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Plunger rod spring 1 7009860 1957 W 4BC PUMP ASSY W Plunger rod spring 1 7009279 1958 W 4BC PUMP ASSY W plunger rod spring 1 7012339 1959 thru 1962 2 BC exc F85 PUMP ...
F85 PUMP ASSY W plunger rod spring 1 7013472 1961 1962 F85 2 BC PUMP ASSY w plunger rod spring 1 7019486 1961 1962 F85 4 BC PUMP ASSY w plunger rod spring ...
ROD pump center rear carb onJ 2 AR 7011627 1958 W 4BC ROD pump 1 7012528 1959W 4BC lsttype ROD pump 1 7013548 1959 thru 1961 2 BC exc F85 ROD pump 1 7013192 1959
1959 thru 1962 4 BC ROD choke connector 1 7013853 1957 W 4BC ROD intermediate choke connector 1 7010204 1958 W 4BC ROD intermediate choke connector 1 7010357 1959 W 2BC ROD intermediate choke conn ...
ROD choke trip 1 7020684 1960 thru 1962 2 BC exc F85 ROD choke 1 7016682 1961 1962 F85 2 BC ROD choke 1 7017519 1962 F85 J fire ROD choke 1 7020933 1962 F85 ...
thru 1961 4 BC exc F85 CLIP choke rod horse shoe type 2 7005032 1957 W 4BC CLIP intermediate choke rod 1 7005165 1958 4 BC 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 2 BC CLIP intermediate
F85 CLEVIS control rod 1 569361 4 040 1962 F85 4 S S T CLEVIS control rod 3 8 end 3 3771963 1951 thru 1962 S T exc F85 PIN control rod clevis ...
F85 S T INSULATOR shift lever rubber 1 1347678 1961 1962 F85 S T NUT ASSY shift rod swivel 3 8 24 2 1349346 1962 F85 4 S S T WASHER shift rods to levers ...
thru 1962 S T exc F85 CLEVIS selector rod 2 5 8 long 1 4 28 thread 1 575905 1951 thru 1962 S T exc F85 PIN cross shift rod clevis
thru 1957 P S 1958 thru 1962 exc F85 1 5685224 1961 1962 F85 1 5675655 6 870 ROD PLUG KIT STEERING RELAY ...
1959 1 5672481 1960 1 5674005 1961 1962 F85 1 5675759 1961 1962 exc F85 ROD ASSY Saginaw 1 5674503 1961 1962 exc F85 ROD ASSY Thompson 1 582787 1941 thru 1956 PLUG KIT springs ...
Relay rod 2 5671897 1959 1960 Relay rod 2 5673189 6 882 PLUG STEERING RELAY ROD SAFETY 1941 thru 1956 Relay rod 2 263697 1957 1958 Relay rod 2 5664237 1959 1960 Relay rod
1959 thru 1962 4 BC exc 1962 F85 ROD cam 1 7013432 1962 F85 4 BC ROD cam 1 7021963 1962 F85 J fire LINK 1 7022520 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 2 BC CLIP ...
rod 2 7005109 3 762 1962 F85 T fire RETAINER link 2 836159 3 841 1959 thru 1962 2 BC exc F85 WASHER cam rod 1 7002287 3 762 3 775 PLUG CARBURETOR PASSAGE CARTER ...
Secondary 1 7011930 1959 W 2BC W C A C 1 7013396 1959 W 2BC exc CA C 1 7015344 1959 thru 1961 4 BC exc F85 Primary
F85 BRACKET aux shaft 1 1199794 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 BELLCRANK pedal 1 575521 1959 1960 BELLCRANK release 1 576039 1961 1962 exc F85 BELLCRANK release 1 579655 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 RETAINER ...
ROD 1 556872 1950 thru 1951 98 ROD 1 558826 1953 ROD 1 562622 1954 thru 1956 8 CY1 ROD 1 564591 1959 1960 ROD pedal to bellcrank 1 574700 1959 1960 ROD pedal bellcrankto ...
F85 ROD pedal to bellcrank 1 579667 1961 1962 exc F85 ROD pedal b crank to cluteh release b crank 1 579669 1961 1962 F85 ROD clevis on one end 1 1348714 1957 1958A11 LINK
type 1 1553925 1959 1960 4 BC ELEMENT disposable paper type 1 5645342 1959 1960 2 BC 1961 1962 exc F85 ELEMENT paper 13 1 8 O D 1 5645343 1959 thru ...
1959 1960 W 4BC COVER 1 1554248 1961 1962 F85 2 BC COVER carb element 1 579244 1961 1962 F85 4 BC COVER 1 5647123 1961 1962 exc F85 COVER painted 1 5647041 1959 Cleaners ...
rod 1 582072 1961 1962 Cruise Control END rod to regulator 1 3758592 1962 F85 2 BC 2nd type J fire END ASSY relay lever to rod 1 7 8 1 582072 1959 thru
F85 BRACKET trans control rod 1 574663 1961 1962 F85 H T 4 BC BRACKET trans control rod 1 583526 1961 1962 F85 H T 2 BC 1962 J fire BRACKET trans control rod ...
