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<- Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983
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CORVETTE BASIC ENGINE DATA 84 POWER TEAMS Cont Vu I 1962 I Cu ln Camp Gran Nu Enginc Displ Ruin B r Suck I LP I I P Cnhurntur Trnmmixslun C rver1e 8 cyl 327 10 5 4 3 1I4 250 1 210 4 Barrel 3 ur 4 S cd PG 4400 RPM 4400 RPM I C rvetta B cyl 327 10 5 4 3 1I4 300 Large 4 Berrel 3 ur 4 Spced PG I 5000 RPM C rvcue B cyl 327 11 25 4 3 1 4 340 Large 4 Barr I 3 nr 4 Speed 6000 nvm C rveue B cyl 327 11 25 4 3 1 4 360 1 Fucl Iniectncn 3 or 4 Sp ed 5000 RPM I 1963 327 5 cyl 327 10 5 4 3 1 4 250 210 4 B rrel 3 SPD 45FD PG 5000 RPM 4400 RPM 327 8 cyl 327 10 5 4 3 1 4 300 Large 4 Barrel ZSPD 4 SPD PG 500 RPM 327 8 cyl 327 11 25 4 3 1 4 340 Large 4 Barrel 3 SPD 4 SPD l 5000 RPM 327 B cyl 327 11 25 4 3 1 4 1 360 Fuel Injucrion 3 SPD 4 SPD 6000 RPM 1964 327 B cyl 327 10 5 4 3 1 4 250 210 4 Bnrrr 3 SPD 4 SPD PG I 4400 RPM 4400 RPM 327 B cyl 327 10 5 4 3 1 4 300 Large 4 Barrel 3 SPD 4 5PD PG 5000 RPM 327 B cyl 327 11 25 4 3 1 4 355 l Large 4 Barrel 3 5PD 4 SPD 4000 RPM I 327 8 cyl 327 11 25 4 3 1 4 375 F I 3 SPD 4 SPD 44 4800 RPM WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERALIMOTORS CORPORATION CHEVFIOLET 14A zu REV 12 83 A 27