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1979 Diesel Engine Piston Identification Chart 1 17 m 7 7 ri 3 M m V L 1 ll lga I rl A 5 L 01 ij l 1 t r ml I N I PISTONTAPEII M l l 4 IE rossurtbsrglsnnprnrrnirr V 500 mclskfl V e ei Cf i 3 KJ EKQJ Q vismrrsrze Measure a14l 0 104 center Ilnc I X cl plan pn mia Fig 01A CyIinder Bore Marking Fig O1B Measuring Piston crt me pismir vrsmri 10 crt 000 014 setzcnoir 000 sizes strsmm rismu sm vrswn 004 0005 ctmnrcs m mn u 4 0550 4 0555 4 0505 4 0510 Sm n 4 0555 4 0510 4 0510 4 0515 4 050216 4 0525 m 5 e 4 0570 4 0515 t 4 05lS 4 0520 sm n 4 0515 4 0500 n 4 0520 4 0525 mm to M50 4 0550 4 0555 4 0505 4 0510 ggg g g 4 v 4 000 was 06 rms L 4 0510 4 0515 L 4 0515 4 0520 l 0 5 n 4 0575 4 0500 4 0sz0 4 0525 Fig 01C Piston Information Chart Checking Cylinder Bore When replacing pistons the original cylin der size is stamped with a code letter on the Cylinder bore size can be measured with in block near each cylinder on the oil pan rail side micometers or a cylinder gage F1g 01A Maximum allowable taper ofthe cylinder bore When measuring piston for size or taper is O01 The most wear will occur at the top of measurement must be made on skirt 90 from the ring travel piston pin hole with the piston pin removed Reconditioned cylinder bores should be FlQ 0lB held to not more than U01 out of round and Wh m 5U l Q YBPGL m 5 G fh 6 001 taper terline ofthe piston hole and at the bottom of lf the cylinder bores are smooth the cylin the skirt The largest reading must be at the der walls should not be deglazed If the cylin bottom of the skirt Allowable taper is 0O0 to der walls are scored the walls may have to be 002 honed before installing new rings It is impor The piston and cylinder bore must be free of tant that reconditioned cylinder bores be oil and at the same temperature thoroughly washed with a soap and water so lution to remove all traces of abrasive material NOTICE OH S0m V hlC S Dv fsile pistons to eliminate premature wear may be found These pistons will be 010 oversize Measuring Each piston should be fitted to its individual NOTICE Refer to PISTON INFORMATION cylinder and marked for that cylinder Piston CHART FIGURE 01C to bore clearance is 005 to 0O6 EllEFiAL morons srnvxce mrs OPEFIAg0N LT Tauck 524 3 I