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CHEVROLET CHASSIS GROUP 9 000 CHEVROLET CHEVROI ET I BODY I1 lOUNTING AlR CONDITIONING I INSTRUMENT CLUSTER ALPHABETICAL INDEX A CAP A C Compressor I 9 177 CAPACITOR Radio Static Suppression 9 663 CAPACITOR Rear Window Delogger 9 778 ACCIJMULATOR A C Re1rigerant 9 195 CAP Radio Antenna r 9 647 ACTUATOR A C Control Vacuum 9 260 CAP Suction Throttling lP O A 9 198 ACTUATOR Air Distributor 9 786 CASE A C Evaporator 9 211 ACTUATOR Plenum Air 9 789 CASE Instrument Cluster 9 743 ADAPTER Air Distributor r 9 262 CLAMP A C Evaperator Expansion Valve 9 214 ADAPTER Air Distributor 9 786 CLAMP A C Evapcrator 9 211 ADAPTER Radio Antenna 9 647 CLAMP A C Rotrigerant 9 196 ANTENNA Radio With Motor 9 645 CLAMP A C Vacuum Temperatura 9 281 ANTENNA Radio Antenna 9 847 CLAMP Air Distributor 9 786 ARM Air Distributor 9 786 CLAMP Outside Air 9 787 ARMATURE KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 CLAMP Valve In Receiver 9 199 CLIP A C Compressor 9 242 CLIP Air Distributor 9 262 CLIP Air Distributor 9 786 B CLIP Air Outlet 9 264 T CLIP Instrument Cluster 9 744 CLIP KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 1 BAFFLE Suction Throttling P O A 9 198 CLIP Outside Air 9 787 y BALL A C Compressor Internal Par s lAxial 9 172 CLIP Radio Mounting L 9 667 BEARING A C Compressor Pulley 9 181 CLIP Speedometer to Instrument BEARING A C Compressor Internal Panel Domestlc 9 761 Par1s AxiaI 9 172 CLOCK Clock 9 772 BEARING A C Compressor Internal CLUSTER Instrument Panel Gage 9 735 parts RadieIl 9 172A CLUTCH DRIVE A C Compressor Clutch BEZEL Instrument Cluster 9 743 Actueting 9 188 BEZEL Radio Antenna 9 647 COIL A C Compressor Clutch Actuating 9 185 BOLT A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 COIL Radio Antenna 9 647 BOLT Radio e 9 650 COMPRESSOR A C Compressor 9 170 BOLT Radio Mounting 9 867 CONOENSER A C Condenser 9 190 BOLT Radio Static Suppression 9 663 CONNECTOR A C Vacuum 6 Temperature 9 281 BRACE A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CONNECTOR Cigarette Lighter 9 709 BRACKET A C Compressor Mounting L 9 171 CONNECTOR Clock 9 772 BRACKET A C Compressor 9 242 CONTROL A C Electric Control 9 275 BRACKET A C Condenser 9 190 CONTROL Heater It A C Control 9 273 BRACKET A C Ralrigorant 9 196 CORE A C Compressor 9 177 BRACKET Air Distributor 9 788 CORE A C Evaporator 9 210 BRACKET Instrument Cluster 9 744 CORE Suction Throttling P O A 9 198 BRACKET KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 COUPLING Tachometer 9 750 BRACKET Outside Air 9 787 COVER A C Compressor Internal Partsl Axial 9 172 BRACKET Plenum Air 9 789 COVER A C Evaporator 9 211 BRACKET Radio Antenna 9 647 i COVER Air Distributor 9 262 BRACKET Radio Mounting J 9 667 COVER Radio Static Suppression 9 663 BRACKET Radio Static Suppression 9 668 CUSHION Body to Frame Bolt 9 023 BRACKET Speedometerto Instrument CUSHION KIT Body to Frame 8oIt 9 013 Pane Domestic 9 61 CYLINDER A C Compressor 9 170 BRACKET Tachometer 9 750 CYLINDER W SHAFT A C Compressor 9 170 BUSHING A C Compressor Internal Farta AxiaI 9 172 BUSHING A C Condenser 9 190 BUSHING Speedometer to Instrument D Panel DomestIc 9 761 OEFLECTOR Air Distributor 9 262 DEFLECTOR Air Outlet 9 264 C DESICCANT A C Retrigerant 9 195 DESICCANT KIT A C Relrigerant 1 9 195 DOOR Plenum Air 9 789 CABLE KIT Tachometer 9 750 DUCT Air Distributor 9 262 CABLE Outside Air 9 787 DUCT Air Distributor 9 786 CABLE Radlo Antenna 9 647 DUCT Rear Window Delogger 9 778 CABLE Tachometer 9 750 DUCT Windshield Defroster 9 779 WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS cORPORATION CHEVHOLET 19A g A INDEX D I O