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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 2D it inner panel Make two slits in tape to forman 77 7777777 7 77 X pattern Cheek retainer for a snug fit aud 1 W To LT are I if still loose repeat above operation by install or yl ina a second piece of tape over the existing Jl repair This same procedure can be used to tl repair waterleaks which develop around per SEM ING TAPE meter of retainer l i t FRONT AND REAR DOOR WATER DEFLECTORS 1 I l A waterproof paper deflector is used to seal the l 1 door inner panel and prevent entry of water into s W 1 body The deflector is secured by a string loaded RETAINING SLOT sealing material alone both front and rear edges and by the application of waterproof sealing tape FRONT DOOR at front and rear lower corners Whenever work is performed on front or rear doors where the SEALER i paper water deflector has been disturbed the i 7 r deflector must be properly sealed and taped to o T V thc inncr panel to prevent serious waterleaks It is important that all service personnel per fj ff forming door hardware adjustments or sealing 1 operations are aware of the importance of using I the specified material and recommended removal 5 and installation or replacement procedures For service sealing body naulking compound is recom mended if additional sealing material is required I 7777 When access to the inner panel is required to perform service operations the deflector may be 7m completely or partially detached from the inner REAR DOOR nw panel lt the existing water deflector 1S damaged Fig 2D Fr0n and RCN Dom Wmer Dgflccmrs so that it will not properly seal the door replace ment of the deflector is required The following procedure covers complete re 5 DiS ng g 1 g U Water l Ct i1 mn 7 retaining slot in door inner panel and remove water moval and installation of the water deflector lf dEf1 tm SSG Fig GDS only partial removal of the deflector is required perform only those steps which are necessary to expose the required area of the door inner panel Insmumom l Inspect water deflector and where ncccss 11 y R m V repair any tears or holes with waterproof l c ly tape applied to both sides of deflector In addition L R 1 i V l 01 Wim HSS 1 blY if bond between polyethylene coating and de1 let tor paper has been torn cut or damaged apply water 2 Remove door trim pad upper retainer on all proof body tape to both sides of deflector over styles except 33800 and 44400 series styles damaged area to prevent water from wicking on uncoated side of defleetor 3 Remove strips of waterproof body tape se curing lower corners of water deflector 2 lf a new water deflector is to be installed use old water deHector as a template trim new 4 With a putty knife or other suitable flat defleetor to proper size and cut holes for doors bladed tool carefully break cement bond securing inside hardware If old sealer does not effect 1 uPP S Oi W8t d H O1 to dOO i 1 satisfactory seal apply a bead of body caulkinp P ll 1 Make Sui U Ul I 7 t d VithUl 81119 is compound approximately 3 l6 diameter to inner against water deflector and carefully slide putty panel at uusgalgd m 15 knife between sealer and door inner panel along both sides of door to disengage sides of water de 3 position water del lg etor to door inner panel flector from door inner panel with polyethylene coated side ot defleetor against