BELLCRANK ASSY trans control rod 1 578767 1961 1962 F85 H T 4 BC BELLCRANK trans coatrol rod 1 586258 1961 F85 H T 2 BC BELLCRANK trans cont rod Ist type w clevis ...
F85 BELLCRANK trans control rod upr 1 579760 1961 1962 H T exc F85 BELLCRANK trans control rod lower T V relay 1 579765 1962 F85 J fire H T BELLCRANK trans control rod
BALL 1950 thru 1962 exc F85 STUD 1 1428964 1961 1962 F85 STUD ball 1 3836314 1950 thru 1962 exc F85 RETAINER PKG inc rivet 1 561504 1961 1962 F85 SPRING RETAINER ...
1959 thru 1962 exc F85 BUMPER pedal stop 1 575944 1961 1962 F85 BUMPER pedal stop 1 583389 See Group 4 625 BUMPER 1 3723230 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 BOOT pedal rod seal ...
Less rod pad 1 556186 1954 thru 1956 All Less rod pad 1 564588 1957 1958 All Less rod pad 1 569251 1959 1960 Less rod pad 1 574693 1961 1962 F85 Less
F85 S T BEARING shift tube lower Nylon 1 1195703 1951 thru 1962 S T exc F85 RING shift tube bumper 1 5662772 1962 F85 4 S S T PLATE guide 1 3723123 1952 tlru ...
Lower 1 558560 1962 F85 4 S S T BRACKET lever shaft 1 3758700 4 019 ROD BRACKET CLEVIS PIN TRANS GEAR SHIFT LOWER CONTROL 1950 88 S T ROD second third shift ...
thru 1956 S T ROD control shaft lever to trans 1 564511 1957 1958 S T ROD control shaft lever to trans 1 569358 1959 thru 1962 S T exc F85 ROD control shaft lever
MAST PARTS TENNA TYPE 1958 MAST ASSY inc nylon rod 1 574053 1959 1960 MAST ASSY inc nylon rod 1 575716 1961 1962 exc F85 MAST ASSY ...
nylon rod 1 581671 1958 TUBE body 1 574054 1959 TUBE body supt nylon rod retg 1 575717 1960 TUBE body supt nylon rod retg 1 578259 1961 exc S W or F85 TUBE body
1959 1960 2 573397 1961 1962 F85 exc J fire R H 1 578854 1961 1962 F85 exc J fire L H 1 578855 1961 1962 exc F85 Painted ...
F85 Painted L H 1 581453 1961 1962 exc F85 Chrome R H 1 581390 1961 1962 exc F85 Chrome L H 1 581391 1962 F85 J fire R H 1 585290 1962 F85 ...
COVER 1949thru19568 Cyl 2 556374 1957 1958 All 2 569227 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 2 573396 1961 1962 F85 2 578857 0 426 ROD ENGINE VALVE PUSH 1949 thru 1951 8 Cyl Domestic
valve Moraine 1 5460084 4 918 1962 F85 P B Less end 1 381592 1962 F85 P B END push rod 1 381591 1955 thru 1959 W P B SNAP RING rod retaining Moraine ...
thru 1959 W P B LOCK RING rod retaining Moraine 1 5454906 1955 thru 1959 W P B PLATE stop steel Moraine 1 5454905 1957 thru 1959 W P B PLUNGER reaction valve Bendix ...
piston push rod outer Bendix 1 1464444 1957 thru 1959 W P B SEAL push rod outer Bendix 1 524303 1960 thru 1962 P B SEAL push rod outer Bendix 1 393495 1959 thru
1959 1960 Frame lever to rear brake 2 575000 1961 F85 Equalizer to R H rear brake 1 579056 1961 F85 Equalizer to L H rear brake 1 579057 1961 1962 exc F85 ...
1959 1960 98 ROD intermediate lever 1 574998 1961 exc F85 ROD intermediate lever 1 579726 1962 F85 ROD intermediate lever 1 583680 1962 exc F85 ROD intermediate lever 1 584219 1956 2nd type EQUALIZER ...
brake cable 1 580366 1957 thru 1960 BEARING equalizer 1 569636 1959 1960 BUSHING inter lever rod nylon 1 575468 1959 1960 RETAINER rod bushing 1 575469 1941 thru 1953 CLEVIS 2 407164 1954 thru
F85 ROD switch actuator 1 1950625 1961 1962 exc F85 ROD switch actuator 1 5675035 1956 H T 1957 thru 1962 exc F85 PIN actuator rod 1 1932216 1961 1962 F85 PIN actuator rod ...
thru 1962 SPRING actuator rod coil 1 1932217 1961 1962 F85 CLIP wiring harness to switch nylon 1 584061 2 482 1952 thru 1957 W Delco Switch 1959 thru 1962 BALL contact carrier
1959 H T lst type 1959 1960 S T SWITCH BRACKET lamp 1 574233 1959 H T 2nd type 1960 H T SWITCH lamp 1 577227 1961 1962 exc F85 SWITCH BRACKET lamp ...
