 8625913 21 40 PINION UNIT reaction and output carrier 1 50 62 I Cnryotto ...
SHAFT output tw plug 1 67 69 nt Eiosw ttte w T H 400 8625961 43 55 SHAFT output 1 69 A11 yy 1 350 taxa T i i P i ti r 6261395 SHAFT
Pass exc Conv 3939115 227 00 1 69 Corvette w T H 400 3949022 209 00 1 69 Corvette exc T l l 400
QFOIEIW cut oat 2 44 x 1 52 1 68 P ss 4 Dr I 7766520 400 COVER SE S riolrt comb 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 8l 1 8 4 black ...
Foss 4 Dr 7766521 400 COVER CIISSW loft comb 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 811 8 I4 black 1 68 Pass 4 Dr I 7766522 4 00 COVER ITIISSSVY rrgbt comb
Pass 1w 1 10011 4BC 1427 1 x TH 400 Sp 11 Per yy 7 0291 0l 69 C01y 2 112 1R01 l1 4BC 1 ll P01 14271 11 1 1 14 400
axle 3889298 5 85 PEDAL ASSY 1 68 69 Corvette ext T H 400 3921649 4 35 PEDAL ASSY 1 68 69 Corvette w T H 400 3923669 4 35 PEDAL ASSY
BRACKET condenser 1 2 400 LEAD CONNECTOR STU D Distributor Terminal 55 Corvette 8 cyl 55 56 All 8 cyl exc dual 4BC 1922429 27 breaker plate ground ...
Pass 2307 327 exc AT 69 Ser 1 8 cyl exc T H 400 69 Ser 20 Sub 8 cyl exc D D T l l 400 i T j 1969 C lE ROLET MOTOR
TCII l ASSY backing 4 054 1 67 69 Ser 30 exc T H 400 67 69 Ser l0 20 vv 4 Spd exc D D 68 69 Ser 10 thru ...
SVVITCIH ASSY neutral saf and IwacI ing 4 054 1 69 Corvette exc T H 400 19934229 10 60 SVVITCIH ASSY back up lamp 1 69 Pass
Corvette P G vv 3 2BC vv 3909872 69 Corvette 3 2BC vv T l l 400 vv I l Per 427 vv 3940930 3955516 69 Corvette Holley ...
thru 30 vv Holley 2BC 396 vv 3935215 69 Corvette vv 3 2BC exc T H 400 3881419 49 vv 3940929 1 67 69 Corvette vv l l D 427 3918863 60 pump discharge
leaf type sprsngi 4 WD T H 400 396 68 69 Ser 10 m 127 B 6 cyl ext H D 3 Spd 4 Spd leaf type spring ...
leaf type spg H D 3 Spd 4 Spd 4 WD T H 400 396 3843848 1 35 front support
Caltr yy C A C PG T H 400 8 cyl exc 396 6869 Sul yy Roof IVltd AMC A T 8 cyl exc 396 68 69 Scr 20 30 Cala yy Acc Air Cond ...
Cond 69 Snr 10 Carly vy C A C 8 cyl 7r P G T H 400 396 3854059 25 BRACE t orr r roar 1 64 EIB Pass yy Air Cond
Injection Reactor 3 670 PLUG f irrrzlshield Reveal Moulding 10 096 PLUG Axle Filler and Drain 5 400 PLUG Vllrrrdrshield Wiper 10 159 PLUG Back Body Opening 12 966 PLUG A 5S r Steering Gear ...
Carburetor and Fuel Injection Fast Idle 3 766 PLUG Clutch 0 829 Pl L INGllER Door 16 400 PLUG Clutch and Flywheel I Iousingr Inspection PI l NGlER Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift Hole
Pass w Roch 2BC 396 ext T I I 400 70137888 vi 70291 17 19 1 69 Pass Roch 2BC w TH 400
Cond exc P G T H 400 396 69 Corvette vv Air Cond exc Hx Per 427 69 Blazer exc AT 3841724 35 BOLT exhaust R H 3rd hole ...
FITTING gov to carl hose 3 87 68 69 Corvette P B vv TH 400 exc 3 2BC 3952329 75 FITTING ASSY vac inlet ITTHIIITOICI 7 447 1 58 59 Pass
front accurnulator piston retaining 1 65 69 All Corvette vv T l l 400 86213653 41 front accumulator piston oil seal 1 65 69 All Corvette vv TH 400 86223131 66 front servo piston
widczr 1 55 69 1i fl 11 1111 1 1 11 400 ...
11T1 11E F1 11 V e1r11s r 194 951 1 55 69 A11 Z 1111m11 1 111 400 8623425 72 PIPE
iwvv 111 111 111 r11 l 1 111111 1 1 65 69 All vv T ll 400 56124 Oi 9 56 TEEOLT ...
400 6623942 4 50 1ESL5E5Ll1lI 1l3 1 111 11gvl 1 69 All 91 121 1 vv T 1 i 35C 1331366 45 IE lJEE l l1T 1 131 2 1 1r 1 slmfi
left front nd rear doors A R 53 54 Pass 4 664971 400 rrgltt froni anal rear AR 53 54 f 2r s left front and rear 53 54 Sid 4664972 4 00 back door ...
right A R 63 67 Corvette 4885741 4 00 left 1 63 67 Corvette 488574 O 400 right 1 65 67 Pass 4472299 1 40 A R 65 159 Pease 68 Corvette
400 H 28713 rw 1lj 39502 1 1 1 GY Sor 11 1 L1 15 VX 3 vv 717 1I 1 O 18 wy1 mc Frm www sspmw ...
400 E 36i xyz Wi 39602191 5 1 ii 1 1 W 20 1l 711 1R mx 1 r iygw spriw
Corvette w C A C exc H Per 427 w A T 69 Corvette w TH 400 exc H Per Sp H Per 427 3952974 1 25 PLATE ASSY right side 1 69 Corvette ...
