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Parts Catalogue 10 September 1980 |
l FRAMES SPRINGS SHOCKS BUMPERS I C319 I I 1977 H BODY I Follow the three steps below to utlllze the 1977 spring charts I 1 Select the model desired wlth the base spring weight on Chart A I 2 Then select epticna accordingly shown on Chart B and add that weight to the base sprlng weight l 3 When accumulated weight has been determined refer to chart C and select correct sprlng cnAn r A Z use srnuuo wznorrr HV1I Vega 2 Dr Nctchback Cpe 588 5 472 0 HV15 Vega 2 Dr Sta Wag 587 0 525 0 HV77 Vege Z Dr Hatchback Cpe 595 0 497 0 l HR07 Monza 2 Dr Hatchback 631 0 522 5 HM27 Monza 2 Dr Notchbeck 615 0 497 5 I 1977 H BODVV I V CHART B I Q nro www wzrems jH I1 ZEi l C60 Air Ccmditlcning 43 0 4 0 l F41 Spec Perf Suspension 7 0 4 0 I I 150 Power Brake r 5 0 s l 1 LG3 305 Eng 150 0 5 0 l r M38 Hvdrametlc Trensmlssion 5 0 1 5 l I N4 Power Steerin 17 0 2 0 l l A at W l l l l I l I l l l GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 10 REV 9 80 7 17 c 7 000 GROUP I V i