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<- Model Index Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 34 November 1967
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Check Carb pump U I l 3 862 Clip Body center pillar pinchweld 730 Clip Radiator overflow Check Engine access door 16 547 llnlsn M CllP Real quarter Side mum Circuit breaker Tailgate l 3 0Q5 Clip Body lock pillar 14 735 Clip Rear seat back compartment Circuit Wiring 2 480 Clip Body rear panel 12121 shelf l5 24 Clamp Air cleaner and siieneer 3 407 Clip Bedv side enter v el 17507 Clip Roof inner trim 14 651 Clamp Air cond control cable 9 281 CHP Belly Sill ln ul llnE 8 309 Clip Seat cushion retainer 16 716 Clamp Air cond hose 9 242 Curr Brake 4 866 Clip Shock absorber 7346 Clamp Air cond refrigerant 9 196 CllP Blake enble 4 930 Clip Spark plug wire 2 251 Clamp Air flow control 9 787 Clip Call float 3 814 Clip Stop lamp 2 447 Clamp Air injection reactor 3 6gg Clip Carburetor throttle 3 762 Clip Tailgate 12 180 12 195 12 242 Clamp Ash tray 12 009 Clip Cneeeie Winn linrneee 2559 cup Tailgate iook 12 247 Clamp Battery 2335 Clip Clutch fork rod swivel 0 787 Clip Throttle control rod 3 425 Clamp Bumper 7 828 Clivr Clutch Pedal cable 0 855 Clip Trans control cable 4 022 Clamp Bumper guard mounting 7 829 CllP Clutch Pedal eentml 0 854 Clip Trans control switch 4 060 Clamp Car heater 8 852 CllPr C l Pl SS l f l ll b l t 9 171 Clip Transmission gearshift control 4 027 Clamp Ca heme bums g g35 Clip Crankcase vent 1 745 1 762 Clip Transmission gearshift rod 4 037 Clamp Carburetor choke 3 752 Clip Dlreerien eisnnl len 2 892 cup Transmission Oil cooler Clamp C8 bu t0 throttle 3 762 Clip Distr breaker lever sprg screw 2 387 rt at rr pipe 4 128 Clamp Clutch pedal control 0 854 C11 D l lam 16 495 Clip Transmission overdrive 4 495 Clamp Cmnkcase ventilator 75 Clip Door edge guard 10 352 Clip Trans throttle valve control rod 4 052 Clamp Distributor 2 363 Clip D r inside locking rod 10 565 clip Vacuum modujatm and Clamp Engine oil suction pipe 1 531 Clip r nlds ntlnehinz 12118 tore etteon 4 205 Clamp Evaporator core housing 9 211 Clip DOO and q1l tl1 l mldg 12 118 Clip Vacuum power brake 4 930 Clamp Evgp expansion valve 9 214 Clip Door trim bind strip clip Windlace 14 730 Clamp Exhaust manifold 3 602 3 273 ePlaeeu1ent 14 583 Clip Windshield reveal molding 10 096 Clamp Exhaust pipe 8335 Clip Door Weatherstrip 10 695 Clip W 5 washer pump 1 155 Clamp Fuel feed pipe 3 162 Clip Electric seat adj switch 11 558 Clip W S washer relay 10 153 16 065 crnnp Fuel tent filler 2 002 Clin Eleenle Winder 19777 clip Windshield wiper 10 163 Clamp Gasoline temp and mfld Clip Eleetlleal 2 530 Clock Electric 9 772 press gauge 9 743 Clip End gale 17 625 Clock Instrument panel 9 772 Clamp Gemshift md to level 4 037 Clip Engine air cooling control 1 035 1 040 Cloth Cushions and backs partial 15 500 Clamp Gen comrnutator end frame 2 298 Cl1P Engine e lnPl l We antler Clutch Differential 5 511 Clamp Hand control wire tubes 3 483 Senlinz 8 010 Clutch Engine air fan 1 050 Clamp Harness assy attaching 2 482 Clip F d l m0ldil g 8 133 Clutch Tailgate 12 195 12 249 ciornp nenter err distributor 9 786 Clip Folding wv bow binding 13 342 cnrten Trans high 4 164 Clamp Heater bumer 8 835 Clip F 0ldi g 10D dust b t 13 384 Clutch Trans 2nd 3rd speeds 4 380 Clamp Heater core 8 854 Clip Feld lug 109 Switch 14 483 