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<- Coolant - Grille - Oil Systems Parts Catalogue No. 616-1 December 1960 Electrical System ->
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t o2o l o o N sC w s 9oo l o a l ozo SHROUb ASSY COVER HEX SERR MACH BOtT SHROUO A55Y 6AFFtP h 20 x Ys 10 24 x hJ g q00 N L SCREW 8 8A5 l OdO 1 025 gOiT HE SERR MACH CdV1 R RACKET A55Y PRING 1e 16x 1 i r e ibx 1 035 THERMOSTAT N l BOLT ASSY HEX SfRR MACH 8 400 8 q00 N 5 5 SEAl BOL7 FART Of 120 1fJ 24 x SHIELD AS5Y i SHIEID AS5Y 1 430 1 025 v RETAINER 1 020 a N l N t SHIEtD A55Y a N i EOLT 20 x h HEX SERR MACH a 1 540 4 111 COOLER UNI 1 1 020 1 02Q SHROUD ASSY SHROUD A55Y 1 025 6 845 SPRING COVER 1 020 BAffLE 8 41 S NUT e ie 18 i R 1 gRACKET ASSY l oas THERMOSTAT ASSY 3 602 3HIEtD N l gOtT N S S PART N t BOLT N t SOl1 1 035 HEX SERR MACt4 OF 1 020 1 020 HEx SERR MACH HEX SERR MACH ROD 24 x z DUCT A55Y DUCT ASSY 1024 x 1 20 i z 60 POW 1961 ENGINE SHIELD AND SHROUD