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<- Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983
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I I IA r I Zw H I I Q wl I Ii I I I I I I it 9 l I 9 2 I T T ii I i II I I I II t VXIII ui i nd 3 q b ll II T T J TL I l f A C I QQ T Iii I t I I t U 9 Iv q I IP Ul b LT HU I I ry T T I 4 p r 1I 42 I I I K L I I i I T R 4 u I I I Tl I I T CORVETTE ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SUFFIX CZIART Cont T 9 I W I T I at 7 A T T I968 T L T I T I 427 8 CYLINDER I I 4 I I Tvnc T Tvne I Dasuiptian Desiiaunicn D scripri n I Designation T I High Periormance I IL Special High Pavlgrrnance Tri Carb IR I High Performance and Tn Carb IM Heavy Duty I IT I I I High Pertnrvnance Tri Cam and 3 Sneet1 Special High Performance Tru Carbr T Automatic Trans T IO and Aluminum HcadsI IU A TI 3S eed Automatic Trans 4t I i ID I 1 T 1969 I j 350 8 cYLI NDER A U I i eign Perlarrnance Q HW r iamiai Trans l iw I X T High Pert rmancr G A C HX 3S eed Automatic Trans T H 4Dd HZ T L T I I I 427 8 CYLINDER T T I I I High Pariormance 3S e d Tri Carb Suecial High Periurmance I Aut matic Trans T H 400 LL Heavy Duty Clutch T I LT lj HighTPerI rrnance T LM Aluminum Heads Heavy Duty Clutch l U I T I TriCarb High Periorrnance 3S eed I Heavy Duty 3 Snead Automatic P I IAur matiq Trans T H 100 LN Trans T H 400 LV I U Heavy Duty LO Aluminum Heads 3 Suced Automatic It I Aluminum I leads I LP Trar1 TH dO T T T l LW I I I T Tri Carb High Perinrrnanca LO Tri Carb Special I Iigh Performance I T Y T T Tri Carb S ecial High Performance l LR 3 ueed Automatic Trans T H 400 LX J I I I T T1970 T I P T 350 8 CYLINDER TI I I I L i I Manual Trans CTL High Performance Transistonlgmtion C A C CTD h 3 eed Automatic T H 400 CTM T Special High Fzarfnrrnancu CTR T 4 High Performance T CTN IS ecial High Fericrmance Transistor Ignition CTU T I I I High Performance C A C CTO Special High Performance Transistor lgniti n I I T High Per1 rmance Tr nsismr Ignition CTP 4Speed I CTV I I I I I I T T I I 454 8 CYLINDER I I I T I lighTFerIv m nce BBL 350eed T I T ABBL Heavy Duty 3 Speed Automatic r I Automatic T H 4D0 T CGW T H 400 CZN T T I High Pariormance 4 BBL L CZU High Feriormancix 4 BBL Transistor T A I I 4 8BL Heavy Duty T CZL Ingiticn CRI I J I T I I I I l T I T s I I Z Q WAFIEHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPCRATlON CHEvROLET I4A I L I REV 12 83 I 13 I I T I II A 14 T T I I I I L I