Coated fabric 15 506 Clamp Hose 1 166 CllP Flent deal Wlndew reveal 10 708 Coil Automatic choke control 3 750 Clamp Hydraulic brake 4 686 Clip Fl ul lender 8 154 Coil Compressor clutch actuating 9 186 Clamp Hydraulic strg pump hose 6 672 CllPr F1 t and Yea deer leek 10 l7 l Coil Generator field 2 310 Clamp Inlet rnonit 3 267 Clip Fnel feed pipe 3 162 Coil Heater ignition 8 840 Clamp Instrument cluster 9 743 Clivr Fuel tank 3 0l5 Coil lgflll 1011 2 170 Clamp Muffler and exh pipe 3 708 Clip Gearshift control cable 4 047 Coil Starting motor field 2 049 Clamp Parking brake cable 4 833 CliP Gearshift Control hand lever A 4 008 Coil Windshield washer pump 10 153 16 065 Clamp Rear axle 5 638 Clip Hand eennel wire lube 3 483 Coil windsinom wiper motor 10 1s0 16 06s Clamp Rear spring 7 518 CllP l lal ess assi altaelllllg 2482 Collar Door rocker hose coun Clamp Stabilizer shaft bushing 7 243 Cllllr llazald flasllel 2 575 to rocker inr 12 934 Clamp steering column 6 750 Clip Headlining finishing 14 650 Collar Gen drive end 2 307 Clamp Steering relay 6 87 Clip Heater 8 854 Collar Starting motor pinion stop 2 063 clamp Tie red end 6 234 Clip Heater blower and ventilator 8 855 Collar Steering gear 6 758 Clamp rrens oil inlet and Clip Healer bumer gee mixer 8 835 Column Steering gear 6 518 outlet hose 4 128 Clin Heater reeieler nennrinz 9 275 Compartment lnst panel 10 260 Clamp Turbo turbine hsg 3 346 Clip Hillge Pillai flllisll SMP 10 694 Compartment Seat separator 10 240 Cleaner Carburetor air 3 402 Cllpr l l d OY engine e0lnPalnnenl Compartment Underbody trim 4 017 Cleaner Carb comb chamber end nenlding end hinge 8916 Compass Auto 8 873 crankcase CLEENS 1 850 Clip l l00d Bild fwhi emblem 8 056 Components Sheet metal plastic Clevis Brake ond Clutch pedal main Clip Heed ledge seal 4 12 801 repair 12 800 cyl push rod 4 662 Clip l l d panel 8 021 Compressor Air cond 9 170 Clevis Clutch pedal control Clip Horn button 2 820 Cgmpgeggory shock absorber 7255 cable O 854 Cllpr HYd u brake 4 686 Condenser Air cond refrigerant 9 190 cievis Parking brake 4 765 Cllr lneinnnenl elneter 9743 9 744 Condenser Distributor 2 393 Clevis Trans gearshift rod 4 037 Clip l S l l lle t Panel 10 252 Condenser Generator 2 319 Clip Access door strip 8 010 Clip inet pnnel eelnpt deer rnldg 10 261 conditioner Ar g j6g Clip Air oonri sir deneotor 9 262 Cllr lnernnnenr panel nenlding 10 252 Conductor Lighting monitor 2 580 Clip Air cond control cable 9 281 Clip ll 1SU P8l l l Wlflilg Cone Differential side bearing 5 536 Clip Air cond line 9 242 nslness 2 482r 2 559 Cone Front wheel outer bearing 6 315 Clip Air Cond pipe 9 244 Clip Lighting monitor 2 584 Cone Pinion bearing 5 447 5 484 Clip Air flow control 9 786 Clip Luggage e mP1 lld 12187 Connector Air injection reactor 3 680 Clip Air injector reactor 3 680 Clip Luggage e mPl lid Panel n ll lg 12 l83 Connector Carburetor choke vacuum 3 755 r Clip Automatic choke control 3 750 Clip Palklllg brake cable 4 765 4833 Connector Carburetor fuel inlet 3 740 Clip Back up lamp 2 697 CHP Qualief window 11 032 11 04l Connector Crankcase ventilator 1 745 Clip Back window reveal moulding 11 209 Clll lr Qt1 windew lllll lg 11 032 Connector Direction signal lamp 2 895 Clip Blower switch knob 8 852 Cl1Pr Radlamf fall 1 277 Connector Distributor terminal 2 400 1967 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation 15 CCC REVISED NOVEMBER 1 1967