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Supplement to Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 39 October 1960 |
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a RELEASE No 60 10A NOTE for Accounting Dept purposes this Catalog is to be considered as a RELEASE for the new 1961 parts shown Prices that have been established to date for these parts are published in the Numerical Index PARTS SUPPLEMENT TO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES CATALOG AND DEALER PRICE SCHEDULE FOR 1961 PASSENGER CORVETTE AND 1 2THRU 11 2 TON MODELS NOTE Parts listed in this book are exclusive new 1961 parts Items not shown are carry over parts from the 1960 Model and are included in the April 1 1960 Parts and Accessories Catalog or subsequent Parts Release and Change Notices The current Loose Leaf Catalog Service includes 1960 parts published on Parts Release and Change Notices All illustrations and specifications contained in this literature are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication approval The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice in colors materials equipment specifications and models and also to discontinue models EfFective OCTOBER 1 1960 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION I DETROIT 2 MICHIGAN P A 39 n 1960 n L rr 42 a