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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

1965 CHEVROLET CORVAIR CHASSIS SHOP MANUAI FOREWORD This manual is designed to provide complete inJ on the maintenance and repair of various units e Body of the 1965 Chevrolet Corvair Passenger Service information for 1965 body items for these is contained in the 1965 Body Service Manual Foi information on the 1965 Corvair Greenbrier reh 1961 Corvair Shop Manual and the 1964 Corvair Sl ual Supplement An effort has been made to produce a manual serve as a ready reference book for the experienc ice man and also cover step by step procedur guidance of the less experienced man The Section Index on this page enables the user ly locate any desired section At the beginninE section a Table of Contents gives the page rn which major subjects begin An index is placed a ginning of each major subject within the section Summaries of Special Tools when required a at the end of major sections while Specifications vehicle components are presented at the rea manual This manual should be kept in a handy place i reference If properly used it will enable the te to better serve the owners of Chevrolet Corvair All information illustrations and specificatic tained in this literature are based on the Iatesi information available at the time of publication E The right is reserved to make changes at any ti out notice CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION General Motors Corporation DETROIT MICHIGAN 1964 General motors Corporation SECTION INDEX SECTION NAME O GENERAL INFORMATION AND LUBRICATION FRONT SUSPENSION REAR AXLE AND REAR SUSPENSION L BRAKES ENGINE ormation xcept the 6M ENGINE FUEL Vehicles vehicles service Y r to the VL ENGINE ELECTRICAL iop Man that will TRANSMISSION CLUTCH ea serv AND CONTROLS e for the quick 8 FUEL TANK AND o of each EXHAUST SYSTEM imber on t the be 9 STEERING re found covering r of the 0 WHEELS AND TIRES Dr ready ichnician SHEET METAL Pehicles ins con product ipproval 2 CHASSIS ELECTRICAL ne with 14 BUMPERS S HEATER AND ACCESSORIES SPECIFICATIONS Printed in U S A