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<- Coolant - Grille - Oil Systems Parts Catalogue No. 671A January 1967 Chassis - Electrical System ->
PrevPrevious Page - Parts Catalogue No. 671A January 1967Parts Catalogue No. 671A January 1967Next Page - Parts Catalogue No. 671A January 1967Next
PARTS CATALOGUE Y 1 gf C ga ip Q 9 I 0 W t V s K tw G ZUI r C o sb 7 W A Q es m 4 7ww 2 F r J tf 4 hl x 3 i q ra T qa NQ w tk I 0 1960 61 IGNITION DISTRIBUTOR Key Description Group Key M Descriptioi num mm T Group 1 Cap Distributor 2 367 17 Housing Assembly Distributor 2 362 2 Bolt 6 32x 8 907 18 Bushing Part of Housing Assembly N L 3 Clip Breaker Lever Spring Screw 2 387 19 Lead Primary 2 400 4 Insulator Breaker Lever Spring Screw 2 387 20 Washer Under Breaker PI te FeIt 2 385 5 Contact Assembly 2 384 21 Plate Assembly Distributor Breaker 2 385 6 Screw Contact Adjusting 2 387 22 Bracket Condenser 2 393 7 Spring Breaker Plate Retainer 2 385 23 Condenser Distributor 2 393 8 Screw 8 18 x N L 24 Screw 6 32x N L 9 Lead Breaker Plate Ground 2 400 25 Bolt 8 32x 8 906 10 Spring Cap Retaining 2 368 26 Lockwasher 8 8 931 11 Vacuum Control 2 410 27 Rotor Distributor 2 382 12 Screw 8 18x 8 977 28 Spring Weight 2 389 13 Washer Thrust 2 379 29 Weight Distributor 2 388 14 Gear Driven 2 374 30 Shaft Distributor 2 372 15 Pin x 8 939 31 Com Distributor 2 381 16 Cuo Part of Housina Assembly N L 5ROUP 2 000 ILLUSTRATION 5 FEB was