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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977 |
PASSENGER REAR AXLE IDENTIFICATION Cont Plant Plant Sales type Identitkotion Serin type Id nrili ion PASS Positraction wIMetalIi Brakes 3 73 ratlo EG CHEVELLE Pnsltractlon 4 56 ratio KM PASS I wIMetalIlc Brakes 4 10 ratio EH CHEVELLE wIMetaI ic Brakes 4 56 ratio KN PASS wIMeta Ilc Brakes 4 56 ratio El CHEVELLE Positraclion 4 88 ratio KD PASS w Metallic Brakes 4 88 ratio F CHEVELLE wIMetal lc Brakes 4 88 ratio KP PASS 3 70 ratio EK PASS 3 73 ratlo large rlng gear El PASS 3 07 ratio EM PASS Powerglida 3Z7 3 07 ratlo EN mss 3 55 ratio urn Chassis so CHEVY Il PASS 3 Spd Auto Trans 2 73 ratio EP PASS Positraction 2 73 ratio EQ PASS w M eta ic Brakes 2 73 ratio ER CHEVY 3 08 ratio BA PASS Posltraction w Meta Iic Brakes 2 73 ratio ES CHEVY 3 36 ratio BC PASS 3Z7 3 36 ratio EU CHEVY Posltraction 3 08 ratio BE PASS wI veritrive 3 70 ratio EX CHEVY Positraction 3 36 ratlo BF PASS Positractinn 3 70 ratio EY CHEVY Positraction 3 55 ratio small rlng gear BG PASS 3 07 ratio large rlng gear GA CHEVY 3 55 ratlo BH PASS wlMetall c Brakes 2 73 ratio GB CHEVY Air Cond wlsp Hi Per 3 3l retin BO PASS Posltracllon w Metallic Brakes 2 73 radol GC CHEVY Posllractlon 3 07 ratio BR PASS B 07 ratlol Iaxl GB CHEVY Positraction 3 31 ratio BS PASS 3 31 ratio taxi GE CHEVY wlMetalllc Brakes 3 07 ratlo BT PASS Posltraction 3 07 ratio GF CHEVY Positracdon wIMet llic Brakes 3 07 ratio BU PASS Positractlon w Metallic Brakes 3 07 ratio GG CHEVY w Meta Iic Brakes 3 31 ratlol BV PASS 3 31 ratio large ring gear GI CHEVY Posltractlon wlltfetalllc Brakes 3 31 ratio BW PASS Posltrantton 3 31 ratio GJ CHEVY w 4 Spd Close Ratio 3 55 ratio FI PASS 273 ratio A GK CHEVY wIMeta lic Brakes 3 55 ratio large ring gear FJ PASS w N ata lc Brakes 3 07 ratio Gt CHEVY Positractlon w MetaIllc Brakes 3 55 ratio PASS Positrartion 2 73 ratio GM large rlng gear FK PASS wIMetaIIic Brakes 3 31 ratio GN CHEVY Positraction 3 55 ratio large ring gear FL PASS Posltractlon w Metallic Brakes 3 31 ratio G0 CHEVY 3 73 ratio FM PASS 3 55 ratlo GP CHEVY wIMetaI ic Brakes 3 73 ratio FN PASS 3 08 ratio small ring gear GQ CHEVY Positraction w Veta lic Brakes 3 73 ratlo F0 PASS Posltractlon 3 08 ratio GR CHEVY Posltraction 3 73 ratio FP PASS Positraction 3 36 ratio GU CHEVY w 3Z7 So Hi Per 3 07 ratio FQ PASS Positractton 3 55 ratio small ring gear GX CAMAR CHEVELLE O CAMAR0 3 08 ratio PA CHEVELLE 3 08 ratio CA WMAR0 3 35 yam 4 4 pg CHEVELLE 3 36 ratio CB gamagg 4 5Imq 354 3 3 um pg CHEVELLE 3 73 ratio CG cameo Posltraction 3 07 mum ro CHEVELLE Posltracllon 3 07 ratio C0 CAMARO Posltraction 3 08 ratio PE CHEVELLE Positraction 3 08 ratio CE CAMAR0 Posltractlon 3 31 ratio PF CHEVELLE Positractton 3 31 ratio CF CAMAR0 Positractlon 3 36 ratio PG CHEVELLE Positraction 3 36 ratio CG CAMAR Posltraction 3 55 ratio small ring gear PH CHEVELLE Positraction 2 73 ratio CH CAMAR0 Posltractlon 3 55 ratio large rlng gear Pl CHEVELLE Positracllon B 73 ratio Cl CAMAR Positraction 3 73 ratio P1 CHEVELLE wllvletallic Brakes 3 07 ratio CJ CAMAR0 4 Speed trans 3 55 ratio PK CHEVELLE Posltractlon wIMetalllc Brakes 3 07 ratio CK CAMAR0 4 Speed Close Ratlo 3 55 ratio PL CHEVELLE w Meta ic Brakes 3 31 ratlo CN CAMAR0 3 73 ratio PM CHEVELLE Positraction w Mata lic Brakes 3 31 ratio C0 CAMAR0 wIMetal lc Brakes 3 07 ratio PN CHEVELLE Positraction 3 70 ratio CR CAMAR0 Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 07 ratlo P0 CHEVELLE w Metallic Brakes 3 73 ratio CT CAMAR0 wllllletalllc Brakes 3 31 retto PP CHEVELLE Posltraction wIMeta ic Brakes 3 73 ratio CU CAMAR0 w Meta llc Brakes 3 55 rallol large rtng qear P0 CHEVELLE 3 70 ratlo CV CAMAR0 Posltraction wlMetaIIi Brakes 3 31 rallo PR CHEVELLE 3 31 ratlol CW CAMARD Pnsitraction wIMetaIIlc Brakes 3 55 ratio CHEVELLE 3 07 ratio CX large ring gear PS CHEVELLE 2 73 ratio CZ CAMAR0 w Metallic Brakes 3 73 ratio Pt CHEVELLE Posltraction 3 55 ratio KF CAMAR0 Positraction wINletal ic Brakes B 73 ratio PU CHEVELLE Positraction wIMetaIlic Brakes 3 55 ratio KG CAMAR0 3 07 ratio PV CHEVELLE wlMetaltlc Brakes 3 55 ratio KH CHEVELLE 3 55 ratio K CHEVELLE Positraction 4 10 ratin KK CHEVELLE wlMotal ic Brakes 4 10 ratio KL GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET tt sa REV 10 76