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CORVAlR F C w H Per ax A 1 R 4 w 1110319 1886538 2 24 64 G lEVY CHEVELLE 230 6b66 CHEVY CHEVELLE
CORVAIR F C xv H Per exe A 1 R 1 automatic and breaker w 1110319 4 1963791 1 3 50 64 CHEVY CHEVELLE
CORVAER F C w H Per exc A I R 4 44 w weight plete w 1110319 1963790 1 3 55 64 67 CHEVY 8 cyl 4 lntermedlute to cli pump
KWRVAIR F C w 1 1 Far exc A 1 R 1110319 1 27 50 64 CHEVY CHEVELLE 230 1110321 1 22 30 6 67 CHEVY CHEVELLE 283 1111150 1 26 90 54 CHEVY CHEVELLE