400 3952976 1 25 PLATE ASSY right side 1 69 Corvette w C AC H Per Sp H Per 427 69 Corvette w AT ext H Per Sp H Per 427 3952977 1 25 PLATE
Srlcft 1 427 385 427 425 427 390 327 350 427 430 N 427 3x2 400 427 Q 435 CHEVELLE 396 327 325 396 375 CHEVY II gmx 327 325 CA VIARO ...
PASSENGER g 427 390 427 425 5 CORVETTE 350 350 427 390 350 370 430 M 400 g 427 V 435 CHEVELLE 396 350 396 375 CHEVY II 396 350 396 375 CXIVIARO vg gggg
EIRACIEE ufl ruar Qtr drag 1 69 Irwrpala Spr Cpu l rt Custom 7749842 400 IEiI ArC1EE rrg I r ptr drag trurrr 1 69 trrrpalzr Spr Cprsl luxr Crrstgrrr 7749843 4 00 IEIF1AlCIE Iutl ...
IE1HlAC EE IlA frt 0tr diag 1 69 li Dr Spd 7749846 400 IE1I11ACIEE rr lI r frt Orr drag 1 69 L Dr Spd 7749847 4 00 E1I1lACIEE r21 l rrr 0tr drag
thru 30 8 ty ezxrt C A C Roof lVl l A C P 3 1 H 400 H D Rad H D CooI r QI 69 10 tlrru ...
ltrl C H D Cooling P G iii H 400 350 eexrg P S 3889079 9 35 pastii 1 67 68 Sar 10 thru 30 yy Air Conrl H D Cooling 327 ixxr
thru 30 vv Roch 4BC 396 69 Corvette Roch 4BC vv T H 400 vv I l Per 427 69 Blazer vv Roch 1BC 250 exc gov 69 Blazer vv Roch ...
Blazer vv Roch 4BC vv 7029214 23 69 Corvette Roch 4BC vv TH 400 vv H Per 427 7029865 48 vv 7029204 1 68 G 10 20 6 cyl COVER ASSY compensator
thru 30 vv TH 400 6 cyl 1108425 70 7 0 vv svvltttli stamped 1108425 1 2 043 ARIVIATUREE Starting Motor 38 55 All Corvette 6 volt 1917855 19 50 1137 gd 0 L Exchange ...
Exchange ltem l ote 1 1 7 59 Sei 10 thru 30 vv T H 400 6 cyl 1971568 21 00 vv 1108425 Exchange ltem N0te 1 1 l l0TE 1 List price shctvvn does
Pays 11 11 400 vu ZZBC 12 J 3110 11 x 1 11 1i4 1 11 D Sllspl 39011 81 1 69 S SO 10 D1 1111 1 1 11 B1 11X1Y ...
Sleep Y 11 111 cull i 400 53 11 y 115 395i 8711 1 0 2111 211 13 ry 1 r 1 1001 F 3311 yl 3955588 1 D 969 ZHE11
thru 30 vv R0ch 4BC 396 69 Coryettu R0ch 4BC vv T l l 400 vi l l Peer 427 69 Blazer yy Rcch 1BC 250 exc gov 69 Blazer xw R0ch ...
Pass vw l l Per rlual 4BC 400 621 63 Crvryetw vv Sp l l Par 62 64 Pass ioryeyttc vv H Par 327 7011583 60 Cart r 30A 80 2 59 61 Pass llorycttc
400 PG H D Rad 69 Ser 10 thru 30 292 exc T H 400 P G C A C D D 3905627 85 BAFFLE rad upper
Corvette 1427 69 Pass 1396 427 texc T H 400 39413648 95 NUT solenoiiil shield lharrel l tl 20 1 64 69 Corvette lexc 396 427 3851295 38 SH1lEELD solenoid splash 1 68 69 Corvette ...
lllE LD solenoid 1stain css steel 1 69 Pass 1396 42 7 1exc T H 400 23954224 2 50 SH l E LD solenoid lstainless steel 1 2 108 LE ER SHr1 FT STUD SPRlNG
hnnrlle front siclu rom rloor 110 552 AR 16 400 BLUNlPER BAiESEE SPACER PLUI llEiE R Ci A STlNG S1l OP Door 47 54 Pzrneel 50 54 1 h v1xrDoors ...
IOTORS CORPORA flOl l REV 7 1 69 P 112 41 16 350 16 400
TURBO HYDRAMAUC TRA1 1SM1SS1ON 1 1 1 400 1 1 1 Sp H Per 427 CONT D I I 3 was J 14 8 85 x 141 11111x
Signal Lamp 2 892 CLIP ASSY Rear Quarter Upper Above Belt 14 645 CONNECTOR Distributor Terminal 2 400 CLIP ASSY Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 4 930 CONNECTOR Electrical 2 530 CLOCK and PARTS
Ignition Switch 2 188 STUD Cylinder Head 0 293 STRAP Lighting 2 485 STUD Distributor Terminal 2 400 STRAP Luggggg 1 A T 17 070 STUD Door Ventilator Regulator 10 564 STi iAp iyiauiigig
Gear to Frame 6 509 BUMPER clutch 0 829 BRACKET Sroorioe Goor Hvoraiiiio Piirriri BUMPER Door 16 400 lVl0Ul1 l0 l vv 6 606 BUMPER Door Lock Remote Control Connecting 10 506 BRACKET Steering Knuckle