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Body Service Manual August 1964 |
FOLDING TOP 1I 23 FOLDING TOP ADJUSTMENTS ALL SERIES DESCRIPTION 2 Loosen side roof rail lock attaching screws and adjust front roof rail fore or aft as required The folding top linkage consists of three sections Repeat on opposite side if necessary Fig H5 of right and left side roof rails and 1 front roof rail connected by bolts hinges and 11 series of NOTE If additional adjustment is required it connecting links and bows The top linkage is at can be made at the folding top male hinge tached to the body at the rear quarter area by a male hinge The hinge is attached directly to the When front roof rail is properly adjusted quarter panel brace The front roof rail is locked tighten lock attaching screws Check forward sec at the windshield header by two hook type locks tion of side roof rail front weatherstrip Re fit which are an integral part of the two locking and re cement as required then install weather handles strip attaching screws The following information outlines and illustrates FRONT ROOF RAIL LOCK ASSEMBLY procedures which may be used to correct mis aligned folding top linkage To correct some top Remomlund Insmlluuqn variations only a single adjustment is required other top variations requirela combination of ad L Uumpk mp umu windshield hE ldE1 justments In conjunction with adjustment ofthe mldimf mp it may be HQCCSSHPY to Mtjust HTR dom 2 With top in a half open position remove lock door glassy rear quarter glass 1111 SUCKS UF atmgjjmg Sprews then remove lock assembly from side roof rail weatherstrips UOM 1 OOf Yau FRL 1157 3 To install reverse removal procedure ADJUSTMENT OF FOLDING TOP FRONT ROOF RAIL GUIDE FRONT ROOF RAIL LOCK ADJUSTMENT If the front roof rail guides do not properly engage with the SmkeI assemuiies when the top if the 1 ki a i of wp is iS tiSf t w the is in an up or raised position the guides may hook on the lock assembly may be adjusted as be adjusted laterally as follows IOUOWSZ l Raise top assembly to half open position 2 Loosen guide sufficiently to permit adjustment Fig HBS FRONT ROOF RAIL GUIDE 3 Shift guido to desired aosition then tighten guide V 1 V I U c x NOTE The sunshade support and striker as sembly is not adjustable In addition adjustment V 3 of guide is limited If additional adjustment is xlgjji rcquired particularly fore and aft movement of the front roof rail it can be obtained by adjusting the front roof rail andw or folding ton male hinge 7 Q c y ixkt tp ADJUSTMENT or iop AT Fnom Root RAIL l V 4 If the top when ni a raised position is too far ILL j forward or does not move forward enough to allow the guide studs on the front roof rail to enter holes in the striker assemblies proceed as follows 1691 1 Unlatch top and raise it above windshield header Remove side roof rail weatherstrip front attaching screws Fig I I 5 GuIde Adjustment