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Parts Catalogue 10A September 1978 |

GM9 1 I234S7 1976 79 AXIAL S CYLINDER AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR 1 NUT Drive Shaft Note I 4 4 9 181 2 RING Drive Shaft Hub Retaining Note 2 44 4 9 175 3 SPACER Drive Shaft Hub to Nut 9 18I 4 PLATE Compressor Clutch w Hub 9 I88 5 RING Bearing to Head Ret Note 2 9 181 S RING Bearing to Pulley Hub Ret 9 181 7 BEARING Pulley 9 I81 8 PULLEY Compressor 9 180 9 RING Coil Housing Retainer 9 175 10 COIL Compressor Clutch w Housing 9 188 11 SHELL Compressor Incl I2 I3 9 170 12 GASKET Oil Filler Screw 9 177 13 SCREW Oil Filler 9 177 14 RETAINER Seal Note 3 9 175 15 SEAL Sleeve Felt Note 3 9 175 18 RING Seal Seat Retainer Note 3 9 172 17 SEAL Felt Sleeve Retainer Note 3 N S 18 SEAL Felt Sleeve Note 3 N S 19 RING Seal Seat Notes 3 4 N S 20 HEAD Cylinder Front 9 174 21 SEAL Head O Ring Note 4 N S 22 PLATE Discharge Valve Front 9 172 23 VALVE Suction Reed 9 I72 24 PIN Cylinder Locator Note 5 9 174 25 CYLINDER Front Part of Cylinder Asm 9 I70 28 TUBE KIT Discharge Note 4 N S 27 RING Discharge Tube Note 4 N S 28 BUSHING Discharge Tube Note 4 9 172 29 RACE Wobble Plate Thrust Bearing Selective 9 I72 30 BEARING Wohble Plate Thrust 9 172 31 BEARING Main Shaft Part of Cylinder Asm 9 172 32 KEY Clutch Hub 9 188 33 RING Piston 9 172 34 PISTON Compressor 9 172 35 BALL Piston Drive 9 I72 38 SEAT Piston Ball Drive Selective 9 172 37 PIN Head Locator N S 38 CYLINDER Rear Part of Cylinder 9 I70 39 O RING Oil Inlet Tube Note 4 9 I72 40 TUBE Oil Pump Suction z 9 172 41 PLATE Discharge Valve Rear 9 172 42 PUMP KIT Inner Outer Rotors 9 I72 43 COVER Manifold Suction Crossover Passage 9 172 44 SEAL Manifold Suction Cover Note 4 N S 45 SHAFT Compressor w Wohble Plate 9 170 48 NUT Cylinder Head 20 Note 1 9 170 47 SWITCH Superheat Note G N S SWITCH Pressure Note 7 N S 48 RING Superheat Switch Note 8 9 172 49 RETAINER Ring Note 5 9 172 50 HEAD Cylinder Rear 9 174 51 SCREEN Suction Freon Inlet 9 172 52 GASKET Pressure Relief Valve Part of 53 9 178 53 VALVE Pressure Relief 9 178 54 O RING Suction Discharge Port Note 4 9 228 NOTE I Nut Kin Dr ve Shaft Head Group 9 70 NOTE 2 Seal Kit Shaft Group 9 75 NOTE 3 Seal Ki Compressor Group 9 70 NOTE 4 Tube Kit Manifold Disc 7arge Graup 2 72 NOTE 5 Fin K L Cylinder Locamr Group 9 78 NOTE Switch Kit Super resbGroup 9 72 NOTE 7 Switch Kit High S de Preseure Gr0up 9 72 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET IDA 9 78 e 1 9 000 GROUP