1959 H T 2nd type 1960 H T RIVET release lever 1 586598 1959 2nd type ratchet type parking brake lever 4 595 PIN PARKING BRAKE LEVER PULL ROD GUIDE 1961 1962 F85 ...
brake lever 1959 2nd type ratchet type parking brake lever 4 600 KNOB ROD PARKING BRAKE RELEASE 1956 All 1 568549 4 600 HANDLE PARKING BRAKE LEVER PULL ROD 1961 1962 F85 Gray plastic
F85 THERMOSTAT paint 1 584335 1957 1958 All lst type ROD control valve push 1 571340 1954 thru 1956 All SEAL valve to cowl rubber 1 564875 1957 1958 All lst Type SEAL valve ...
valve 1 570418 1957 1958 All lst type NUT shut off rod spring 2 570888 1958 1959 2nd type 1960 thru 1962 exc F85 PLATE valve mtg at R H rear of cyl head ...
defroster W bracket 1 567424 1957 1958 All KNOB temperature control valve 1 570508 1959 1960 1961 Std Heater exc F85 KNOB temperature control 1 3 574365 1961 1962 Dlx exc F85 KNOB tempreature control
fire 1 582198 1961 1962 4 BC exc S fire F85 1 581827 1961 1962 F85 1 1164950 1962 S fire 1 583875 AIVOTE This is the 1949 2nd type camshaft When ordering to replace ...
F85 5 568543 1961 1962 F85 No 1 front 1 583421 1961 1962 F85 No 2 front intermediate 1 583422 1961 1962 F85 No 3 center 1 583423 1961 1962 F85 No 4 rear intermediate ...
rifle drilled 8 559360 1957 1958A11 8 568814 1959 1960 88 8 5750p1 1959 1960 588 98 1961 1962 exc F85 8 585470 1961 1962 F85 8 1193362 11VOTE When installing connecting rods
F85 1 566174 3 935 1961 F85 1 1193869 3 935 1962 F85 1 1352606 3 935 0 738 PIN BOLT WASHER KEY CAMSHAFT GEAR TO CAMSHAFT 1941 thru 1962 exc F85 PIN dowel ...
F85 BOLT 7 16 20 x 1 1 8 1 1285606 1961 1962 F85 WASHER 15 32 x 1 31 64 1 1195207 1961 1962 F85 KEY Woodruff 1 144542 8 960 0 787 ROD ...
1959 1960 Clutch yoke to clutch release B C 1 574681 1961 1962 exc F85 Clutch yoke to release bellcrank 1 579661 1961 1962 F85 1 1199837 1961 1962 F85 SWIVEL rod to release lever
1959 thru 1962 exc F85 Std 8 5458313 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 002 U S AR 5458314 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 010 U S AR 5458315 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 ...
F85 J fire Std 8 5458592 1962 F85 J fire 001 U S AR 5458595 1962 F85 1 fire 002 U S AR 5458598 1962 F85 1 fire ...
F85 3 8 24 x 2 11 16 1 16 585471 1961 1962 F85 16 1193341 0 626 NUT ENGINE CONNECTING ROD BEARING CAP BOLT 1941thru1962exc F85 16 1174201 1961 1962 F85
1959 1960 H T 1961 1962 F85 H T 4 BC lsttype 1 BELLCRANK aux inc down shift lvr 1 574649 1961 1962 F85 S T 2 BC BELLCRANK throttle cont ...
F85 BELLCRANK auxiliary 1 581708 1961 1962 H T exc S fire F85 BELLCRANK auxiliary 1 581710 1961 1962 S fire BELLCRANK auxiliary 1 581703 1962 F85 H T 4 BC 2nd type ...
F85 S T 1961 1962 F85 H T 2 BC 1962 J fire H T 1 580165 1961 1962 F85 H T 4 BC 1 583684 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 BUSHING return spritig
ROD trans throttle control 1 569544 1959 H T ROD trans throttle control 1 574666 1960 H T ROD trans throttle control 1 577311 1961 1962 F85 H T 2 BC 1 fire ...
F85 H T 4 BC ROD trans throttle control 1 583529 1961 1962 H T exc F85 ROD trans throttle control upper 1 579763 1961 1962 H T exc F85 ROD trans throttle control lower ...
