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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978
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QUANTITY FLUID CARRYING PIPES Pipes carrying fluids such as gtnline ol brake fluid Q S p mu am P ets must be me oi all inclusion prior toyxlstaimtaon vehzcle tor usage indexed Quantity of singles reprw mts nmnbor required per CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS mlm Dimensions shown are nominal uless otherwise Quantity or lubes e a er and mlscelln neous bulk items Bpsciygci is shawn at point or appxmatsun whenever a mmsurable amount mn pmmlmlly br determined LUBRICANT GREASE Lubrication operations on all afimtcd parts e g MISCELLANEOUS smwiwu 1 ns r swivels rods bushings bolts wr shafts S bc T accomplished prior xo sub assembly except for ntcms Pertains to loosc lzems shipped with vehicle from incorporating lubrication fittings assembly plants itemized In 0 MICROINCAPSULATED BOLT BELT Tgusxtm Microincapsulatcd bolts are nott be reused All belt mnslml spm ll ln as an shown in SK 1 DENTlFlCA l 0N 4 A color coding fini 1eQat mg orviher distinguishing I feature of 1 part is Sliown seleelfrely when it is i CRITICAL APPE EA j ll igi determined critical gm necessary for identifiwtivn Screws at certain aitnulunb areas are considered to be major y P P S s Z appearance items Uaxuulge to the recess or hexagon hand requires removal and repxreelnent or screws since uns causes pm early corrosion failure of plating M i L Q2 2 jjgjjiggg l i n s R lo L I U mn nm nnoso 17E I v mnr r 4s4 assis 2l L ln W em mn v s l 4sm4 g j g gd w gq Am BSEMBLY NOTES M s ie l V L l r i I gggj u jg gjg nil jH 1 em PASSENGER TRUCK 32 2 2 2 i i i i ii k i I WMF WM 2 0 A4 s ms p nurse z 1 z 77 1 C 0 0 44 r