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Super Sport Equipment List November 1970
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w YVVYVVVYVYVVV VV V V VVVV V V VVVV V V V CARBURETORS 302 350 The stock l x 4 BL carburetors on the small block 302 350 Special High performance engines are 780 800 Holley s Throttle bores are l ll l6 Satisfactory jetting for most running conditions is the 73 jets in the primary and secondaries j r leaner mixture is desired jet sizes can be se cud numerica y up or down A 850 CFM Holley from the 427 a sed pro vided the mixture distribution tabs are removed r imary and RH Secondary main discharge nozzles Jets 4 should be used in the primaries and 76 in the seconda the chart on page 8 for other applicable carburetor 296 427 454 The stock l x 4 BL carburetor on the large bloc ines was the 850 CFM Holley with throttle bore of l 7 Thi c r ure tor has mechanically actuated secondaries and a pend 1 accelerator pump for them To run with open plen intake i fold the jetting should be staggered left front 80 right front 76 left rear 76 and right rear 78 If richer or leaner mixture is desired jets can be selecte down n size The 800 CFM carburetor Holley R 4346 also 13 usE 1 a jetting staggered same as on the 850 CFM e gsing lp g p j mary jets and connecting the secondaries to P Q ally can be done by inserting a bolt in the secondary return quadrant located on the left side of the carburetor Bronze fuel filters located at the carburetor fuel inlet should be removed and discarded Instead use a separate filter unit I with replaceable paper element Fuel pressure drop occurs with Y bronze filters and is not detectable because of the gauge loca V tion Many engine difficulties can be attributed to filters 1 0 74 c j il y yy 4 T 5 2 V x I i z Ur 37 ll 16 70 g W