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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX INSERT Wheel Cover Appearance 4 4 5 871 PIN Pinion Shaft Lock 44 4 5 518 I PIN lgrojcellar Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe 5 605 PIVOT Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting 4 5 l03 J 8 D CF JNIT Differential Locking 4 J PLATE Brake Shoe Guide 5 045 JOINT KIT Propeller Shaft Universal Joint rrr rr 5 548 PLATE Differential Locking r r 5 51 I PLATE KIT Differential Locking 5 511 PLATE Propeller Shaft lnlerna Cam and Shoe Bra ke 5 805 K PLAT hWLgGLPropel er Shaft Intemal Cam and 5 505 PLUG Rear Axle Oil Flller 5 400 KEY Rear Axle 5 829 PLUG Universal Joint Sleeve Yoke 5 556 L R LEVER Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting 5 lO3 RACE Drive Pinion Rear and Intermediate 5 484 LEVER KIT Parking Brake 5 l49 REPAIR KIT Propeller Shaft Universal Joint 5 548 LEVER Parking Brake 5 149 RETAINER Differential Drive Plnion Front and LEVES iropeller Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe 5 605 Hnlgzrgsrgearlng LININS KIT Brake Shoe 5 0l8 RETAINER Propeller Shaft 5 800 LINK Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting Lever 5 I05 RETAINER Propeller Shaft Bearing 5 801 LOCK Brake Shoe Anchor Pin 5 056 RETAINER Rear Axle 5 829 LOCK Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 RETAINER Universal Joint Trunnion and Yoke 5 5 86 LOCK Differential Bearin Adjusting Nut 5 539 RING Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 LOCK Pinion Shaft Rear gearing 5 489 RING Pinion Shaft Rear earing 5 489 LOCI Pkopeller Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe 5 605 ear Nhe eI irarizg a e ire im oc n rontor ear LOCK Rear Axle Shaft 5 422 RING Universal Joint Trunnion and Yoke 5 586 LOCK Rear Wheel Hub Adjusting Nut 5 830 RING Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 RIVET Rear Brake Shoe Facing 5 019 M S I MAGNET Differential Carrier Housing 5 508 I I MEDALLION Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 SCREW Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 I I0 Q SCREW KIT Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 l I0 SCREW Pinlnn Shaft Lock 5 5lB i N SCR W kPropeI er Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe 5 805 G r ee ap or over NUT Brake Flange Plete 5 002 SCREW Wheel Cover Appearance 5 87l NUT Brake Shoe Adjusting Screw 5 1 1 1 SEAL Differential Drlve Pinion 5 469 I NUT Brake Shoe Anchor Pin 5 055 SEAL Propeller Shaft 5 600 NUT Differential Bearing Adjustinw 5 537 SEAL Propeller Shaft Universal Joint Trunnion 5 580 NUT Huh Bolt Front and or Rear heel 5 813 SEAL Rear Wheel Bearing Oil 4 5 822 NUT BPro p lIer Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe 5 60S Eifferantial Locking NUT Propeller Shaft Pinion 5 545 SHAFT Proszllerc truckll piece driveline to xg rop ir Shaft Pinlon Flange sHAFre a ax e 5 544A ear x e rope er c truc piece rive ine ctr NUT Ring Gear 5 533 brg to rear axle 5 544C NUT Universal Joint Trunnlon and Yoke 5 586 SHAFT Propeller c tru k 2 piece driveline trans NUT Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 to ctr brg 5 544B SHAFT Propeller g truck 2 piece driveline ctr brg tu rear ax e 5 544J SHAFT Propeller g truck 2 piece driveline trans O sHAg r argh H 3 1 5 sur rope er g truc piece rive ine trans to rear axle 5 544H ORNAMENT Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 SHAFT Propeller k lruck Z piece driveline transfer case to ctr brg 5 544E SHAFT Propeller lt truckll plece prop Iltaft Uansfer case to rear axle 5 544F P SHAFTiI1ropelIer k truck transf r case to front 5 5 4D ax e 4 SHAFI Propeller k truck 2 piece driveline ctr Bgake sHAgg a re1 axl ie 5 544G lng ear rope er p truc piece rive ine trans PIN Brake Shoe Anchor 5 055 to rear axle 5 544K PIN Differential Bearing Adjusting Nut 5 539 SHAFI Propeller ptruck 2 piece driveline ctr PINION Differential Pinion 5 526 brg to rear axle 5 544M PIN KIT Brake Shoe Hold Down 5 043 SHAFT Propeller p truck Z piece driveline trans PIN lgT rop l er Shaft Internal Cam and Shoe 5 605 to ctr brg 5 544L WAFIEHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 5ZA IN D EX 5 2A