ROD strg gear to trans shift 1 567575 1957 1958 H T ROD strg gear to trans shift 1 569360 1959 H T ROD strg gear to trans shift 1 575344 1960 H T ROD
WASHER STEERING RELAY ROD BALL SEAT 1941 thru 1960 1961 1962 F85 Relay rod ball seat 2 264988 6 886 SEAL STEERING RELAY ROD DUST 1941 thru 1956 1959 1960 Tie rod idler Pitman ...
rod ball stud 2 265765 1957 1958 Idler Pitman arm ball stud 2 1324649 1961 1962 F85 4 5674369 6 888 SPRING STEERING RELAY ROD SEAL 1941 thru 1960 1961 1962 F85
1959 thru 1962 H T 2 BC exc F85 1 574668 1959 thru 1962 S T 4 BC exc F85 1 574639 1959 thru 1962 H T 4 BC exc F85 1 574641 1959 thru ...
F85 To accel bracket rod 1 574637 1961 F85 2 BC To accel relay lever 1 579787 1961 1962 F85 S T 4 BC To accel relay lever 1 582071 1961 1962 F85 ...
F85 1 580318 3 454 1950 thru 1951 98 BUSHING accel pedal lever 1 558477 1961 F85 BUSHING rod upper rubber 1 579785 3 454 1961 F85 WASHER 1 562265 3 463 1949 2nd type
F85 1 7017637 1959thru1962 882BC 1 7017690 1961 1962 F85 4 BC 1 7017693 1961 1962 F85 2 BC Ist type 1 1 7017694 1962 F85 2 BC 2nd type 2 1 7017692 1962 F85 ...
Vent F85 1 573280 1959 1960 2 BC 1 580669 1961 1962 F85 2 BC Ist type 1 1 585285 1961 1962 F85 4 BC exc Pos Vent 012 Aluminum ...
F85 1 7017446 1960 1961 2 BC C A C exc F85 1 7016776 1959 thru 1961 4 BC exc F85 BODY PKG w pump rod 1 7015584 1961 F85
F85 2 BC SPRING RETAINER rod hairpintype 1 583105 1961 1962 F85 CLIP relay lever rod to aux b crank 1 567315 4 040 See Group 3 762 for Usage CLIP rod 1 554285 Used ...
type stud mounted accelerator pedal 41 3 429 REPAIR PKG THROTTLE CONTROL Includes rods rod ends brackets bell cranks levers and springs ...
Throttle valve rod upper 1 571212 1957 1958 H T W J 2 2BC Throttle valve rod upper 1 571314 1959 thru 1962 H T 2 BC exc F85 Throttle valve upper 1 574670 1959
CLUTCH PEDAL PIVOT BOLT 1941thru1958 2 499831 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 2 575509 4 626 is 1961 1962 F85 2 579984 4 626 0 832 ROD CLUTCH PEDAL WITH METAL PAD 1949 thru ...
brake 1 413098 1950 thru 1951 98 1 558212 0 837 BOLT CLUTCH PEDAL PIVOT 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 BOLT pedal pivot 1 575511 4 648 1961 1962 F85 BOLT pedal pivot
OUTLET air ball type 2 3150215 1959 1960 W C A C HOUSING center outlet 1 575215 1961 C A C exc F85 HOUSING center outlet 1 580788 1959 1960 W C A C HOUSING ...
DOOR center outlet 2 572586 1959 1960 1961 1962 F85 C A C DOOR center outlet 1 575217 1961 C A C exc F85 DOOR center outlet 1 580789 1955 W C A C BALL ...
CLAMP outlet lower 2 567827 1959 1960 W CA C BRACKET side outlet mounting upper 2 575200 1961 1962 F85 C A C SUPPORT side outlet rod type R H onlv
Wheel STRIP negative connector 1 763116 1946 thru 1954A31 CLAMP horn cable 1 269521 1956 H T 1959 thru 1962 GROMMET wire lower 1 5668614 1958 W Dlx Wheel SCREW ASSY positive conn strip ...
F85 In gas gauge gen oil indicator clusters Green plastic 2 1589143 1961 1962 F85 In instrument cluster 2 1589002 1962 exc F85 In instrument cluster 2 5655874 2 895 SWITCH ACTUATOR PLATE ROD ...
F85 SWITCH ASSY circuit 1 579500 1956 H T ACTUATOR ASSY W hsg less rod 1 1995801 1957 1958 All ACTUATOR ASSY W hsg less rod 1 1995811 1959
VALVE Moraine 1 5455896 1959 VALVE Moraine 1 5459030 1960 VALVE inc push rod Moraine 1 5459570 1961 1962 VALVE w push rod Moraine 1 5460084 1962 F85 P B HOUSING ASSY sirvalve w ballplug ...
valve coil Moraine 1 5454916 1960 thru 1962 SPRING air valve return Moraine 1 5459061 1955 thru 1959 O RING valve Moraine 1 5454904 1955 thru 1958 SHIM valve Moraine
clips 1 2965444 1959 1960 Less fuse clips 1 2965783 1961 exc F85 Less clips 1 2973898 1961 F85 Less clips 1 2973769 1962 F85 Less clips 1 2977505 1962 exc F85 Less clips ...
