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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX SHAFT Propeller p truck 3 pieoe driveline trans Y to inter ahaft 44 4 5 544N I V SHAFT Propeller p truck 3 piece driveline inter shaft r 4 4 4 r 5 5440 YOKE Differential Locking 4 5 5 I 7 Q SHAFT Propeller p trur k 3 piece driveline inter YOKE KIT Universal Joint and Power Divider 5 555 shaft to rr axle 5 544P YOKE Propeller Shaft Pinlon 5 545 SHAFT Rear Axle 1 5 420 YOKE Universal Joint and Power Dlvnder 5 555 SHIELD Brake Flange Plate 5 002 SHIELD Propeller Shaft Bearing 5 601 SHIM Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 SHIM Differential Drive Pinion Front and Center Bearing 5 453 SHIM Differential Rear Plnion Bearing 5 460 SHIM KIT Differential Rear Pinion Bearing 5 460 SHIM KIT Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 SHIM UNIT Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 SHOE KIT Brake 5 0l7 SHOE KIT Propeller Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe Brake 5 605 SLEEVE Differential Side Gear Thrust 5 543 I SLINGER Drive Pinion Rear and Intermediate 5 484 SLINGER Propeller Shaft Plnion 5 545 SLINGER Propeller Shaft Bearing 5 60I SOCKET Brake Shoe Adjusting crew 5 1 1 I SOCKET Propeller Shaft lntemal Cam and Shoe Brake 5 605 SPACER Differential Drive Pinion Front and Center Bearing 5 453 SPACER Differential Beerlng Adjusting 5 537 SPACER KIT Differential Carrier 5 506 SPACER Propeller Shaft Pinion 5 545 SPACER Rear Axle Bumper L 5 304 SPACER Rear Axle Shaft 5 422 SPACER Universal Jolnt Yoke Trunnlon 5 5 56 SPIDER Differential Plnion 5 520 SPRING Brake Adjuster 5 107 SPRING Brake Shoe Retract 5 026 SPRING KIT Brake Shoe Retrect 5 026 SPRING Parking Brake Lever 5 151 SPRING Propeller Shaft lntemal Cam and Shoe Brake 5 605 SPRING Universal Joint Sleeve Yoke 5 556 STRAP Universal Joint Trunnlon and Yoke 5 586 Q STRUT Parkin Brake Lever 5 I50 STRUT Propellger Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe Brake 5 605 STUD Rear Axle Housing 5 398 SUPPORT Front Propeller Shaft 5 546 SUPPORT Propeller Shaft 5 508 V VALVE Tife Valve And Cover Lock 5 875 VENTILATOR Rear Axle 5 387 VENT Rear Axle 5 387 W WASHER Brake Shoe Adlusting 5 l I0 WASHER Brake Shoe Ho it Down 5 043 WASHER Differential Carrier 5 506 WASHER Differential Side Gear Thrust 5 543 i WASHER Differential Slde 5 536 WASHER Differential Pinion Thrust 5 542 WASHER Huh or Drum Front and Rear Wheel 5 812 WASHER Parking Brake Lever I 5 I58 WASHER Pinion Shaft Lock 5 5 I8 WASHER Propeller Shaft lntemal Cam and Shoe Brake 5 605 WASHER Propeller Shaft Pinion 5 545 WASHER Propeller Shaft Plnion Flange 5 595 WASHER Rear Wheel Hub Adjusting ut 5 830 WASH ER Universal Joint Sleeve Yo e 5 556 WEIGHT Wheel Bala ce 5 805 V WHEEL Frontor Rear K 5 803 WAREHDUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON LT TRUCK 52A SJA IND EX