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GM GAMARO i Rl l l TMl l llE t l The informatlim in year new Master Perle Catalogue has been carefully arranged ie il enable you to find peri numbers as quickly 1 and easily as possible xiv Zi it can be a vary useful 1003 for your department Ji J in providmg fast eifecierit service if properly i used x Here are e ew keys in help you get the most jnxi g e J 4 kw out of the paris book Parts Gl U 3Nl3 The Standard GM Grouping System ae listed on the mnt page has been need iiireoglioiil All group members are shawn in riiimevlcial Dam 0Quen e H mlinge are listed in alphabetical order within ease group 4lir Wi 7 PARY NUMBERS Right band and left hand part mimlaers are often listed Oil 00 line if We model 12 iiculi0 and description are idenliczilt lm example 2 3953694 29536 33 l95 P i l ln meh eases the iirst immlwer eil the line elrlaye refers lc me right lianel perl amd the other number te The left iiervti Earl SUP l S OEB NXSMBERS We mlmber in braciiels ez the end of ile line relere to the 0ld or supersede part lor example i 78 2862 196M3Qrr i Sl ll Q7 9b ine eicl and mem nmriberws are nal always fully intcrctizsrsgeaixle Flewririi is wmeiirries required Be sure in check rriocel application For il complete reference la cid and new numbers refer lo your currenl lF l SEi3 l lGli l I5Z ll lG C6 lAl OGUE EXPORT ltems peculiar to export vehicles are clwslgiazililizl lay an X lor example 1 X 38E O 26 1965 69a1 ll RMU NEW PARTS All new numbers are identified in the data section by 1 special symbol Preliminary Cat M 5 i e r iTz1l T5 Rev 1 Rev 2 indexes Alpizalsetluail and Numerical Indexes lisllng part names and riumberzs with m j reference to the gmups isi which they appear are located at the back el the bOOl These GM be extremly uaeful in getting you to the proper group where the melllel ai plicali fl will be teurxd All illcwtratm and charter pa ee are together in em siecliori preceaiing the Illtisatrqtions data pages They are also ariangecl lfsrizgirleir GM Grouplng Sequence ie Qnd that they can be flied by group with time alma pages if rireferred ry a l i hen exact part nurnhers are new slweiirrn the ilmstraiier covcna tepieal eeeemblies wllinli you can use as a guide io locating marie of a similar V funclirm Relax in index provided lor lis of illzietralirarzs