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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978 |
I D w U I MANDATORY APPLICATION PRQCEDURE 1 Wipe clean the entire fender surface body surface door hem 18 The maximum tempgrature that thc tape shculd be subjected to nmgea door wings lender flanges etc to be cvvered with 4 175 F T9 C pami repair ww 9 N1 N0 39 iP the transfer with a gponge dzmnpencd with FS1062 Naptha or job shcuki be left in a paint repair oven during lunch or between equivalent shitts as damage tc Luc tape may occur 2 Wipe cleaned surfane dry wiih ciean cloth 14 The tape wilt not be affected by my oi the cleaning solvents waxes 3 Starthng with mnt fender cut stripe to iength Akcw excess or detergents now being used at the assenebly plmxtse Qcrylic at ends if necessary to avoid handxiag ends oi stripe with lacquer solvents will affect the clear cuatuig over the vmyl fingers Trim excess before wrapping around or mcking ends 35 This gave gzyiye mg Aighis meta imperiectmns so thai all dings 4 Remove about 6 00 inches 152 4 mm er the paper backing from and rough mem mu c be repaired before applying the f v P and strive v i i Fewer Mme should bridge 16 if mee application of wipes me e appears to pe bumneg m the gap at the fender extension be tucked in with the edge oi the Eurgnce of the tape Snipes piarcixgg them mth an orumary the squesgce and than trimmed with a razor blade saiety pin will remove the esatrappad my so tmt the bubble can 5 P1 essux iz e mtripe with 2 soft ecgueegee mf Di No Company bs zmouibzd nut P G U Z Mt wd f S r1 Lemer wd Few 11 Shelf me of me vmyn we as sw mye ee maximum tempursime mms Industrial Row Troy Michigan SAE F1 af 105 F 40 C nots 1Dc not use thumbs or fingers as amiequzxie pressure cannot be appxaea 6 Remove the decal backing about 2 0 xnekxes BMV S mm ak a time Re air is required when v being careful nm to touah udixasive with fingers and rape mt step L If me tape is damaged 8 number 5 2 The paint is damaged as the tape is puiled back for realignmed 7 Aitsx complete pressxxrizatisn remove the protective psemask m releasing impmd ai from the stripes at 180 angie fouuw 1 mg repair procedure is recommemsd S Rapid ab Siem Y 4 mw 7 i me rs q m a xpm tape is mmed we no pam being yemevea the surface 9 ENE S im F cap i shouxd be wiped with Dui On prep sol to insure 2 smooth and ma em umm Wmp Na S5 IG pr new eemee Azmihs e seccion of tape would chen be eppuea mately 90 B 2 C with neat gem me yepxewmze 1 A 10 H 1 anccwdmc ec hse npplmafuun Mncedmsn eat au areas at ends or sxrxlzes end wps mont of under may F X 3 Sgcwzn of amt is wpd Whirl mc taps is pulled amy f qwter PEEL my M tgxe weevmuec ie rcpaigx ai mia ieaihered me the eagemmg I 11 Re inspect entire strive espmjally ends and wraps em 1 N 1 re rgsmrize and he w1 mm A t ps mn E The ct i surfaces Another eeawm ex eape snouxd be eeppned according islzjcwn mm S U f L I M Y p m the agnpmzalxmz px ucszdwe 12 Best results are obtained when metai xempemme is ro sc Q C 9 w jr W tm Wm m 1 gw e1 of decal esteem cause ie to be permanently damaged Tests S Y l 3 tu be eemsuened ui an zmmbicnt zempemuee eee to exceed so 1 sz c and niter ce n1in2m mx of 72 hours ci aging 1 1 2 11 11 2 gig VEH ICF E ji gm r 2 fi i 5A2g Z 4 WH DECAL APPLICATION 2 3 2 i 2 M Q j gxgcsmunx m ms i l T 4 5 Lf VE HCU H 1 c Mm V an 4 454 K my mm W e e srl qw M A 1 1 mq e mm e aqua Q 5295 Q u L e e m e f fj j A