Guide Matic or F85 12 volt 1 1995094 1961 W Guide Matic 12 volt 1 1995108 1961 1962 F85 1 1995102 1962 exc Guide Matic F85 1 1995115 1962 W Guide Matic ...
Autronic Eye 7 5 32 O L Chrome 1 572231 1959 exc Autronic Eye 5 59 64 O L chrome 1 574176 1959 W Autronic Eye 6 3 8 O L chrome
LOWER plastic L H 7 3138342 1959 thru 1962 Dlx exc F85 LOWER hot air deflector R H 8 3143311 1959 thru 1962 Dlx exc F85 LOWER hot air deflector ...
1959 thru 1962 Dlx exc F85 SPRING indirect sir valve control 1 3143405 1961 F85 SPRING L H air valve return 1 581017 1962 F85 SPRING L H air valve return 1 583170 1959 ...
F85 LEVER LINK ASSY indirect air valve control 1 3149406 1959 thru 1962 Dlx exc F85 VANE LEVER PIN ASSY indirect sir valve control R H 1 3143407 1959 thru 1962 Dlx exc F85 VANE
1959 W Air R CLAMP rear cable supt L H 1 573057 1959 1960 exc Air R CLAMP rear cable support R H 1 574476 1959 1960 exc Air R CLAMP rear cable support ...
F85 CLAMP rear cables to frame 2 581148 1954 thru 1961 1962 exc F85 RETAINER parking brake cable to frame front anchor or lower bracket 2 568794 1961 1962 F85 RETAINER brake cable to body ...
F85 RETAINER parking brake cable to pull rod 1 579058 1962 F85 RETAINER cable bolts to body 1 585259 1961 F85 GUIDE parking brake actuating cable 1 4839524 1962 F85 GUIDE brake cable
F85 Fibre glass 1 583891 8 022 ROD STRUT BRACE HOOD REINFORCEMENT 1951 S88 1952 All ROD latch plate to hood 2 559687 1953A11 ROD latch plate tohood 2 562568 1954 All ROD latch plate ...
ROD latch plate to hood 2 566319 1956 All ROD latch plate to hood 2 567513 1958 All ROD R H 1 573072 1958 All ROD L H 1 573073 1953 All STRUT front steel ...
stamping 1 566318 1956 All STRUT front steel stamping 1 567499 1959 BRACE center 1 574869 1959 BRACE R H 1 574572 1959 BRACE L H 1 574573 1960 BRACE center 1 577131 1960 BRACE
F85 INSULATOR rear spring seat rubber 4 O D 4 579400 1961 1962 F85 INSULATOR upper 2 578828 1962 exc F85 r INSULATOR spring seat 4 585294 1958 1959 Converted AR SEAT ASSY coil spring ...
1959 Converted Air R SEAT ASSY coil spring lower 2 584635 1961 exc F85 CLAMP 4 579403 1962 exc F85 CLAMP 4 585295 1961 exc F85 SPACER clamp 4 579402 1961 exc F85 WASHER ...
BRACKET 1 1337057 7 632 BOLT ROD SUPPORT SPARE WHEEL CLAMP 1957 thru 1959 H W S W 1 570356 1959 1960 exc S W 1 575479 1959 thru 1962 88 S88 S W Horiz
JUNCTION at frame side rail 1 571584 1959 1960 JUNCTION at frame side rail 1 575600 1961 1962 F85 JUNCTION 1 579314 1961 1962 exc F85 JUNCTION at frame side rail ...
JUNCTION at rear axle 1 569776 1958 Air R 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 JUNCTION at rear axle 1 573209 1961 1962 F85 JUNCTION at rear axle 1 580274 1957 lst type used in conjunction ...
special 1 231915 1954 thru 1958 1961 1962 exc F85 BOLT special 1 565194 1959 1960 BOLT special 1 576622 1941 thru 1962 exc F85 BREATHER CAP on bolt head 1 498373 4 779 CABLE
Moraine 1 5455851 1957 thru 1959 Bendix 2nd type 1 3741364 1958 All Moraine 1 5455990 1959 Moraine 1 5459098 1960 thru 1962 Bendix 1 393374 1962 F85 P B Air vacuum valve ...
VACUUM CYLINDER KIT COMPLETE 1960 1961 exc F85 Moraine master vac cyl 1 5459805 1960 thru 1962 exc F85 Bendix master vac cyl 1 393373 1962 exc F85 Moraine master vac cyl 1 5461700 NOTE ...
