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Parts and Illustration Catalog 32W June 1991
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j1l nin O LDS NI O B4 I LE CH ASSIS C l i l llJP 8 000 Oldsmobile I I I Oldsmobile 1I IIHIIIZ ALPHABE TIlCA II INDEX El F BACKPLATE Heater Control 8 852 FAN Healer And Defroster 8 857 BAFFLE Heater Core 4 lr 8 854 FENDER Front Fender 8 130 BASE Auto Jack 8 82 0 FITTING Heater Motor Cool 8 859 BOILT Auto Jack 8 8220 BOILT Front Fender Panel 8 131 BOLT Front Fender Inner Wheel House 8 153 BOLT Heater 8 845 G BOLT Heater and Defroster Motor 8 856 BOLT Hood Hinge 8 016 BOLT Hood Latch ueater BOLT Hood Panel r 1 A eater ore t BOL l3 Hood Panel Closing neatjeifore BRA E Front Fender I I oo Inge BRACKET Fender Wheelhouse 8 155 CIRGMIVIIET Hood Latch 8 075 BRACKET Heater 8 845 GUIDE Rear Wheel Opening Cover Panel 8 179 BRACKET Hood Panel 8 015 BRACKET Hood Latch 8 080 BRACKET Rear Wheel Opening Cover Panel 8 17 9 BUIMPER Hood Panel Closing 8 0214 H HAF NESS Heater Control 8 852 HINGE Hood Panel 8 015 HOOD Panel HOSE Heater 4 CAIP Front Fender Inner Wheel House 8 153 HIOLISING Temperature Control 8 858 CAIP Rear Wheel Opening Cover Panel 8 17 9 CASE Heater Core 8 854 CASE Heater And Defroster 8 857 CATCH Hood Latch 8 083 I CLAMP Heater Core 8 854 CLIP Front Fender Molding 8 183 CLIP Heater Core 8 854 IIVIPEELLIER Heater And Defroster CLIP Hood Latch Release Cable 8 07 7 INEIILATOR Front Fender CLIP Hood Panel Ornamentation 8 055 llNSl ILA TOR Hood Panel 8 021 CLIP WheeI Jack And Miscellaneous Wrench 8 821 II lES ILATOR Hood Panel Ornamentation 8 056 COINNECTOFI Heater Control 8 852 COINTAINER Litter Container 8 891 COINTROL Heater 8 849 COINTROL Heater Coolant Flow 8 856 J CONTROL Hood Latch 8 075 CORE Heater Core 8 854 COVER Heater Core 8 854 JACK Auto Jack 8 820 COVER Healer And Defroster 8 857 COVER Rear Wheel Opening 8 17 5 K D l lNClB Heater Control 8 852 DECAL Hood Panel Ornamentation 8 055 DIAL KIT Heater Control 8 852 L l AI3lEL Emission Cautionary Informative 8 808 L A IP l Inderhood L ATIZH Hood Latch EMIBLEM Front Fender Name 8 147 LATCH Hood Latch 8 083 EXTENSION Front Fender Inner Wheel I louse 8 153 l EZ IER Heater 8 845 T 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARITS lZ PIEIRATlONS 0LDSMOB LE 32W4 8 lA INDEX