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Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976 |
1974 75 PASSENGER 4 DOOR SEDAN SHEET METAL 1 12 810 PANEL ASM Roof 27 10 230 SUPPOFlT Inst Pnl End 2 12 804 SUPPORT Steering Col On Ctr Duct Relnf ZE 12 804 EXTENSION Shroud Vent Duct Pnl Flainf 3 10 230 EXTENSION Inst Pnl Supt On Ctr Duct 29 12 491 PILLAR ASM Center 39 Styles Only 4 10 230 FlEINFDRCEMENT lnst Pnl Lwr Flinge 30 12 491 EXTENSION Ctr Plr lnr Pnl To Hoof 5 10 230 SUPPDRT lnst Pnl To Ctr Duct 69 Stylet Only B 10 230 SUPPORT Inst Pnl End Upr Rt Side 31 12 942 PANEL B0dy Lk Plr Otr Upr 39 Styles Only I 7 12 804 PANEL A M Shr0ud Component of Item 12 32 12 942 PANEL ASM Body Lk Plr Otr Lwr 8 10 230 PANEL ASM Inst Lwr 33 12 491 BFIACE Ctr Plr To Flr Pen Lwr 9 12 650 BRACE ASM Dash To Chassis Frm 39 Stllles Only lCornpon nt Item 14 34 12 934 PANEL ASM R0cker 10 12 804 EXTENS ON Shr ud Pnl 35 10 351 DOOR ASM l Frt1 Including Item 36 4B 1l 12 804 PANEL ASM Shroud Vent Cir Duct 35 12 995 PANEL ASV I Frt Dr Ot Component of llntludlne Item 9 Item 35 12 12 804 PANEL ASM Dash Including Item 10 37 10 373 DOOR ASM Re r Including Item 38 4B 13 12 991 FILLER Compartment Pen To Gtr Pnl 38 12 913 PANEL Rr Dr Otr Component of Item 37 14 12 981 PAN ASM C mpt Including Item I9 39 12 940 PANEL Otr Otr 15 12 981 PLA I E Sp re Tire Clamp Anchor 40 12 966 PANEL ASM Rr End I6 12 9BB BAR ASM Flear Cross Component of Item 17 41 12 337 PLATE Comp Lid Lk Striker Anchor 17 12 971 PANEL Rr St To Bk Window 42 12 996 GUTTER Compt Lid Side 18 12 971 PANEL Compt Frt 43 12 944 PANEL W House Otr Component of Item 50 19 12 186 PlN Rr Compartment Lid Hinie 44 12 944 BRACE Comp Gutter tn W Holme 20 12 IB1 LID ASIVI Compartment 45 12 944 PANEL ASIVI W House Including Item 47 21 12 184 BOX ASM Hr Compt Lld Hinge 46 l2 940 EXTENSION Otr Otr To Hr End Pnl 22 12 187 STRAP 81 LINK ASM Rr Compt Lld Hlnge 4 7 12 995 BAR Frt Dr Otr Pnl Component of Item 35 Z3 12 197 ROD Compt Lid Hinge Torque 48 12 913 BAR Flr Dr Otr Pnl Component of Item 37 24 12 491 PILLAR ASM Ctr 59 Styles Only 49 12 9E1 FIEINFORCEMENT Cnmpt Pan To Rr End Pnl 26 12 237 STHIKER Compt Lld Lk 50 12 650 FlE NFORCEMENT Dash T0 Chas Frm Br 26 12 840 PANEL ASM Frt Body Hinge Plr 12 834 Y 1 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 11A 12 153 12 000 GROUP g I