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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX KNOB Air Flow Control with Tube 4 9 787 O KNOB ASSY Air Conditioning Electrical Temperature and Blower Motor Contro 9 275 V KNOB ASSY Rear Window Defogger 9 778 ORIFICE ASSY Alr Conditioning Evaporator KNOB Cigarette Lighter 9 709 Expansion l 9 213 KNOB Clock Mounting and Attaching 9 772 OUTLET Air Conditioning Evaporator Air KNOB Radio Control 9 649 Distributor and Astro Venti ation 9 252 OUTLET Air Flow 9 786 OUTLET ASSY Deiroster 9 779 OUTLET Cowl 9 789 L OUTLET Rear Window Defogger 9 778 LAM P Cigarette Lighter 9 709 LAMP Rear Luggage Compartment 9 988 P LAMP UNIT Safety Light 9 773 LEAD ASSY Antenna 9 647 LENS Clock Mounting and Attaching 9 772 PIN Alr Conditioning Compressor Pressure LENS Instrument Case Face 9 748 Relief 9 178 LENS PLATE Air Conditioning Control 9 279 PIN Air Flow 9 786 LEVER Air Conditioning Control 9 278 PIN Cowl 9 789 LEVER Air Conditioning Evaporator Air PIN Safety Light 9 773 Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 PISTON Air Conditioning Compressor LEVER AND SEAL ASSY Cowl 9 789 Internal 9 172 LEVER ASSY Air Flow 9 786 PISTON Air Conditioning Evaporator Bw LIGHT ASSY Seat Belt Check Doors and Pass 9 198 Low Fuel warning Lights 9 765 PLATE Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch LIGHTER UNIT Cigarette Lighter 9 709 Actuating 9 188 LINK Air Flow 9 786 PLATE Alr Conditioning Evaporator Core LINK ASSY Alr Conditioning Electrical 9 276 Housing 9 211 LINK Cowl 9 789 PLATE Alr Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 LUBRICATING OIL Maintenance Items Air PLATE Air Flow 9 786 Conditioning 9 282 PLATE Clock Mounting and Attaching 9 772 PLATE Instrument Case Face 9 748 PLATE Instrument Case 9 744 PLATE Instrument 9 743 M PLATE Rear Window Defogger 9 778 PLATE Safety Light 9 773 PLIERS Air Flow Control with Tube 9 797 MOTOR ASSY Air Conditioning Evaporator PLUG Air Conditioning Control 9 281 Blower 9 215 PLUG Cigarette Lighter 9 709 MOTOR ASSY Air Conditioning Vacuum POINTER Speedometer and Odometer Control 9 280 Miles 9 761 MOTOR Rear Window Defogger 9 778 PROGRAMMER ASSY Air Conditioning MUFFLER Air Conditioning Compressor Electrical Temperature and Blower Suction and Discharge 9 226 Motor Control 9 275 MUFFLER PKG Air Conditioning Refrigerant PULLEY Air Conditioning Compressor Drive 9 180 Line Fitting Pkgs Include Rings and PUMP UNIT Alr Conditioning Compressor Hose Clamps 9 222 Internal 9 172 N R NOZZLE ASSY Rear Window Defogger 9 778 RACE Air Conditioning Compressor NUT Air Conditioning Compressor Pulley 9 181 Internal 9 172 NUT Air Conditioning Electrical RADIO UNIT Radio Primary 9 650 Temperature and Blower Motor Contro 9 275 RECEIVER ASSY Air Conditioning NUT Air Conditioning Evaporator Air Refrigerant with Dehydrator 9 195 Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 REFLECTOR instrument Case Face 9 748 NUT Air Conditioning Evaporotor Blower REFRIGERANT Maintenance Items Air Motor 9 216 Conditioning 9 282 NUT Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pass 9 198 REINFORCEMENT Cowl 9 789 NUT Air Conditioning Evaporator Core FIEINFORCEMENT Instrument 9 743 Housing 9 211 REINFORCEMENT Rear and Auxiliary NUT Air Conditioning Refrlgerant 9 I90 Speakers 9 665 NUT Air Duct 9 782 RELAY ASSY Air Conditioning Electrlcel 9 277 NUT Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 RELAY ASSY Air Conditioning Evaporator NUT Air Flow 9 786 Blower 9 215 NUT AND GUIDE ASSY Antenna 9 647 RELAY ASSY Rear Window Defogger 9 778 NUT Cargo Tie Down Hook 9 025 RELAY ASSY Seat Belt Check Doors and NUT Clock Mounting and Attaching 9 772 Low Fuel Warning Lights 9 765 NUT Instrument Case Face 9 748 REPAIR KIT Drive and Engine 9 750 NUT Instrument Case 9 744 REPAIR KIT Rear Window Defogger 9 778 NUT Instrument 9 743 RESISTOR Air Conditioning Electrical NUT KIT Air Conditioning less Clutch 9 I70 Temperature and Blower Motor ControI 9 275 NUT Radio and Stereo Mounting 9 667 RETAINER ASSY Front Center Speaker NUT Rear Window Defogger 9 778 Mounting 9 655 RETAINER Air Conditioning less Clutch 9 170 RETAINER Air Conditioning Compressor gnternal 9 172 RET INER Air Conditioning Compressor Shaft 9 175 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON CHEVROLET 11 INDEX 9 4 A