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Manifold 3816549 3816549 3 609 Pipe 3836587 3694164 3 601 Manifold 3816550 3816550 3 609 Pipe 3836590 3694163 3 265 Manifold 3816553 3816553 3 609 Pipe 3836692 3701167 0 033 Cyl Block
cast 3835590 3694163 1 11 15 50 55 COE 50 62 D D 6 cyl exc 102 W B cast 3835582 3835581 1 19 95 53 55 CORVETTE
replaced engine 1958 MIOJDELS B 1 3732446 Coolant Outlet Can be transferred from replaced engine C 1 3694163 Intake Manifold D 1 3753871 Intake ll lanifold Fitting New part required for Windshield Wiper vacuum take
Info No 4 1958 SERI ESl 3000 1000 Require item B plus the following C 1 3694163 Intake Nlariifold Can be transferred from replaced engine Dubl Duti models use part 3835581 D 1 3753871 Intake
plus the following C 1 3732946 Coolant Outlet I Can be transferred from replaced engine D 1 3694163 Intake Manifold I E I 3753871 Intake Nlanifold Fitting New part required for Windshield Wiper vacuum take