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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |
W r w Fig 15 Cleaning Puncture with Cleaning Needle been removed Leave the needle in the puncture to prevent escape of air 5 Prepare the plug for insertion into nozzle of the plug insertion tool by pulling white stem of plug in metal tube until the head of the plug is seated tightly against the end of the tube fig 16 Cut off protruding end of plug stem 6 Prepare the plug insertion tool for insertion of plug a Insert cartridge of Belf vulcanizing rubber cement into open tool b Fit plunger into recessed cartridge base c Remove cleaning needle from the puncture and pierce cartridge with point of needle inserted through the nozzle of the tool Enlarge the opening by twisting fig 17 7 Press the nozzle of the plug insertion tool firmly over the puncture hole and squeeze cement from cartridge until red spring on the tool stops the action fig 18 This deposits part of the cement For repairs of punctures between narrow tread grooves attach short extension tube 8 Insert the metal tube with plug into nozzle of the plug insertion tool turning to the right until it is looked by the pin inside the nozzle Lubricate head of plug with rubber cement Place plug head over puncture hole holding lower end of metal tube to guide it and Xf 1 i a nT Fig 16 Preparing Plug for Use i v v us v