Moraine less fluid indicator 1 5456600 1959 Moraine W fluid indicator 1 5456635 1960 Moraine 1 5459501 1961 exc F85 Moraine 1 5460115 1962 Moraine 1 5461040 1960 VACUUM ASSY less master cyl B endi
1959 thru 1962 2 BC exc F85 1 7010035 1962 F85 J fire 1 7020925 1950 thru 1962 exc 1956 2 BC F85 J F SCREW 2 7007627 1956 W 2BC SCREW ...
RETAINER connector rod spring upper 63 93 1 7000760 3 762 1954 W 2BC RETAINER connector rod 172 24 1 1346650 1951 thru 1953 W 2BC SPRING conn rod coil upper
with 561137 rod 4 046 LEVER TRANS SHIFTER ON TRANSMISSION 1950 8 Cyl S T Second third 1 558699 1951 thru 1958 S T 1 560758 1959 thru 1962 S T exc F85
ASSY heater 1 3147241 1961 1962 F85 CASE ASSY hot air distributor 1 579914 1961 Std Heater exc F85 CASE ASSY heater 1 3150166 1961 1962 Dlx exc F85 CASE ASSY heater ...
heater 1 573669 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 HOSE w valve to heater 1 575769 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 HOSE w pump to heater 1 581993 1961 1962 F85 exc J fire HOSE heater ...
F85 HOSE heater core to control valve 1 3150795 1961 I962 F85 HOSE eng to water valve 1 579592 1962 F85 J fire HOSE w pump to water ret pipe 1 585169 1962 F85
control rod clevis 1 138082 8 942 1952 1953 1957 thru 1962 H T exc F85 PIN strg gear to trans rod 1 558645 4 019 1961 1962 H T exc S fire F85 STUD ...
throttle cont rod to lever AR 567315 1956 Model O H T 1959 1960 H T CLIP throttle control rod to lever 1 567608 1957 All CLIP strg gear to trans rod ...
TRANS SHIFT CONTROL LEVER 1961 F85 H T BAFFLE attaches to side rail 1 581350 1961 1962 F85 H T exc Console BAFFLE KIT field fix 1 380331 1962 F85 H T BAFFLE attaches
level 1 579538 1961 1962 F85 H T exc J fire INDICATOR oil level 1 580662 1961 1962 H T exc F85 INDICATOR oil level 1 580461 1962 F85 J fire H T INDICATOR ...
trans 1 8617747 1957 thru 1959 H T NIPPLE filler pipe 1 570527 1957 thru 1959 H T HOSE filler pipe to nipple 1 570528 1957 thru 1959 H T CLAMP hose to pipe nipple ...
manual lever seal 1 8619320 4 282 1961 F85 H T WASHER shift lever shaft 1 8620777 1961 1962 F85 H T WASHER lever to rod 1 562265 3 463 1941 thru
frame 4 570201 1961 1962 exc F85 BOLT shaft to frame 4 579041 1955 1956 All NUT 13 16 11 2 412108 6 174 1961 1962 F85 NUT shaft to frame ...
F85 PLUG ball ioint metal tapping 2 5677162 6 174 1961 1962 F85 FITTING ball joint 90 2 5676275 1962 exc F85 LUBRICANT ball joint AR 585617 8 800 6 203 KING PIN PKG STEERING ...
F85 R H w ball stud Saginaw 1 5674493 1961 1962 P S exc F85 L H w ball stud Saginaw 1 5675620 1961 1962 P S exc F85 R H w ball stud Thompson
ROD brake pedal 1 556128 1953 All exc P B ROD brake pedal 1 562874 1954 thru 1956 exc P B ROD brake pedal 1 564259 1957 1958 exc p B ROD brake pedal ...
1962P B exc F85 PEDAL less pad 1 579603 1962 F85 P B PEDAL ASSY 1 381585 1962 F85 P B LEVER 1 381590 1961 1962 F85 exc P B BRACKET pedal bumper stop lamp ...
1959 W P B BUSHING 2 563186 1959 exc P B 1960 thru 1962 exc F85 BUSHING pedal support 2 575509 1961 1962 F85 exc P B BUSHING pivot bolt Nylon 2 579984 1962 F85
1959 1960 exc P B BRACKET pedal support 1 575500 1959 W P B BRACKET pedal mtg 1 573365 1960 W P B BRACKET pedal support 1 577870 1961 F85 BRACKET pedal ...
BRACKET pedal mtg 1 579271 1961 1962 P B exc F85 BRACKET pedal support 1 579602 1962 F85 BRACKET pedal mtg 1 585508 1959 H T exc P B REINFORCEMENT brake cVl to dash ...
F85 REINFORCEMENT power cyl to dash 1 579604 1954 thru 1959 W P B BOLT pedal to brkt pivot 1 564456 1959 thru 1962 88 588 S T BOLT pedal to bracket pivot
1961 1962 F85 020 thick 2 578813 1961 1962 Domestic exc F85 025 thick 2
F85 P S 2 5675855 1961 1962 exc F85 Saginaw 1 5676916 1961 1962 exc F85 L H Saginaw 1 5676915 1961 1962 88 588 exc P S R H Thompson ...
