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<- Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983
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CORVEI E ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SU FFIX CHART Cont V7 1961 283 8 CYLINDER Type Type Description I Dnignation Description Designation Manaul Tens CO Dual GBC and Hi Lift Cam a CU Fuel Injection J CR Powerglicle DG Fuel Injection and Hi Lift Cam I CS Powerglide and Dual ABC DJ Duel 4BC CT Note CORVETTE engines have the last six digits of the vehicle serial number stamped on engine date boss Engines are stamped with a source production date and type on serial pad 1952 i 327 8 CYLINDER Dual 4 BC DE Manual Trans and Fuel Iniection RF Manual Trans RC Fowerglide SC Manual Trans and High Performance RD Powerglioe and Hiya Performance SD Manual Treras and Spec High Performance RE 1963 327 8 CYLINDER Manual Trans FIC Manual Trans and Fuel lnicction RF Manual Trans and High Performance RD Powerglide SC Special High Pefformance RE Powerglide and Hi a Performance SD I 1964 327 8 CYLINDER i Manual Trans RC i Manual Trans and Transistor Ignition RT Manual Trans and Hi t Performance RD Manual Trans Transistor lgnltion and C A C RU Special High Performance RE Fuel lniaction and Transistor Ignition RX Manual Trans and Fuel Iniection RF Powarglide SC ManuaIITrans and C A C RP Powarglidc and Hiya Performance SD Manual Trans High Performance and C A C RO Fowerglide and C A C SK Manual Trans Special High Performance and C A C FIR Powerglide Hiya Performance and C A C SL Note Engines are stamped with a source production date and type on serial pad 1955 i 327 B CYLINDER Manual Transmission HE Powerglide H0 High Performance HF Powarglide and High Perforrrunce HP Fuel lniection HG Powerglide and C A C HQ Spec Hiya Performance HH Powerglidc Hiya Performance and C A C HR C A C HI Spec High Performance and Hyd Lilters HT High Performance and C A C HJ Spec High Performance Hvd Lilters and C A C HU Spec Hiya Performance and C A C HK Spec High Performance Hyd Liftcrs and Transistor Ignition HL Transistor Ignition HV Transistor Ignition and C A C HM Spec High Performance Hyd Lifters Transistor Fuel Iraiection and Transistor Ignition HN Ignition and C A C HW WAREHOUS NG AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON CHEVROLET NA REV 12 83 ll i I A I 2