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PASSENGER TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION LOCATION 1953 64 ALL 3 SPEED AND 0VERDRIVE 1965 PASSENGER 3 SPEED AND OVERDRIVE Stamped on rear face of upper right corner 1953 57 POWERGLIDE Stamped on rear face ...
JUNE 30 g53 56 63 WARNER 4 SPD Stamped on cover side u E STARTING UNIT NUMBER 1953 1001 and up at 1959 62 CAST IRON POWEBGI 1DEi Stamped 011 each assembly plant regardless
Camaro 1971 1975 Vega and Monza 11A Chevrolet Models thru 1975 Parts Illustration Catalog 14 1953 1977 Chevrolet Corvette Parts Catalog 14A 1953 1977 Chevrolet Corvette Parts Illustration Catalog 16 Chevrolet Dealer Parts and Accessories
RING SPRING STUD TUBE VALVE Transmission Main Valve POWERGLIDE BODY ASSY Complete NUTE 7 On ear y 1953 models vacuum modulator va ve 38302761 11usr be replaced by the valve from the ald va ve body
Pass Monte Carlo 454 1846010 1 9 50 maln w auto cam w 111 1436 1953 70 Chevelle 454 exc Monte Carlo 1846239 1 8 35 main w auto cam w 1111437 84 69 Pass
crankshaft pins NOTE 3 Use with 207 inch dia standard crankshaft p ns NOTE 1 Same early 1953 327 models used 7967 engines built tu 7958 spec Heier ta Nate 4 Group