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Body Service Manual August 1964
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2lj 34 REAR QUARTER r w TAPE 2 Ou 1ll but l5 styles celueiit eight B fliit 7 r 77i i i i r TAPE sp 1 rS 20 1 63 1 0 Part N0 445942901 ix H i 77 i quiv 1leuU in window opening piiiclmdld flange M with black wezitli rstrip adhesive tis sh i w1i in Flu r V IMA ure ZEJ8 011 ln styles omit bottom caiiteer J l spfwcr r 77 7 7rr it J 4 e i rem 7 i f n l F W rr i NOTE U5 SL1HiCi I1t Adhesive t0 protect l Jl tk 1 1mst w 1t r1s2 xk at spacer ltlcntmns wlucli l i 7 tend tn bv very vlnlmariilnle J rf VL I V 3 With black waatherstrip nclliesivs cement tour Y 4 rectsnguliir spacers 30 x 44 x 1 0 p11l lNi 4404l9 i tl ets Rm quam imiicnm l l elm side opening rtibb ts in the depressions provided tw 2 00 lvwei ulb 1 1 it 0ld CRUIRLIIQQ ninmrml lrlmx glass Remove All 3 t vii 1 I U el m one I On 11 r r 1d riibbet Pu ZLJS ygiiixigrtrtuzgg with ii tulushe 0r thimier d imp r V nl iz FHM I i 4 With tual UI zi helper curry glass t0 body as h w11 2E 9 Tl l NOTE D0 not me tui ml base solvent Any U ufqrp U Pn W1hh 1pm ummlmlg V A glass with auth hmwtls reziczh cme hlllld 1z 0u11db0dy tixxces 01 011 wrll prevent 1d 1es101i0tue wctuxlk u1ru ind u Ort 1 q Wl 1 I 1 1 r j ing m iteri il t0 glass L A L b M b J H 6 IE pe L b lego mb nruund pillar to assume position shown in Figure F 2E40 PUSi ti i n glass in Opening byx1i 1l i1ig c0ht 1ct 1 Lislhg slmrp scmper or clnsel rvuwvo Y t Y 110 1 upper Edge t1rst than swing m lmwer edge znnjirlr portion Of Old caiulkmg nmterml trum pinch V weld flsmge alrcxund wiiiduw cpeulhg lt is mint ncaeasr S 11 y thtxt all of it be remuvtirl but Lliere shoulcl not 5 Check relationship 0f glass tn pinchwe ld flange be any mounds or ltwse pieces 0i111ixte ri 1 l it Lxuvuiicl entire pe1 iui 1 s r Overlap mf pmcliweld flange by glass should be equal with il minimum overlap of 3 16 2 Ililicleqtmte overlap across trip tnsrqlluoinn 1uuy be corrected by replacing two 2 H re c t mgul xr guess support spacears across b0tt0m with thicker ll iiew wuidriw is being 11ist rll dbe c 1us f 1 l ll i spacers S lll l ll d spacers are 430 thick but l 1 s slmit 2red perlcrm steps 1 und 5 0f Quzxrtcr 34 thzvk spacs rs are available as il s 1 viCs part Vind i w Rem0v ll pr0u a dure bemre 1 C dlllg lS Gl s 1n111x1 Of px 0ce clu1 t wlth iust xll iti m G Chccl relutioiisliip of glass contour t0 body 1 Check ill reevsedl molding 1 E HllllIl Clips lf P mlI Gall SING between 1355 i d i 1W 31d upppr gmt gf A Clip is bent iiway f 1 U j gijyn gt 1 UHHQG Shiluld b 110 less than 1 8 1101 more than mm mlm 1 32 UL Ml muh Either FQLJUI or 14 ll thflicully is enc0u1iter d staying lnetnreem WPIHCE Cup Check nu Cup SCMWS and tighten these limits ucrrectimi can bc mdclol y 11iy mn20f any mim 1 tl be indie t f 11 wi 2 metlzmlsz r M POSUIVIII tuirintlivr glass in opening to determine I if 1 better fit can be nbttiixiecll TAPE TAPE V V i h Rewcrkpim liweldfl 1uge rf C4 Apply 11101 9 zwxulking material than is spewzifipcl I i r ii g 4 at excessive pgup 1rc is l l 1te1 i 1l can be applied if g tw piunhweld lkmge by alluw11ighe td tm glass wk W to exceed specified 3i8 height ut gap ixrclls t t it lil I fi 7 After lmul aclgustmexits have been mdde and f 7 N glass is in prrnper p0siti0i1 apply A piece nf m iSk mg tape horizcntully ximver fmut aud rear edge s of glass and body pillars Fig 2E40 Slit tape vertir cally ut glass edge so that tape cm glass C1 llb aligned with tape im body and uct as E1 guide when Fig 2E40 Re r Qnqrtet Window Installation glass is installed