CLAMP STEERING TIE ROD END 1950 t h r u 1960 4 5668675 1961 1962 F85 4 5668675 1961 1962 exc F85 Inner Saginaw 2 5675748 1961 1962 exc F85 Outer Saginaw ...
1959 thru 1961 exc F85 R H 1 579204 1959 thru 1961 exc F85 L H 1 579205 1961 1962 F85 R H 1 581854 1961 1962 F85 L H 1 581855 1962 exc F85
thru 1959 1960 1961 2 BC exc F85 SCREW slow idle stop 1 7001619 1955 1956 Wf4BC SCREW slow idle stop 1 7006959 1955 1956 W 2BC 1959 1960W 4BC SCREW slow idle stop ...
F85 J fire SCREW idle stop 1 7020934 1962 F85 J fire SCREW aux throttle valve attach 2 7020926 3 751 1952 thru 1957 4 BC 1957 thru 1961 213C or J 2 exc F85 ...
thru 1960 4 BC 1962 F85 4 BC 2nd type J fire SPRING slow idle stop screw 4 coils 1 7001690 3 766 1959 W 4BC lst type 1959 W 4 BC 2nd Type
F85 Rack piston 1 5687958 1961 1962 1785 P S Teflon 1 5689008 1960 thru 1962 P S exc F85 O RING piston ring back up seal 1 5687959 1961 1962 F85 ...
seal 5687959 6 580 ROD STRG GEAR POWER CYLINDER PISTON 1952 thru 1955 W P S 1 5663845 6 581 NUT WASHER STRG GEAR POWER CYLINDER PISTON ROD 1952 thru1955W P S LOCK ...
rings 1 5685746 1957 1958 WJP S RACK PISTON ASSY W rings 1 5685379 1959 thru 1961 P S exc F85 RACK PISTON NUT ASSY w ring worm pin 1 5689017 1961 F85
valve guides 2 582836 1961 1962 F85 2 BC W valve guides 2 577745 1961 1962 F85 4 BC J fire W valve guides 2 582163 1962 exc F85 W valve guides 2 584782 When ...
thru 1962 exc F85 Int std size 8 569968 1954 thru 1962 exc F85 Int 010 O S AR 569970 1961 1962 F85 Int std 2 grooves 8 581740 1961 1962 F85 ...
F85 Exh std size 8 553471 1954 thru 1961 exc F85 Exh 010 O S AR 553472 1 1 1962 F85 Exh atd 2 grooves 8 581741 1961 1962 F85
F85 exc J fire Primary 1 1951582 1962 88 2 BC fire Primary 1 1950577 1941 thru 1950 Breaker plate ground 1 1879140 1951 thru 1955 All Breaker plate ground 1 1922429 1956 thru ...
1959 thru 1961 exc F85 1 1116168 1961 1962 F85 S T exc J fire 1 1116184 1961 1962 F85 H T excJ fire 1 1116194 1962 F85 J fire ...
technical bulletin 58 W 54A 2 416 SPRING IGNITION DISTRIBUTOR VACUUM CONTROL PLUNGER ROD 1958 Anti rattle 1 576965 1961 F85 H T Anti rattle 1 584977 NOTE This spring required when converting
Conv exc F85 1 581545 1950 98 1951 588 1952 1953 All ROD clamp with stand up tire 1 558743 1954thru 1956A11 ROD clamp 1 564989 1957 1958exc H W S W ROD clamp ...
F85 C C CAP bolt rubber 1 4805842 12 981 7 633 NUT SPARE WHEEL CLAMP BOLT 1949 thru 1958 All With vertical spare tire mtg 1 557601 1959 thru 1962 exc F85 Wing type
STUD BODY TO FRAME 1961 exc F85 7 16 14 20 x 2 7 8 2 584058 1961 1962 exc F85 7 16 24 x 3 hex end 4 8 581121 9 011 WASHER ...
BODY HOLD DOWN BOLT 1941 thru 1961 exc F85 12 560063 1948 thru 1956 All 7 16 double ribbed 2 554670 O OOZ 1961 1962 exc F85 NUT 7 16 14 conelok ...
SEAL felt brake pedal only 1 558075 1953 thru 1959 W P B SEAL rubber brake push rod 1 565997 1941 thru 1956 exc 1950 51 98 BUMPER clutch pedal stop on frame
thru 1952 8 Cyl COTTER PIN 3 64 x 3 8 1 7000006 3 752 1959 2nd Type Use on carburetors with 2nd type throttle return check which has numeral 2 stamped on check ...
