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<- Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983
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CORVETTE BASIC ENGINE DATA POWER TEAMS Cont V15 7965 Ccmu Gran Engins Ruin Bun Struk I LP Carhurunr Trnnrminiuu 327 B cyl 327 3 1 4 250 210 4 B rreI ZLSPD 4 SPD PG 4400 RPM 4400 RPM 327 8 cyl 327 3 1 4 300 Largn 4 Barrel 3 SP ASFD PG 5000 RPM 327 8 cyl 327 3 1 4 350 Lnrge Barr I ZISFD 4 SPD 5800 RPM IHyd Lihursl 327 8 cyl 327 11 0 3 1 4 IIG5 Largu 4 B rr l 3 SPD 4 SPD Much Lihcrsl 327 B cyl 327 11 0 3 1 4 375 F I 3 SPD ASPD Mach Lilmrsl 396 8 cyl 396 11 0 I 1 3 32 3 45 G4 425 4 Barrel 6400 RPM I 1965 327 B cyl 327 3 I 4 300 Large 4 Barr I 3 SPD 4 PD PG 5000 RPM 327 8 cyl 327 3 II4 350 Lnrga 4 Bnrral ZISPD 4 5PD 5800 RPM Hyd Lilmsl I 427 B cyl 427 4 1 4 3 49 S4 390 Lnrgc 4 Bcrml I 5400 RPM Hyd Lilian 427 E cyl 427 4 1 4 3 49 E4 425 F I 4 SPD I I 6400 RPM Much LIl nrsI 1967 Turbu Fira 327 3 1 4 300 4 Hurr 3 SPD 4 SPD PG 327 8 cyl 5000 RPM Turb Fire 327 4 3 1I4 350 4 Bnrrnl 3 SPD 1 SFD 327 8 cyl 5800 RPM Tunb J 427 4 1 4 3 49 G4 4 Bnrr I 3 FD 4 5PD TH 427 8 cyl Tubm Jul 427 4 1 4 3 49 G4 4 B rr l 3 SPD 4 SFD PG 427 8 cyl y Tur Jux 427 4 1 4 349 64 45PD PG 427 8 cyl Turb Jcl 427 4 1 4 149164 3 2 Bnrwl 5P 427 8 cyl Much Llftnrsl WAHEHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DlVl l0N OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET lOA REV 12 83 27 A 2 8