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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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NOTE To insure receipt of pr per material kindly submit sample and indicate model description and trim combination number See Yardage Code pages 18333 1834 GO BISCAYNE BROOK VOC 1 BEL AIR exc 4 DR SDL bottom ot Iront seat Iziack comb 833 834 60 61 IMPALA 2 DR D 838 841 842 med blue 4299840 A R 2 65 yd 60 61 BEL AIR IMPALA exc 4 DR D bottom of ltr seat I ick comb 850 849 852 85 3 med iizrrquoise 4299842 A R 2 65 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS B light and dark gray pattern rr cushions and baclcs poirliat comb 806 67 wide 4298880 A R 20 95 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS B light and nxed yellow green pattern rr cushioms and l icl s purtiai comb 822 67 wide 4298881 A R 20 95 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS B light and med blue pattern rr cushions and ba I s p rti z 1I comb 838 67 2 wide 4298882 A R 20 95 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS B light and med turqu o ise pattern rr cush ions cind bacl s partial comb 849 67 j wide 4298884 A R 20 95yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS B light and med copper pattern rr cushions and ba I s pa r li 1 1I comb 862 67 g wide 4298883 A R 20 95 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS light and dark gray pattern trt cushions and b lC1 lS D l tZ l l 60 BEL AIR SPT MDLS Irt and l c1cI cushioris and bacl s partial comb 806 60 wide 4224158 A R 20 95yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS light and med 5z elIo v green pattern rt cushions and bcuzzlixsvpartial 60 BEL AIR SPT MDLS irt and rr cushionxzi and backsepartial comb 822 60 l wide 4224159 A R 20 95 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS 4 light and med blue pattern trt cushions and b I1C1 l 3 11 tZ Z1 1 60 BEL AIR SPT MDLS trt and rir cusahiozuzzs and bac1 s partial comb 838 60 3 wide 4224160 A R 20 95 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS light and med copper pattern tront cush ions and l G Cl 5 A partial 60 BEL AIR SPT MDLS rt and rir cushionsaa and b icI s partial comb 862 60 2 wide 4224161 A R 20 95 yd 60 BEL AIR exc SPT MDLS light and ined tuiq noise pattern trt cush ions and I acIcsr vpartiaI 60 BEL AIR SPT MDLS trt and rir cushioixis and b icl s partial comb 849 60 Q wide 4224162 A R 20 95 yd 60 IMPALA 4 DR white and b oclr pcnttern ztrt and rr cush ions ancl l acks pcirtial 60 IMPALA SPT CPE NOMADH B rt and rr cusliions pa rtiaI comb 809 811 55 wide 4299846 A R 24 25 yd 60 IMPALA 4 DHL light and med yelixtwv green pattern tirt and rr cnsliions and bocl s partic1l 60 IMPALA SPT CPE NOMAZD B rt and rr cusI1io n partiaI comb 825 827 55 wide 4298891 A R 24 25 yd 60 IMPALA 4 DRI light and med blue pattern irt and rr cushions and bcuzelrzs partial 60 IMPALA SPT CPE NOMAD B rt and rr usl1ic n y partial comb 841 843 55 wide 4298892 A R 24 25 yd 60 IMPALA 4 DR iight and med CZ l E T pattern trt and rr cushions and b i eI1 s partial 60 IMPALA SPT CPE NOMAD B trt and rr cushi r s partial comb 865 867 55 wide 4298893 A R 24 25 yd 60 IMPALA 4 DR light and med turquoise pattern trt and rr cushions and i acI s partfLa1 60 IMPALA SPT CPE NOMAID B irt and rr ezushionsserpartial comb 852 854 55 wide 4298894 A R 24 25 yd GO IMPALA SPT CPE NOMAI0 white and loiaclizz pattern irt and rr backs partiaI comb 809 811 49 g wide 4224163 A R 24 25 yd 8 ZLEZ t Mm Division IS si 15 500 General Motors Corporation