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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 2D 9 ever drwyr outer panel adjacent to outer strip as sembly tm prrttect paint finish 2 On trmnt dncyrs mt styles equipped with a lewer x reveal nmlcline remove the frmit cl 1 ventilatrqr assembly as cleseribed in the Frnnt D00r see tion of the Body Service Manual This is neces 4 sary to gain aeeess to the forward attaching serew of the drier lrwwer reveal molding wt 3 On rear doors remove rear door windew in I I I I 3 order to gain aeeess t0 attaching screws 4 Remove the deor window lower stup ur stop V V bumper un front d00rs and lower d00r window g 2 A mE r Or OL gy gp Av mb y RemO as far down as pnssible to gain access tu the outer strip assembly attaching screws 7 Tu install pusitiun strip assembly sn that tang nf Clips start into sluts in th r panel then 5 Depending on bedy style remove attaching press at each elip1tiw atimi tn engage clips bb gw at ritgnt and 11 ielu UI STUD i1 S mb1l pyl 1 U mgtlumg gtytpagse ml 1y reform flip tanqs tu insure iusitive retentiwn when in talle l G Insert a flat blatled trml that is slotted te fit I A ever tang ni clip between d00r panel return flanse NOTE T0 make strip assembly removal tool and strip assembly at Clip lsiyeatitms Fig 2Dl4 make a 1 4 wide by 3 8 deep slut in the Carefully pry clips from slots in panel and remtirve end ol it J 2772 headlinin inserting tenl ur strip assembly equivalent