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If Noun Name Is Known Refer to Alphabetical Index in back of book This index lists all parts in alphabetical sequence by the noun name followed by location or application description After the correct noun name is located turn to the group For example Shaft rear axle group 2 0170 With model and identification information select the part number required If the subgroup is known it is not necessary to refer to the Alphabetical Index it is merely a matter of finding the part alphabetically in the subgroup If Noun Name Is Not Known a Refer to Major Group Index on the first page of book keeping in mind the assembly for which the part is required and determine the major group number For example if an Axle Shaft is required the major group number is 2 covering Rear Ax1e if a Main Drive Gear is required the major group is 17 covering Transmission b Refer to illustration of the assembly for your particular model Locate the group in illustration for part required c Turn to the group indicated and locate the part required It Part Number Is Known Refer to numerical index which indicates the group in which part appears Instructions tor Ordering Parts 1 Always show correct part number and name of part 2 Always show street address and full instructions for shipment 3 Do not designate quantity by sets State specifically how many parts are wanted 4 Specify when necessary whether parts are right or left handed painted or unpainted front or rear Left and right are determined by facing the same direction as driver Any part which is designated Front is always nearest the front of the vehicle Standard Parts All standard part numbers are listed with the exception of some bolts nuts washers and rivets Those parts not listed are indicated by size in the identification column of the part they attach For example in group 1 0090 the bolt size M 28 x pan hd can be converted to part 191879 by referring to the standard parts section group 20 0080