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Body Service Manual August 1964
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Removal af Refractor T l Extend iutb0arcI seat belt to full length 2 Insert li piece nf stiff wire such as a paper I TABS elip in slm in rnller drum tw maintain spring ten YI I I sion uf rctract0i ISe Fig ZHBBI I I jr R 1 I i FLAT Is IMPORTANT Wire tb remain in slot until re I TOOL LADE D I tractor is reinstalled Tn the event that spring I tension is lust drum an retractiir Can be tU1 i IE I I r 8 revulutil ns by hand tt resain spring tension I I I 1 I i Z 3 i I I 3 Using a flat bladed tevlll pry open tabs that se ak I cure belt an drum and reniuve retraetriir from belt js It I gl 3 Isee rig zum FIIIIPIMI 7 1Ti e i 1 s a of Renmrar M It 2 WIRE 1 ith seat bclt fully extended insert belt under Q ml tabs nn relrxietlir and pusition bn center df seat I I belt Fig 2tI40 F ervi vaI bf Renactcr from Seal Be NOTE Tabs bn retractur to be on inbuard side I5000 l uOOO Series nl gmt belt and bail pointinq 1 IJIlTWYi ZI belt buckle is bperated ta disenuaae the belts the 2 Using IIULIFSI hghuy IIQIIII IIIWII tubs S Cm mII rutI1I i lrd belt will autr niatir ally retract tn thc l r belt tu drum I 3 Reiiiuve wire from slut in drum when re A Outbourd gem BBII placin with new retractnr a retaining Clip that re Removal tains spring tensinn will be on retractmar whi h is I tn be reinliived and alluw belt te riill up tin L USUIS fI Fi QQHIIYW 1U Z l tl Hl I I1 l l 1 I I1 LI IIII ini f rward and rearwaid ends tn spread sides wl FRONT DELUXE SEAT BELTS WITH RETRACTORS I I 23 33 43 44000 SERIES I I I DESCRIPTION I I I I I As an option the 23 33 43 44000 Series seat belts I I are available with seat belt retractnrs Un the but bdartl belt only The i utb xai d seat belt must be Iullj extended and the inbbard belt adjusted fur I RETR 2 I individual requirements when the scat belt fas I A TOR COVER I tened by the driver or passenyger When the seat I f I z 3 I eI aT i1s l l WCM I I IsgI I gR q wma q gw I PANEL II im I Q s I r I I lilt I J yl I Er I I I I I SLOT L Ia V s I I I I Fr we X Y I I I I he M I I I irate fr l I I 1 I I S I I 2 J eTr I I s 4 I I It Iii I I III WI IL Mami was I IIIt II Rzimcron I I I ETRA III DRUM I IBM I R CT R l I If I BAIL was I FI 4 Fig 2H4I Iicmewal at Sem Bell Herr mm Cover Mg 2I I3 l k1 g Sem Ben Ren er I Drum AII emepl 1500u l 000 Setzes