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Parts Catalogue No. 681A November 1967 Model Index ->
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GM CAMARO PARTS GATALDGUE O D U CTI O N Thls Master Parts Catalogue has been carefully complied to assist dealerships in locating identllying and ordering replacement parts tt is printed and distributed annually To keep Master Parts Catalogues as an efficient means ot locating parts quickly many parts which have been listed tor several years with Iimlted or no sales are deleted If it is necessary to order any items applicable to this catalogue but not listed herein order NPN stating the group number ot a similar part complete with description year series model colour and trim combination where necessary A Page Replacement Service is available and offers to subscribing dealers a convenient and excellent means of keeping their Master Catalogues up dated It consists ol two complete reprints of the entire data section plus new and revised illustrations Complete lamiliarlly with the information contained in this and the lollowing preface pages will prove helpful in the usage ot this catalogue illustrations and charts for this publication are in one location at the lront ot the book preceding the Data They are in regular GM Grouping Sequence and are so arranged that the illustrations applicable to each main group constitutes a complete section within ltself This arrangement allows dealerships if they so desire to conveniently insert the various illustrated sections in front ot the group to which they apply ln most cases illustrations cover typical assemblies only and are intended to show the l general function of the parts When the exact part required is not shown the illustrations l may be used as a guide to locate the part by relerring to parts of similar lunction l PAR TS DA TA The Standard GM Grouping System is followed throughout and lor convenience in loca ting the various Group Sections are listed on the Contents Page at the front of the book ALL GROUP NUMBERS ARE SHOWN IN NUMERICAL SEQUENCE WHERE TWO OR MORE HEADINGS APPEAR APPLICABLE TO ONE GROUP THEY ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE BY NOUN NAME The part number shown in brackets tollowing the gear and model application is the super seded number which can in most instances e used while stock is available e g SUP 1234567 However caution should be exercised since it does not necessarily hold true that the old part is fully interchangeable and can be used ln place ol the new part Reference should also be made to your current Supersedence Catalogue r Throughout the Data Section whenever Right Hand and Lett Hand part numbers have l Identical model application and description they may be listed on one line The first number will always be that of the Right Hand part followed by the Left Right Hand and r Lett Hand parts are so designated from the driver s position when seated in the vehicle Items peculiar to export vehicles and previously listed in separate export catalogues will 1 now and in the future be listed in domestic parts catalogues These items will be deslg l nated by an X between the quantity and the lirst digit ct the part number as per the fol lowing example 1 X 7654321 1967 All RHD In some catalogues an illustration reterence may follow the application ol the part as per i the tollowing example 1 1234567 1967 All lll 1 2 III 7 1 This reference shows the groups 1 and 7 in which the part is illustrated and also shows j the number of times 2 and 1 the part is illustrated per group All part numbers that appear for the first time are indicated by the use of special symbols i as shown on the lower Ielt hand corner ol each page H l