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<- Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX E I I ELEMENT Cigarette Lighter 9 709 INLET A C Relrigerant 4 9 195 ESCUTCHEDN Radio 9 650 INSULATOR A C Expansion Rolrigerant 9 213 INSULATOR Body to Frame Bolt 9 023 F K FAN A C Eveporator Blower 9 216 FAN Rear Window Delogger 9 778 KEY A C Compressor Clutch Actuating 9 188 FASTENER Radio Mounting 9 667 KIT A C Relrigerent 9 195 FELT Air Outlet I 9 264 KNOB Clock 9 772 FILTER Instrument Cluster 9 748 KNOB KIT Clock 9 772 F1LTER Tach mater 9 750 KNOB Outside Air 9 797 FITTING A C Compressor 9 228 KNOB Radio Control 9 649 FRAME Plenum Air 9 799 KNOB Rear Window Delogger 9 779 FUSE A C Compressor Internal Parts1 Axia 9 172 KNOB Speedometerto Instrument f Penel Dornestic 9 761 G L GASKET A C Compressor 9 177 GASKET A C Evaporator Expansion Velve 9 214 LAMP Luggage Compartment 9 988 GASKET A C Eveporator 9 211 LENS A C Control J 9 279 GASKET Air Duct 9 792 LENS Instrument Cluster 9 748 GASKET Instrument Cluster 9 749 LEVER A C Control 9 278 GASKET Radio Antenna 9 647 LINK Air Distributor 9 786 GASKET Rear Window Delogger 9 779 GASKET Speedometer to Instrument Panel Domestic 9 761 GEAR Radio Antenna 9 647 M GEAR Tachometer 9 750 i GRILLE Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 GRILLE Radio Speaker 9 655 MAGNET KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 GRILLE Rear Window Delogger 9 779 MICROPHONE Radio 9 650 GRILLE Windshield Delroster 9 779 MODULE instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 GROMMEZ A C Relrigerant 9 196 MOTOR C Evaporator Blower L 9 215 GROMMZT Radio Ant nna 9 647 MOTO Radio Antenna 9 647 GROMN ET Rear Window Delogger 9 7 9 MOTOR Rear Wlndow Delogger 9 778 GROMI IET Wiring and Pipes 9 775 GUIDE A C Compressor Pulley 9 181 GUID Plenum Air 9 789 GUIDE Radio Antenna 9 647 1 NUT A C Compressor Pulley 9 181 H NUT A C Electric Control 9 275 NUT Clock 9 772 NUT Instrument Cluster 9 743 HARNESS A C Wiring 9 278 NUT KIT A C Compressor 9 170 HARNESS KIT Radio and Speaker 9 656 NUT Luggage Comvartment 9 988 HARNESS Radio and Speaker 9 656 NUT Radio Antenna 9 647 HARNESS Radio Antenna 9 647 NUT Radio Mounting 9 867 HARNESS Rear Window Delogger 9 776 NUT Radio Static Suppression 9 663 HEAD A C Compressor 9 174 NUT Rear Window Delogger 9 779 HEAD Speedometer to Instrument NUT Speedometer to Instrument Panel Domestic 9 761 Panel Domestic 9 761 1 HOSE A C Relrigerant Metal and Rubber Sections 9 225 HOSE A C Vacuum 9 Temperature 9 281 HOSE Air Distributor 9 786 O 1 HOSE Air Outlet 9 260 HOSE Windshield Delroster 9 779 HOUSING A C Relrigerent 9 195 0 RlNG A C Compressor Pressure Reliel 9 178 HOUSING Air Distributor 9 796 DIL A C Maintenance 9 282 HOUSING Cigarette Lighter 9 709 ORIFICE A C Expansion Relrigerant 9 213 HOUSING Instrument luster Warning 9 785 O RING A C Compressor Internal parts RedieI 9 172A HOUSING KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 O RING A C Compressor Internal Parts A lel 9 172 HOUSING Outside Air 9 787 0 RING A C Relrgterant 9 196 HOUSING Radio Antenna 9 647 0 RING KIT A C ompressor 9 170 HOUSING Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 0 RING Suction Throttling P 0 A 9 198 HOUSING Speedomoter to Instrument OUTLET Air Distributor 9 262 PaneI Domestic 9 761 P g t I PANEL Ai Distributor 9 262 WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORRTION CHEVROLET 14A T INDEX 9 2 D 1 I