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type use up to trans no 062 4869 OA62 24370 OB62 3868 2 1962 O OA OB 2nd type use after trans no 062 4868 OA62 24369 OB62 3867 3 1962 O OA lst type ...
trans no 062 4869 OA62 24370 4 1962 OB lst type use up to trans no OB62 3868 5 1962 O OA 2nd type use after trans 062 4868 OA62
trans no OA6J 101531 6 1962 lst type used up to trans no 062 4869 OA62 24370 OB62 3868 7 1962 2nd type used between trans no 062 4868 to 062 48730 OA62 24370