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Body Service Manual August 1964 |
GENERAL INFORMATION lA 5 1 m V excess 1 i F and CNOCOIMB Stain R 91 will clear up the lust mf the stain by removing fatty blotting action until stain is no l01ige1 tra11sfex x ed oy oil matter to surface of blottoxr CHEWING GUM NAUSEA Hzircleu the gum with an ice cube sud scrape 0ff particles with zi dull knife Lf gum cannot be re Sponge with g Glen 1 m Clem Md moved completely by this method moisten it with w j Am mst 9 9 Sw ms bw v H vgmiie cleaner lllld work it from the mime with i 5 Y hgmy wh S t 3 dull knife while gum is stm moist using Et cleem cloth and lukewarm water Then rub with another cleim cloth dipped in cold water If FRUIT FRUIT STAINSI LIQUOR AND WINE an uflthe smh reiuafxis after this treatment gently ru c can witi A c oti moistened with zi volati e Practically all fruit stains can be removed by cleaner treatment with very hot water Wet the stain well by applying hut water t0 the spot with n cle 111 cloth scrape all excess pulp if present off the fabric SHOE POLISH AND DRESSINGS with it dull knife then rub vigorously with zi cloth wei with very hot water II the stain is very old or On types of shoe dressings which contain starch deep it may be necessary t0 pour very hot water dextriue or some water soluble vehicle allow the directly 011 the spat following this treatment with polish to dry then brush the spot vigorously with the scraping and rubbing Direct upplicatioii of hot a brush This will probably be all the treatment water to fabrics is not recommended for general that is necessary If further treatment is required use since discoloration may result mcisten the spot with cold water and after it has lf the above treatments do not remove stain allow dum repeat mg bmshmg Op mmm fabric to dry thoroughly then rub lightly with 1 clean cloth dipped in u volatile cleaner This is the C StE Or Wax type Shoe Pohshgs may Nqullrg only ful th91 h eatm9ntl cmmH ud d using u volatile clezuieinl Rub the stsm gently with a cloth wet with zi volatile cleaner until the polish Soup and water are not recommended since they is removed USE 3 Clem pmhcn Of the cloth for will probably set the stain and cause zi permanent each rubbing Operation and mb the Smm d Mw di5c 10mtiO Drying the fabric bY means Of heat from outsicle t0 center Blot stained urea t0 remove such us the use 0f an l1 OIl is not recommendedi as much Of the Clgun l as possibla GREASE AND OIL AR H Uease mm b E Spill d 1 Bt9 m1 as Remove ss much mf the my iis possible with u much us possible should be removed by scraping mu kmfg Moist n the Spot lightly with volume with 3 dull knife OY Spatula beioye further treat c lea11er and again remove as much 0f the tar as mem is i tt m1 t d possible with 1 dull knife Follow this operation by Grease and Ou Stains may be removed by rubbing rubbing the spot lightly with n cloth wet with the lightly with at clean cloth saturated with u volatile CIBMW until the Stain is m v l cleaner Be sure all motions are toward the center of the stained area to decrease the possibility of U R NE Spreading the Stun Usmg a clean Wmte blottmx Sponge the stain with 1 clean cloth saturated with mot area F0 remove exceiss cleaner Wd loosen d lukewarm soapsuds mild neutral soap and then g E3S 4 mj OIL Repeat b1Ott ng action wml grease or rinse well by rubbing the stain with u clean cloth Ou sum LS no longer tmnsmued to blcttelx dipped in cold wateir Then saturate it clezm cloth ICE CREAM with a sclution of one part household mmnimiu water and f1V parts water Apply the cloth to the Th 531116 Pl 0 d Y is 1 0i m d d for th stain and allow solution to remain on affected area removal of ice cream stains as that used in 1 for one minute then rinse by rubbing with ri clean moving fruit stains wet cloth lf the stain is persistent rubbing the spot with 11 UPSTICK cloth wet with warm soapsucls mild neutral soup The compositions ci different brands of lipsticks may be used to some advantage after the initial vary making the stains very difficult to remove treatment with hot water This soup treatment In SOIHE instances 1 volatile cleaner may remove should be followed with a rinsing by rubbing with the stain If some stain remains utter repeated a clean cloth wet with cold wateri After this dries ipplicutions uf the volutile cleaner it is best t0 rubbing lightly with A cloth wet with volatile cleaner leave it rather thim try other measures