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<- Transmission - Brakes Parts Catalog 10 September 1978
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX V L L SHIM KIT Pinion Shaft Bearing 5 460 SHIMKIT Plnlon Shaft Bearing l i 4 5 480 V SHIM Rear Axle Tle Rod 5 418 V LEVER Brake shoe Automatic Adjusting 5 103 SHOE KIT Front Brake w Facing 5 017 LEVER Perkin Brake Shoe 5 149 SHOE KIT Rear Brake W Faelngi 5 017 LEVER 81 PAI JI KIT Brake Shoe Automatic SLEEVE Propeller Shaft Plnion rive 5 440 Adjusting 5 103 SOCKET Brake Shoe Adjusting Screw 5 111 LINING KIT Rear Brake 5 018 SPACER Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 LINK Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting Lever 5 105 r SPACER Differential Clutch Posltrectlonh V 5 51 1 LOCK Raar Axle Shaft 5 422 SPACER KIT Brake Flange Plat V 5 002 SPAQER KIT Rear Wheel 5 81 1 SPACER Pinion Shaft Bearing 5 453 l SPACER Rear Axle Control Arm T V 5 283 N SPRING Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting Lever 5 107 SPRING Differential Clutch Positraotion 5 511 SPRING KIT Brake Shoe Hold Down 5 043 NUT Brake Flange Plate 5 002 SPRING KIT Rear Brake 5 028 NUT Brake Shoe Adj lsting Screw 5 111 SPRING Rear Brake e 5 026 NUT Hub Front and ear 5 813 STRAP Universal Joint Bearing and Flange 5 586 lil I II l l I I Ei 4 i i 2132 I lB i f i il i L l v 7 2 118 oeer e lnlon ne roeer lnl rl I sul l om ml Axle Control Arm saeo 0 T ORNAMENT Wheel Cover Appearanoe V 5 871 J TAG Rear Axle Filler and Drain 2 5 400 V TEE Tlre Traction 5 885 P l V PAWL Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting 5 103 V V V V PIN Brake Shoe Anchor 5 055 V V PIN KIT Brake Shoe Hold Down 5 043 VALVE Tire Valve 5 875 PLATE Brake Flange 1 V 5 001 VALVE Tlre V 5 880 PLATE Brake Shoe Guide V 5 045 VENTILATOR Rear Axle V 2 5 387 V PLATE Differential Clutch Poakracfion 5 511 PLATE KIT Differential Clutch VgPositraction 5 511 PLATE Propeller Shaft Pinion V rive 5 440 V V rtue naar Axle Flller anu ora moo W V WASHER Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 110 R WASHER Differential Pln on Thrust 5 542 WASHER Dlffsrehtiel Side Gear Thrust 5 543 WASHER KIT Differential Plnlon Thrust 5 542 REINFORCEMENT Rear Axle Control Upper WASHER Propeller Shah Plnlon Flange 5 595 and Lower and Torque 5 382 WASHER Rear Axle Bumper V 5 384 REPAIR KIT Front or Rear 5 803 WASHER Rear Axle Control Arrn 5 381 REPAIR KIT Propeller Shaft Unlveraal Jolnt 5 548 WASHER Rear Axle Control Arnl V V 5 383 RESTRICTOR Rear Axle 5 395 WASHER Rear Axle Extension 5 600 RETAINER Rear Axle Shah Bearing V 5 818 WASHER Rear Axle Tla Rod 5 418 RETAINER Rear Axle Tie Rod L I 5j418 WASHER Wheel Parklng Brake Shoe lever a 5 158 RING Universal Joint Bearing and Flange 5 586 WElGHT Wheel Balance V V V 5 805 RING Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 WHEEL Front or Rear 2 I V 5 V 5 803 V ROD Rear Axle Tle 5 415 Y Y0l E Univeraal Joint V 5 555 SCREW Axle Housing 5 398 V SCREW KIT Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 110 SCREW Pinion Shaft Lock 5 518 SCREW Rear Axle Filler and Drain 5 400 V V V SCREW Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 V F SCREW Tire e V 5 880 V SCREW Wheel Covar Appearance V 5 871 Vi SEAL Drive Pinion g l 5V468 V V V SEAL Rear Axle Shaft Bearing or Huh Z 1 5 822 V V V V SHAFT Differential Side Pinion 5 517 SHAFT KIT Propeller Shaft Pinion 5 545 SHAFT Propeller Shaft Pinion Drive 5 440 SHAFT Rear Axle 5 420 SHAFT Rear Propeller Shaft Attaches To Rear rj Axl 2 5 441 SHAFT ear Propeller A i 5 544 SHIELD Brake Flange Plate 3 L 5 001 VV SHIM Differential Clutoll Poaitractlon 5 511 SHIM KIT Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 T j GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION IIHEVROLET 104 INDEX 5 2 A