SPRING pump lower 61 171 1 1875351 See Group 3 752 3 763 for usage SPRING connector rod 61 128 839539 1951 thru 1953 W 2BC RETAINER pump spring 63 149 1 560923 See Group ...
SPRING pump return 1 3 7004597 1958 thru 1962 4 BC exc F85 SPRING pump return 1 7008694 1961 1962 F85 exc 2 BC SPRING pump return 1 7004597 1961 1962 FU 2 BC SPRING
WHEEL lock ratchet 1 1333670 B 1953 W D F ROD lock operating 1 1333781 B 1953 W D F SHAFT lock operating 1 1333672 B 4 293 ROLLER TRANS REVERSE SHIFT PARKING BRAKE ...
1959 H T 1 8618426 1960 H T 1 8619144 1961 F85 H T PAWL LEVER 1 8621122 1961 1962 H T exc F85 PAWL LEVER ASSY 1 8620965 1962 F85 H T PAWL LEVER
1959 GASKET upper spacer rubber 1 575086 1960 GASKET upper spacer rubber 1 577327 1961 1962 GASKET upper spacer rubber 1 579526 1961 1962 F85 GASKET lead in to hinge panel ...
F85 GASKET lead in to plr reinf rubber 1 581030 1961 1962 F85 BRACKET lead in to cowl 1 580671 1961 1962 exc F85 BRACKET lead in to plr reinf 1 581029 NOTE When using ...
POWER ANTENNA PARTS CASCO TYPE MAST PARTS CASCO TYPE 1953 98 Fiesta Conv MAST ASSY inc nylon rod 1 565873 1954 thru 1956 MAST ASSY inc nylon rod 1 577324 1957 1958 MAST ASSY
thru 1948 8 Cyl WASHER throttle shaft conn rod 136 37 1 7000731 1952 thru 1954 W 4BC WASHER throttle shaft levers con necting rod 136 37 AR 7000731 1953 1954 W 4BC WASHER secondary ...
LEVER secondary throttle shaft 1 7004396 1957 W J 2 LEVER front carb actuating 1 7011370 1962 F85 J fire SHAFT ASSY aux throttle 1 7020945 1957 W J 2 LEVER rear carb actuating ...
front carb 1 7011496 1958 W J 2 LEVER choke lock out front carb 1 7011878 1959 thru 1962 4 BC LEVER secondary shaft lock out 1 7013436 1954 thru 1962 4 BC LINK secondary
F85 LENS 2 5951684 1961 exc F85 LENS 2 5952184 1962 F85 LENS 2 5952946 1962 exc S W F85 LENS 2 5952889 1962 S W exc F85 LENS 2 5953380 1950 88 195I ...
F85 GASKET lens 2 5951789 2 684 1961 exc F85 GASKET lens 2 5952183 1962 exc S W F85 GASKET lens 2 5952886 1962 S W exc F85 GASKET lens 2 5953381 1956 All SCREW ...
lens 4 5946800 1961 F85 SCREW lens 4 5951791 2 688 1961 exc F85 SCREW lens 8 5952185 1962 exc S W F85 SCREW lens 4 5950010 2 594 1956 All WASHER lens screw
ROD CARBURETOR METERING 1951 thru 1953 2 BC Std Carter 75 766 2 560925 1962 F85 J fire ROD power enrichment 1 7025448 3 807 ARM SCREW ASSY GUIDE CARBURETOR METERING ROD 1952 thru ...
SCREW clamp Carter 101 33 1 1346564 1962 F85 1 fire GUIDE enrichment rod 1 7021003 3 810 SPRING RETAINER CARBURETOR METERING ROD CARTER 1949 thru ...
F85 2 BC lst type 1 W clip i 7012524 1958 thru 1962 4 BC W clip primary side 1 7012207 1958 thru 1962 4 BC W clip secondary side 1 7012144 1959
F85 PIPE ASSY 1 581478 1961 1962 F85 P S exc J fire PIPE 1 581624 1962 F85 J fire P S PIPE ASSY 1 585391 1961 1962 F85 P S CLAMP hose ...
F85 UNION ASSY pressure port on pump w filter screen 1 5688079 1961 1962 F85 P S UNION ASSY press port w filter 1 5689144 1956 thru 1959 P S CONNECTOR press port in valve ...
1959 thru 1962 P S CONNECTOR return port in housing 1 4 x 17 32 O D 1 5682044 1959 thru 1962 P S CONNECTOR press port in housing 1 5687538 1959 thru
1959 exc S W R H 1 574522 1959 exc S W L H 1 574523 1959 S W R H 1 577076 1959 ...
F85 exc P S R H 1 580660 1961 1962 F85 exc P S L H 1 580661 1 1 F85 P S 1962 P S lst type R H no forged ...
F85 R H 1 579038 1 1 1 2 P S exc F85 L H 1 579039 1962 F85 P S 2nd type R H no forged on arm 1 582852 1962 F85