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1985 86 CK TRUCK SERIES IDENTIFICATION SE ES ND K1 20 MULT RP ODELS z oon 4 noon 4 noon unurv susunsm susunsm nounm xs suzsm wma men w anon cuss von wager V sznxes umm nam mens umm nxrxue mx z 0100 00 M 00 M5 1 00 2 0 00 ESS M 0 M 2 ms 16 250 wz Kws 00 M 00 055 1 2 00 M 00 E00 3 4 1295 NOTE A11 light duty model numbers are preceded by the letter C for chevrolet models and b T for GMC Truck and Bus models All GMC Truck and Bus model identi Scations are obtained through stipulation of HP0 Z88 FMnv 00z ee 11 40aa gg ILS 3 tux F9 V V0 xo z noon umm smznmuuv sJ g2u I Y asso cmzmuumns sznvnczmxs OPERATIONS LTTRUCK 52R 12 REV 9 90