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Cadillac Parts and Accessories Catalog June 1991
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1 9 j J1 1 1 1 1 2 BIG 4 TRIM USAGE 11 1x F Q3 lube following is a llst cf Optlcns Blg 4 Trim Usage The Big 4 consists of mumsur 1 NEL SHROUD SIDE CARPET Ann asm ssa r BACK w upow 1 x11s1 These y uld he used on styles with already exlstlng seats doc rs and hsedllning except 1i r accent Big4 colors V nets 11111211 WHITE san rs ussn wurra CARPET WILL aa usan on THE ro ann cr THE sam BACK or aacms 11 BIG 4 OPTION CODES r f IcIi41 19X 42X 5OX 69X BZX 99X 115 Dr Opt to remain whlts 1 11 1 1141 se mx 4zx sux ssx azx sax 114 nr cpr ta 1 11a111 Vlhits M9 19X 42X SOX 69X 62X 99X 116 Dr Opt tc remaln white I L51 19X 42X SOX SOX 67X 1154113 Dr Opt to remain 1 1 Q1 1 e 1 Jv 1 as wx 42X s x 11 x 67X 112 01 Gp 11 rama 11 11 ji WERE 0 0 1 1 1111 11 D41 22X 74X 77X 115 Dr Opt to Match Flr Opt 1 no zzx 14x 77X 114 01 npr tc man Flr Opt Ig I so zzx 14x 77X no 01 cpt 111 umn Flr cpt me 1 51 zzx sex 14x 11x 11Z 1 3 111 cpezc uazcnrr 669 zzx 74X 11x 112 Dr Opt to Match Flr Opt 1 f i 1 1g u1a 4 OPTION cons Lacsuu 1 Black 6 IX Dk Briar Brown Dk Royal Blue 69X Med Beige qa Med Brayfsrn 74X nk carm na 1 1 1111 Yellow D E K Z 77X Dk 11aE1 g 1 1 nm naxuerry 1c J1 uzx 1 msu 11 c1 ay 1 Med Beech 99X Black Onsrry Med Sand Gray Ok Charcoal 3 seat nk use Dk Med sca 3 Option Trim Level Royal Gray Med Brlar Med Dk Dk Black Materials Z1es Owe Seats Door Blue Fern Beech Brown Beige Maple Bray Oherry Texture 1 ICD I 59 acs me s1 xc zzp 42D 1 sap 77D szn can Pnrnmucusrx CL 1 1 ss Ass Aus smv 224 4z4 694 774 824 sa4 srznnx Lumen 1 1 me 112 1c 2211 4211 san 1111 az11 can 1 111w1x1111zx1u 1 r no ms 112 xv zzs 425 ssa 775 azs css SIERRA LEATHER 3 RES 2 S ii 33 3 333 1 t1 1111 41111 sz 2c zza 4211 ssa 11s 0211 ssa 1 1111u1xw11mo11 rg n Aus sz zc zzz 42z sez 11z azz cuz szznnx LEATHER 11 Yyxr 1 t 1 1 mf 1 WZ Q 1 11 1 1 S11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 zjiig env 1 2 M i N1 1 J 1 Q 12 12 1 11 Q 1 55 21 1 1 Z Z 1 1 1